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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. WHY ? She's being paid to Clean, not critique you.


    I used to hide tell-tale stuff when visitors, guests or deliverymen came over, but NO MORE.


    It's who i am, and if it helps weed out people that dont accept Me for me, then so be it ..

    Leave the sling up and you will be the coolest uncle ever when the kiddies visit and get to play on the indoor swingset.

  2. Thanks @saminseattle that is a couple of advice items I can integrate.

    Any other improvement anyone think we can make?

    In general, decent advice. A couple of suggested tweaks from a member who is going on 7K posts but, like everyone, was new to the Forum at one time:


    ...Questions are welcome, but they are more likely to be answered if asked by a popular member.


    Popularity does not matter to most members, but sincerity and an approach that has at least a modicum of civility does matter. Plenty of brand-new members have asked questions in a direct, conversational way and have received warm welcomes and sincere advice. These members typically write in sentences and don't portray themselves as angry, strung-out, high, or fishing for "dirt."


    A good way to summarize "but sincerity and an approach that has at least a modicum of civility" in a little sound bite is to call it "respectful and respected."


    Instead of writing

    ...So you do want to be popular here, if only to get answers to your questions....


    we'll write "So you do want to be respected and respectful here."


    See? Much more inclusive.


    So here are some additional edits, in green italics:


    How to be popular respected and respectful?


    Before you ask a question, you may want to do the following: a few things that will help making you popular:


    1. Search first! Very likely there is already a thread already about your subject. Use the search box and read the existing contributions. If you still have a question, add it to that thread, unless the thread is more than a year or two old. When the thread is older than a year or two, start a new one and mention the only other thread you could find was significantly dated.


    2. If your question is about a masseur or an escort, look for reviews on Daddyreviews.com


    If you are still going to ask a question or ask for a recommendation, remember this:


    1. Provide a link to the escort's ad. Queries without a link make you appear to be lazy and can lead to confusion when the escort has a relatively common name.


    2. When creating a query about an escort, structure the post as follows:

    Body of Post: Something to the effect of " Hi all, this is my first posting to the Forum. I am interested in hiring [Name of Escort], but before contacting him I wanted to see if anyone has experience they would like to share. I would appreciate advice or feedback members might have about him. Please feel free to send me a PM or post in reply to this thread.


    PS: I searched for previous threads and could not locate any recent posts.




    3. Accept that we have a diverse membership here are very different. We have members who are 19, and members in their 80s. Some are not in/from the US and grew up in a completely different culture from yours. They obviously will have a different point of view on your question, and all these points of view, although some may be unhelpful to you, are equally welcome.


    4. Accept that your preferences are not everyone else’s. They may not even be the majority’s preferences. So when you ask for a recommendation, “good looking” is not sufficient, it means 500 different things to 500 different members.


    5. Be specific! If you are into tall guys, say “ over 6’2” “ or whatever the number is. If you are into young guys, don’t say “young”, say “under 25” or whatever the number is for you. A 35 yo is young for many of our 70 yo members. Being specific will help you get feedback that actually answers your question.


    6. Be respectful! We love our escorts and one another. We think they are amazing people. So do not say “he is ugly”, but you can say “that is not the type of face I am looking for, I prefer a chiseled jaw, and no wrinkles around the eyes”. Do not say “he is fat”, but “I would prefer a recommendation for a guy with a lower BMI who is more lean and/or muscular.” Think about it, if you insult someone’s favorite escort, that someone will stop helping you with recommendations.


    7. If someone is so unhelpful that it is preventing you from finding the info you need, there is an ignore button on their profile. That will remove (for you only) all the posts from that member, and you can keep reading everyone else’s answers. So there is no point telling someone to shut up. If someone has broken the rules, you can use the report button and an admin will look at the violation. No need to enter a posting war.


    8. Post in the correct Forum. Inquiries about specific escorts belong in The Deli. Inquiries about specific massage therapists or masseurs belong in The Spa. Don't post about escorts in The Spa or about Masseurs in The Deli. Lastly, don't post masseur or escort inquiries in The Lounge.


    This is just advice and not intended to be rules.

  3. I've ordered it once. The "star" was sporadic as far as updates go. I also got a few pings from unauthorized people on my credit card. Deleted the only fans, and had to get a new Amex

    Credit card fraud is a huge pain in the ass. One quick note, though: they only accept VISA and MasterCard. They do not accept American Express or Discover.

  4. Depends on what you think the purpose of onlyfans is, for me.


    I haven't found a frame of thought that shows a value for me, yet. It wouldn't be too onerous, except that I know that the site gets a portion of the fees, yet they do nothing for that content....

