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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. Sorry as someone who works in the financial business it's not that the company has made a mistake. they don't have an internal control process that sort of looks at any bill that has that many zero's after it. come on. I have to counter sign any payments above $100k that I do every day and no one spotted this???

    I didn’t say this was okay, I said it doesn’t warrant a lawsuit or a regulatory complaint. What would the complaint say? ”The utility made an egregious error and corrected it.” And the lawsuit - what would the customer sue for? The cost of the phone call? Typically, lawsuits and regulatory complaints are filed when the company doesn’t correct the mistake.


    I also work in the financial industry. When a situation like this occurs we create a self-identified issue, engage partners in the Risk Management, Regulatory Affairs, and Compliance departments, determine how the error occurred (what controls were bypassed, what coding errors might have led to the problem, etc) and develop an action plan to ensure it doesn’t occur again. Then someone gets fired. Something tells me there will be a similar process -and a former utility company employee looking for a job in the new year.

  2. I'll never be able to understand how something like this can happen and then go undetected by the utility. Don't they have accountants on staff? You know, those guys do like doing things like reconciliations and variance analysis, surely....


    I am sure they do. That’s why many billers send bills a few days after a billing period ends. However, in today’s world we want everything AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, which leaves little or no time for recon and analysis. Alternatively, they could have been eliminated when ratepayers and regulators wanted “overhead” cut.


    ...Utilities are highly regulated by each State, I hope she filed a complaint with the regulator in Harrisburg, as well as the attorney general in PA. Doesn't this come awfully close to the text book definition of mail fraud?!?! :rolleyes:

    The company made a mistake, acknowledged it upon it being brought to their attention, and corrected it. She could file complaints, but the issue has been resolved. Not sure how much good it would do.

  3. ...So here I am, bisexual or gay? If I go by the numbers, I've had sex with more women than men. But I can't remember the last time I fantasized about a woman, or got hard at the sight of one, whereas a hot guy with his shirt off can make my dick spring to attention. (I do think about my wife and can remember the passion we had for each other, and that will give me a hard-on.) My brother-in-law's point, that I may be avoiding women in misguided grief that I haven't dealt with, is possible, but it doesn't really change anything.


    Well, it sounds like you are "you." Skip the labels for now and it will work out exactly how it is supposed to. If/when you decide to tell the boys you will have to figure out what to say. However, you are an intelligent man so you will do just fine. If your discussion with them is slightly choppy you will have taught them that less-than-perfection is OK, even when discussing life events.

  4. When will rentmen.com allow full escort review on their USA site? They allow full XXX rated escort review on their site in Europe. So frustrating, you can view full encounter detailed reviews about one escort on rentmen.com in Europe, but if you view that escort profile in USA you only see (recommend yes or no, relax yes or no, photo accurate yes or no).

    You might want to contact Rentmen with your inquiry. IMO, that won't happen given the current "moralistic" climate in the US.

  5. Lord...Finally!....I had to pick myself up off the fucking floor....TWICE!


    My adopted gay father...comes OUT!


    (I may have forgotten to tell you that you're adopting me BTW...and I'm pretty sure that I'm older than you....but that's a mere technicality....DAD!)


    Let me gather my thoughts.....ok...here we go!




    Don't worry baby....none of us like him...you tell your story.....your die hard fans are waiting!




    Funny how hard it is to say "I'm a FAGGOT" to someone else for the first time....isn't it?




    Jesus...I wish my friends served "good wine" at their "coming out" announcements....

    Of course I should talk....I think I came out to my best friend over Slushies from Sonic......

    I guess there ARE some benefits to coming out later in life!




    "I'm a FAGGOT"....lord we make it soooo complicated...don't' we? Come on Dad....SPIT IT THE FUCK OUT!




    True...time to focus on "queer dad"! The boys can take care of themselves....no more excuses!....SAY IT!




    You better go SOMEWHERE...or he's going to think your talking about....yep...too late....he thinks it's about your wife!

    Oh no...buddy B-I-L....hang on to your boot straps...it's about sooooo much more than that....JUST WAIT!




    Oh yes you do need to say something.....wait for it.....WAIT FOR IT....!




    This is where I passed out the first time......the tension is KILLING me!




    Which is Basketballer for...."I'm a FAGGOT"....just in case the audience needs help with the translation. Thankfully, I am fluent in Basketballer.




    We were first....woot!....WE WERE FIRST....And yes, I passed out again here!




    Aren't we though? A collection of online faggots....who hire hookers....and want a Dad like you.....we're a funny lot!




    I LOVE him!.....sooooo much!

    You big ol' bottom....you better be careful....or I will KICK YOUR ASS!....

    and I will bring your big ass bear B-I-L along to help hold you down while I do it!

    (yes....I'm a great dad too....I just never fucked a woman...that's all!)




    THAT he probably knows.....grin




    Please....give us a chance to BREATHE!...... I don't know how much more my heart can take!


    In all seriousness bro, congratulations.

    It's an amazing moment you will never forget and never regret.

    Thank you so much so sharing it with us all.

    Love, nycman

    I must say, @nycman, you have the parsing routine down. I'm impressed. Glad to see someone has been paying attention.


    That said...it would not surprise me if @BasketBaller's brother-in-law has no clue about his sexual position. Friends are typically shocked when they learn that I am a bottom. An ex told me that I am a top who wants to get fucked.

  6. ...I think the OP is right when he says he knows he is overreacting about the HIV risk, but the next step would be to deal with why an apparently enjoyable sexual encounter has caused him so much psychological discomfort.


    Of course! Sorry, but I fell into the "medical clinical" instead of the "psychological clinical." My bad.

    Both would, I believe, be beneficial.

    My guess is the anxiety had its root in the guilt arising from hiring an escort so he could have sex outside of his self-described sexless marriage.

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