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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. So sad. I’m sorry.


    I have a friend who is not a cat person but his partner had two. One of the cat I think never warmed up to my friend. One night he told his partner, jokingly, that he didn’t mind him taking the cat to the shelter. Well, the following morning his partner just did that. My friend woke up to feed his dog and the two cats and noticed that the other cat was gone. He asked his partner who told him what happened. My friend admitted that he was just kidding. They went back to the shelter to get the cat back only to ffind out that they had the cat already put down. I guess because of the cat’s age there’s no likelihood of him getting adopted again. I can’t even imagine how I’d react. So heartbreaking.

    OMG! How awful. I'm more than a little surprised that the boyfriend took his cat to the shelter. Makes me wonder if he would feel that your friend is equally disposable.

  2. I tend to use a mix of my own experience, recommendations from friends and relatives, Consumer Reports, cnet, Car and Driver, and online reviews. CR tends to favor some brands over others and often tests models that are no longer available. That really isn't helpful when they give great ratings to a couple of models from a particular brand but low ratings to others from the same brand.

  3. ...When I left home I left my dog behind. After my mother died my father remarried. So I go out to visit one day and my step-mother had both my mother's dog and mine put down. They were both healthy. She just didn't want them around and my father didn't stand up to her. No one had called me to tell me beforehand. Ultimately I think it was also a reason for me not to visit my father.

    What was the reason you left your dog behind when you left home?

  4. I was recently with an escort.....


    2 hours of ass licking....fingering....fucking....all good.


    2 minutes of cuddling?.....”I’m not comfortable with this”.


    True story. So you never know. If it’s important to you....ask up front!


    I "liked" this post not because I'm glad the guy didn't want to cuddle, but because I agree with the line I boldfaced.







  5. I hired him last weekend and it was an amazing experience. For me he was very interactive and a great guy. The few limits he had did not detracted from the session at all. I will hire him again. He actually had accidentally double booked our time and asked if we could change it. Unfortunately I could not be very flexible and he was able to reschedule his other appointment to keep our original time. He did this without any rudeness on his part and was apologetic that he had made the mistake.

    Aside from the double-booking, my experience was the same as yours.

  6. Thanks. You think you’re doing them a favor but it’s still hard. We were hoping he’d pass on his own but he didn’t. Of all of them this one, he was named Snow for his white fur, was the most gentle of them all. I’d come over to my sister and he’d follow me and wait until I sat down. As soon as did he’d jump on my lap to be petted. He’s not people shy. He’ll jump on anyone’s lap regardless whether it’s someone he knew or a total stranger.

    My beloved Willy was 21 years old when I had to put him to sleep back in 2013. About a year before his demise a sore appeared on his nose. It was neither a fungal nor bacterial skin infection, so the veterinarian concluded it was most likely cancer. He lived another year plus. It killed me to put him down, as he was the cutest, sweetest, gentlest cat. Up until his final weekend he was active and seemingly happy. One day, he peed on himself, had trouble standing, and stopped eating. It was time.

  7. What strikes me about this entire thread - is the wide range of responses.


    Seems like some of us handle and interpret communications with an escort so differently. Is it experience? Communication skills...


    I think it is more about communication skills and one's approach to life in general than experience hiring escorts. From the first time I hired more than twenty years ago I was clear on the first communication what I was looking for and always asked the escort for his thoughts on what I described. That's how I approach work situations and life in general. Not coincidentally, the drama often described by potential clients rarely occurs in my interactions with escorts.

  8. My partner and I just put our oldest cat down because he had cancer. It was very sad. Same story - he wasn't eating, wasn't sleeping, was obviously miserable, his coat was all matted, he could hardly walk. We put him down day before yesterday, put him in the ground today and then had a good cry.

    Awww, I am so sorry for your loss.


    How old was he?

  9. "Stacy's" ad has the area code 201 phone number in the body of the ad, but one of the pics has a 512 area code on it. Googling it displays listing for a TS escort's ad.


    I'm torn on this one. You could ask him how long he has been doing massage, when he was trained, etc. I'm thinking along the same lines as @sniper. He is from NH and has a NJ area code. Google Voice does not have numbers in every area code, so area code 201 might have been the closest area code and he lucked out on "Stacy's" old number. Or something is fishy!

  10. Do you prefer having a regular guy you hire or many? I have a regular that I feel comfortable with. I have looked at Rentmen and dont see any I like better. I have in the past hired many.

    I like to have a regular or two, but I also like to hire other guys to experience new things.


    The downside of seeing a regular often over time is that familiarity can sour what was once a totally satisfying relationship. The sex can become mechanical, routine and no longer exciting. After numerous meetings, you're bound to learn much about each other's personal lives, which tends to destroy the fantasy aspect of what hiring an escort is all about.

    I also like to hire different guys to avoid this.

  11. Although not a zoologist nor a veterinarian, I have been a cat parent for over 30 years. Like humans, one or two cats in a family litter can inherit a tendency toward a disease while the others do not. Think about human families where two siblings get cancer and their sibling and parents don't.


    Regarding the parentage of the kittens, it is not only possible but probable that some or all of the kittens share a father. While possible, it is improbable that each kitten from a litter would have a different father.


    PS: Kudos to you for taking in that cat and her kittens. There is a special place in heaven for you. And I am sorry for the losses you and your sister experienced.

  12. I use a very different method than the "confirm the time/date and then figure out compatibility." On my first email, I state what I am into and availability and ask the escort what he thinks. 99% of the time the escort replies with the information I am looking for and 80% of the time the escort also mentions that he appreciates my approach. That's not to say the other 20% don't appreciate it, they just don't comment one way or another. Typically, my first communication is not by text. It is too hard to converse via text and oftentimes the text gets lost when the escort receives several inquiries within a short period of time.


    As for the 1% that I email and don't reply with the information I am looking for - we don't connect. No harm, no foul.

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