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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. First-time posters are only allowed to "bump." You have to post five times before you may "bumpty bump." Of course, I am being facetious. Welcome to the Forum.
  2. Please tell us who it is so we may crucify him. Thank you. But seriously...For me, this would not be a cause for concern. I know my own risk tolerance as well as my own methods for protecting myself and I firmly believe it is up to each and every one of us to do the same.
  3. The menu looks wonderful! Absolutely yes.
  4. rvwnsd

    Long enough?

    Yup! Their service is excellent. Additionally, they have merchant programs that help avoid problems like this one. That helps the cardholder because they never experience the problem.
  5. rvwnsd

    Long enough?

    As @Keith30309 said, the authorization is typically “replaced” with the actual charge when it is settled. However, if the authorization was for incidentals and none were purchased, there won’t be a charge to settle. In my own experience with prepaid hotel bills and those paid with points the hotel closes the folio and within a few days the charge falls off, i.e. when the zero dollar amount transaction makes its way to the card issuer. The idea of contacting the hotel requesting a temporary line increase is a good one. You might want to start with the dispute department and explain that you want either the line increase or the auth to be dropped. It sounds like this is your only card, so it wouldn’t hurt to remind them that you are a loyal cardholder who uses them as your exclusive credit provider. Then, apply for another card at a different bank. It doesn’t hurt to have a backup card. Also, it helps you gauge your bank’s service. You shouldn’t have to jump through these hoops.
  6. rvwnsd

    Long enough?

    @GregM, did they actually charge your card or did they post an authorization that has not yet fallen off? I'm asking because you can't chargeback a charge that has not posted. Based on the response from your bank, it sounds like the latter has occurred. Back in the olden days (like the mid-1990s) a merchant could contact their processor and the processor would contact the issuer to release the hold manually. It might be time to contact the DC and Illinois attorneys general and file a consumer complaint.
  7. I'd probably just tell him the key is under the mat and let himself in.
  8. Not necessarily There are people who have "walking pneumonia" and don't realize it until something (like alcohol) triggers a symptom and suddenly they realize a problem and seek medical attention. As WmClarke noted, he got pumped full of antibiotics and is now doing better.
  9. The sub-headline implies that the fight caused the hospital stay. In the article it is revealed he had pneumonia and apparently didn't know he had it.
  10. Couldn't have said it better myself. Sooner, perhaps, but not better. Thanks, @nycman
  11. Greg, my little cats would break them.
  12. rvwnsd

    I'll take a week.

    Doubtful. It probably has more to do with: his previous publicly-stated views (many of which have been published in his ads) that even the most fervent member of the alt-right would shy away from his current publicly-stated views (many of which have been published in his ads) that even the most fervent member of the far, far, far, far left would shy away from his "outing" a CFO who hired him and had to cancel - after paying his fee and setting him up in a hotel; said CFO is the brother of a former Treasury secretary (the same "outing" was published by Gawker and contributed to their demise) his claim that he is the Russian dossier author Quite frankly, dude is nuts. So, if you would like to test his business model, make up some shit that even the National Enquirer wouldn't print, charge $10,000 per hour, and let us know what happens.
  13. My first thought was exactly what @MiamiLooker said, but based on your comment I'll use a different term - sexual assault. In my opinion (and it sounds like @MiamiLooker thinks along the same lines) a person who uses their physical size to attempt unwanted sexual content with someone who is smaller than they are and is in a weakened state due to an injury has at the very least attempted to sexually assault the other party.
  14. You might want to continue reading and then snip the parts about libel and not posting reviews in the message center.
  15. Count me in the same column as @nycman and @maninsoma when it comes to providing details in the public forum. The rules are actually quite clear. The issue is that some posters choose not to follow them and/or see how far they can stretch them. There have been some who want specific examples of what they can and cannot ask in the public forum, which I equate with asking just how far above the speed limit one can drive before one will get pulled over for speeding.If you want to know or share details, take it to a "conversation" (i.e. what we call a PM.) @nycman makes an excellent point about "conversations." When someone I know asks me for details of an escort or masseur session, I am happy to provide details. When someone I don't know starts asking for details, more details, and still more details I provide general answers because I don't know their motivation for asking. When being asked about a masseur's level of interaction I am more general than when asked about an escort because I recognize that a masseur's comfort level at crossing the line between masseur and escort might depend upon chemistry.
  16. Unless, of course, you meet them in a Walmart buying toothpaste or toilet paper.
  17. I think it does. He's classifying everyone as either "beautiful" or "ugly." Seems like there is no room for "good-looking" or "pretty."
  18. That says more about him than it does about the people around him.
  19. That's right. You can tell us who he is and invite members to contact you via PM for additional details, if there are any.
  20. I'm sorry to hear about your experience. When you say "stop" that means stop. Period. I don't think you are a fool for wanting to try again. I also don't think you are a fool for not wanting to use Rent Masseur, but it seems a bit unfair to paint all of their advertisers with the same broad brush. If you found a guy on Masseurfinder but he also advertised on Rent Massuer would you decline to hire him?
  21. If you sign up for CBS's app you get a one-month free trial. After that, it is $10/month, so you could see all thirteen episodes for $20. I did that to see the Carol Burnett Show 50th Anniversary Special and intend to keep the app because they give you access to past episodes of several CBS shows in addition to live streaming the current shows.
  22. You should definitely text him every 15 minutes. Escorts love that. But seriously...I would send a text along the lines of "Hey [name of escort] it's [your name]. Are we still on for Saturday? If I don't hear back by [insert a day/time] I'll assume you can't meet." At [day/time]:01 I'd start contacting other escorts. If Escort 1 gets back to you after you have already made plans with someone else, well, he lost your business.
  23. Murphy Brown is one of my all-time favorite shows. So glad they are bringing it back.
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