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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. I would, yes. Then again, I also subscribed to a handful of Only Fans guys whose content seemed interesting. I'm remaining a subscriber to one guy, not so much with others. We can pay $24 to a site like Sean Cody and see updated content every few days. Some Only Fans guys charge less than $10, while many are in the $15 - $20 range. Some of the guys in the $15 - $20 range post once or twice a week but only post teasers to draw customers to their longer videos they sell directly. I agree this is not an Only Fans issue - it is the guy who is advertising. Regarding the assertion that Only Fans is not paying its guys, I asked a guy to whom I subscribe whether he gets paid timely and he said that he does. That's not to say some guys might have an issue with their account. Some guys will post descriptions of their content underneath the content itself so a non-subscriber can see a description of what they would get if they were to subscribe. Many guys don't do that. Unless I know of the guy's work through other means, I won't subscribe if he does not describe the contents. Only Fans is a venue for guys to post their vids and charge others to see them. Like any marketplace, there are good and bad sellers. It is difficult to sort them out, but with a little bit of reasoning once can attempt to do so.
  2. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Man, oh, man I miss The Bagel. Used to stop at the one in Skokie when I worked near O'Hare and lived in Evanston.
  3. Certainly, hand washing with hot/warm water is the best way to get your hands clean. However, alcohol-based hand sanitizer (unlike anti-bacterial soaps containing triclosan) will not cause antibiotic resistance and/or superbugs because it does not contain antibiotics. Here are two articles on the topic: Mother Jones Business Insider
  4. The last few times I ordered "English" poppers (i.e. supposedly the "real" poppers) they ended up being isopropyl nitrite and had no effect but to give me a headache. Before that, they were made of isobutyl nitrite, which were better, but not the same as what you could find in the 1990's.
  5. I had a stomach virus right after the holidays. No symptoms other than the stomach, so my guess is it was not the flu. I also had a flu shot, which is recommended for asthmatics like me. I've noticed that I don't get as sick as I did prior to getting flu shots. Regarding a refusal to deep-kiss, I don't kiss my colleagues at work, deep or otherwise, yet I still picked up the stomach virus that was going around the office. I postponed on one escort and declined to hire one who contacted me because I was sick and did not want to get THEM sick. Three weeks of non-stop bathroom runs is NOT fun and I don't want to be responsible for getting someone sick.
  6. Even if you don't live "in the middle of nowhere" decent poppers can be hard to come by. In some areas, like San Diego, they are almost impossible to find. I've had good luck buying from a site called Buy from Ben.
  7. Are you suggesting [uSER=17596]@SimonL[/uSER], married (presumably to a woman) for 30 years with a family should tell his wife? Or were you speaking about @KyleS, to whom I stated: Based on the context of the second part of your post (quoted directly above) I'm guessing you thought I was speaking to @KyleS when I said it is best to remain silent. I was speaking to [uSER=17596]@SimonL[/uSER] who, based on being married for 30 years, fits in the category of older guys who married young.
  8. I downloaded the extension for Chrome and it works!! THANK YOU!!!!!
  9. OK, got it! Sorry - was being very slow this AM. It is possible (and likely) that the people who posted them to the torrent site did as I do and recorded from the screen.
  10. There's nothing wrong with being selfish from time to time. In terms of being "dishonest," I'd say your were not being completely open and, at this point, I think you should remain being less than completely open for everyone's benefit. One of the things we tell guys in our coming out group is that the only person to whom you need to come out is you. Everyone else is optional. It is easy for others to label you as being "dishonest." I'll use the same label with them, as they do not acknowledge the consequences of being "honest."
  11. I'm not following. Are you saying that you can see the videos the poster posts to OnlyFans in a torrent and not in OnlyFans?