    They are not doing nothing. They host the content and in doing so they incur the expense of acquiring, configuring, operating, and maintaining the infrastructure required to power the site. Even if they use another company's data center, there is still an expense involved. They also process the payment on behalf of the individual whose content the member is buying, thus incurring another expense.


    The content quality varies. There are some guys who post Instagram-type content and try to charge ten dollars a month for it, while other guys post a steady stream of adult content that is actually pretty good at the same price point. If each of the people who post to the site maintained their own websites the subscription cost per poster would be higher because they would bear the costs that Only Fans bears and spreads out among all its posters.

  5. Thanks for that ..I went back and clarified, that to internal.

    Gotcha. You are welcome.


    Frankly, I think this is a damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't type of situation. Some guys will be turned off if you tell them and others will be pissed off if you don't. I like the suggestion about the "100% hardness guarantee." You could always follow it up by saying something like "Ask for details."

  6. @Kurtis Wolfe Thank you. I had seen that. I was wondering if it actually works that easily. As I noted (and I should have mentioned I had read the subscription FAQ, you are perfectly correct in pointing it out), I have had some trouble with sites that offer easy cancellation and it doesn't actually work easily.


    PS: I am always hoping you visit Nashville at some point :)

    I've subscribed and subsequently unsubscribed to a few guys' OnlyFans pages. The process is very simple. You click an "Unfollow" button or click an icon that looks like a switch to turn off recurring billing and you no longer subscribe to the guy's content and are no longer charged for it. My beef, and this is OnlyFans' fault, is entire pages can take several minutes to load only to find that the content itself stops and starts. It seems their servers get overloaded. I read a post someplace that they are upgrading their server capacity, but until they do the people posting content and those who wish to access it will suffer.

  7. Although I wouldn't refrain from eating there myself, the public will decide whether the food truck name is offensive by either eating there or not eating there. That said, I wouldn't open a restaurant called "The Wandering Polack" or "Kraut's - Food for Your Inner Nazi" as a way of playing with derogatory terms for my Polish and German heritage.

  8. Remember a few winters ago, the day after New Years it was -16. I had promised someone that I would cover a work call and there was just no way to get out of it. At any rate, the few people I encountered (and this was downtown) were all clad in balaclava hats. I said that it looked like a city of bank robbers.

    I'm retired now and I will sit in my condo until I FEEL like going out.

    Back in the 1990's Chicago had a solid week of minus 20 degree days. Not wind chill, but air temperature. That Friday I was walking to my car (which I parked in the Grant Park Underground Garage) and started feeling warm. The air was warming up! I unwrapped the scarf a bit, loosened the hood on my down coat, and even unbuttoned the bottom button. I wasn't the only one, either. Everyone was unbundling a bit because it was warming up. All the way to minus 5 degrees!

  9. Didn't know there was all this PM drama going on behind the scenes until I read this thread lol :confused:


    The few PM convos I've had so far have all been positive & friendly, hope it stays that way in 2018 <3


    That has been my experience in the eleven years I've actively participated in this Forum.


    I have only had positive experiences with forum members in PMs here...

    I have met two very special men through PMs...

    Same here, on both counts.

  10. I suspect it is a combination of coincidence and a modicum of fallout from said post.


    In the past, I would receive actual messages, i.e., more than a crude one-liner, from members who wanted information about guys I have hired. Typically, the messages were from members who had some tenure or had recently joined but made well-thought posts and didn't seem to have ulterior motives. Of course, I was happy to reply to those messages. About six months ago, I started receiving PMs from new and new-ish members who either did not post very much or made posts that were somewhat questionable. On two occasions, a brand-new member sent a group PM requesting information about several guys. I didn't reply.


    All that being said, when a long-standing member PMs me I will always reply. When a newer member PMs me my reply will depend on the tone of his PMs, his public posts, and the way he asks the question. If members are not replying to any PM based on the "warning" thread then that's a shame. That would be the equivalent of never crossing the street because of a rise in cars hitting pedestrians.

  11. I learned I cant shovel snow in stilletos, so now my housing complex maintenance team does it for me. I love seeing those delicious brown boys flexing and bending, and when they are done, I invite them in for some HOT cocoa....

    I'm sure they are happy to provide you with some fresh cream. So much better than the pasteurized stuff they sell at the grocery store.

  12. Thanks for providing that link. Wish the review was a bit less vanilla. Maybe I’ll try one for the team.

    You are welcome. Do write a review if you decide to hire him. :p

  13. A bottom...who doesn’t show his ass?


    I have several questions......

    Two of his semi-private pics show his ass. Still, one would think he would make those his public pics. Then again, there are escorts who have nothing but ass pics and list themselves as being a top.



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