  12. Welcome, @KyleS. I whole-heartedly endorse and echo what others have said in regards to labels. You are YOU. There is no need to affix a label like "gay" or "straight" or "bi" or "queer" to yourself. People like to put things in boxes and they want to do the same with other people. You do not have to buy into that. In fact, I'll go one step further and say you shouldn't. It is impressive to see that you have taken a thorough, analytical approach to understanding what turns you on sexually. Hold onto it and re-visit it on a regular basis, as your desires might very well change over time. You should also take that same thorough, analytical approach to understanding whether marrying a woman and having children is right for you. The following line is what drives me to say that: The question on my mind is the notion that it is "natural" to get married and have kids. You should explore that one a bit more and understand where that comes from. Not to be too nit-picky (well, OK, I'm being nit-picky - it is who I am) but who says it is natural and is that to say not getting married and having kids is unnatural? (Not trying to put you on the defensive - just something for you to explore.) You might also want to explore whether you actually like being around children and will like being a father. True story - my sister-in-law likes kids but does not like being a mom. She pretty much sucks at it. My brother likes kids, likes and loves his kids, and is really "into" being a dad (and a mom, too, sometimes). If he could be a professional father he and a bunch of kids would be better off for it. I, on the other hand, recognize the value of children in preserving the human species but honestly don't like being around most of them. My niece and nephew and wonderful kids (and I mean that - my brother and sister-in-law raised them well) and I like spending time with them, but thank God I can go to my home and they stay in their home. If you have kids you, unlike me, will NOT be able to leave them in their home unless you fathered kids with a woman and do not live with them. Which, of course, is an alternative to being in a male/female marriage where you, your spouse, and the kids all live together. When it comes to dating, I feel that being honest relatively early is the best option. No, I don't think discussing your desire to be with bodybuilders is a first-date topic, but when things look like they are moving into "dating" territory that conversation should be had. You might want to seek out dating venues for people who identify as bisexual, so as to find someone who will be more understanding of your wants and needs because they might have complimentary wants and needs. Oh no, this is NOT a solution. It is a recipe for disaster. Don't even entertain the idea. You are signing yourself up for a lifetime of guilt and the feeling that you are sneaking around. You also set yourself up for being found out and having to engage in a very difficult conversation that will NOT be fun. If you think having a conversation with a potential girlfriend/wife is hard, think about how hard that conversation would be in twenty years when she is your wife and the mother of your kids. Which leads to this question: Do you date women that turn into romantic relationships or do you do date-like stuff together, fuck around, and then when one/both of you gets bored go your separate ways? The question isn't intended to be a barometer of sexual orientation, but rather of whether you really want to have a romantic relationship with a woman. I know this has given you more questions than answers, but the ore questions one asks the more answers they receive. those answers, when stitched together, can be very valuable and insightful.
  13. While I do not agree with the Archdiocese's stance, I also think the couple were fairly naive or were asking for a fight when they expected a Catholic cemetery to go along with their tombstone design.
  14. If you have a Mac, you have QuickTime. It is the built-in video player. "Screen record" is a function where you can record a video of what you see on screen. You can access the screen recording feature by opening QuickTime, selecting "File" and then selecting "New Screen Recording" from the drop-down menu. If you do not see QuickTime displayed on your computer's dock, open Finder, navigate to Applications, and you will see it. In the unlikely event you do not have it loaded on your computer, you can download it. I do not know of a way to download directly from OnlyFans or from other sites that use a media player that does not allow downloads.
  15. Seacrching Rentmen revealed an ad for CarlPornStar, who lists his age at 68. There is a handful of escorts on RM who are in the 57-59 age group.
  16. There are plenty of escorts over 40. Dane Scott, Rod Hagen, Jon Ramsey, and Luke Kent are four that come to mind
  17. If you use a Mac, you can screen record using Quicktime.
  18. A gentleman always allows the ladies to go first.
  19. Roy is obviously gay. Silo, on the other hand, might be bi. He might also have been questioning and found his answer. Also, Scrappy could be a lesbian who paid Silo to father her child. You just never know.
  20. Oh, no - they think you are stupid. (I asked) The community refers to it as what I said.
  21. My 80-something year old father called me and said "all my money is gone." He also called my brother. My brother was ready to launch a criminal investigation against - well, not sure who. I calmly asked if either of them called his bank to inquire about his CDs, savings accounts, and investments. Once cooler heads prevailed, they called. We learned that what he meant to say was "my checking account balance is near zero and I unintentionally renewed a CD instead of transferring some of the money to my checking account." The bank was happy to waive the early withdrawal penalty on the CD he renewed WITH MY BROTHER'S HELP THE PREVIOUS WEEK !!! A couple of days later, he called me again with a similar claim. He also called my brother. This time, my brother called me. Turned out he didn't transfer any money to his checking account at another bank, from which my mother retired and for which I worked for ten years. During my tenure, I trained the manager at his branch. I called her to ensure no checks would bounce and my brother took him to withdraw money from Bank "A" and deposit to Bank "B." Dad had an excuse - he was 80-something and suffering from dementia. My 41-year old brother on the other hand...
  22. You aren't stupid, you are a member of the "GWDI" community, which stands for Gifted With Different Intelligence.
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