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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. Their terms of service state that all advertisers must be over the age of 18 and they make them agree to such as a condition of clicking a button to proceed. Of course, that's completely unreliable. Regarding ID verification, there is a difference between validating the authenticity of the identity document provided by the escort and validating the age stated in the ad matches the current date minus the date of birth contained on said identity document. I'm also suspicious as to how they validate the ID.

  2. If you cast an American white as a German-would that be offensive?...

    "American white" isn't an ethnicity. I think you intended to say "If you cast an American actor of non-German descent..." As a descendant of Germans, Prussians, and Poles I would not be offended.

  3. An incident on tonight's "MacGyver" reminded me of incident in a Freshman English class that I had signed up for at college many many years ago. It was a Summer class; two hours with a break half-way through.


    The teacher began with "When is a table not a table?". "If you sit on it, is it still a table?" "If you write a letter using it, is it still a table?". "If it's Louis XIV style from that period, is it still a table?" "If you chop it up for firewood, is it still a table?"


    On and on he went. The other kids in the class ate it up! Me, when the break came I dropped the class!


    That kind of stuff bores me!

    And yet you have grown up to post random questions on this Forum.

  4. @Gar1eth I'm saddened and sorry to hear about your cousin. In my family, January and February seem to be the bad months.


    I also hope that something @jjkrkwood said, which resonated with me, will help you


    ...I know "it's just not my time yet"...


    My mother was a firm believer in "when it is time, it is time." For her, it was April 16, 2008. Three days before her 76th birthday. Honestly, it was that belief that helped my brother and I get through our loss and have the strength to help my dad through his.


    I wish you hope and peace in your time of loss.

  5. ...I ran across a straight film of his in the early days that was downright embarrassing.


    "Long Dan Silver", in which a fake overly grotesque cock is utilized by him in his scenes. Considering his real member is larger than average, much thicker than most, with a giant cut head, this made zero sense.....

    I suppose a fake dick cuts down on the probability of transmitting STIs, so there's that.

  6. But aren't the fees discussed upfront before the transaction begins. It's usually several hundred dollars and cash. In this day and age with debit and credit cards many aren't carrying that much cash-on-hand. So a client will need to know how much cash to have.

    While I can't speak for others, typically I ask the escort to provide me with fee information during the second email exchange we have.

  7. Actually he has very literate initial post on the other thread which makes me suspect he might really know the difference. And since the brain is the body’s largest sex organ (even bigger than his monumental cock) and the rest of his body is godlike . . . . . Be still my libido!!!

    Well, then, @jeepo1 should have asked about relativity and preferred manuals of style!

  8. So did my IKEA stuff otherwise I’d never have gotten to breakfast. Maybe luck I guess.

    I hear IKEA sells different stuff in Kuala Lumpur because it sounds like it could be an IKEA product. BTW: I am kidding as I was about pieces fitting together. I lose patience and then interest.


    Those things always frustrated me. My parents, when buying that sort of stuff for gifts, were guided by the principal of "less is more." So I would have this tinker toy set or erector set and try to build the things shown in the instructions and find out that I needed a bigger set to build what I wanted. I would fiddle with the small set for awhile and lose interest.

    So, my folks would do that and then relatives would feel sorry for me, buy an even bigger set for the next occasion, and then I'd have TWO sets to mess with.

  9. One night about 2 weeks ago, I furnished most my new apartment in Kuala Lumpur in a single IKEA visit. BTW could find neither salmon or meatballs at this IKEA. The next morning I got up and before breakfast assembled a dining table, four chairs and a lounge chair and ottoman whilst listening to Don Giovanni on YouTube. What can I say? I grew up with Erector Sets. Does anybody else remember Erector Sets?


    Erector sets and tinker toys. Oh, Lincoln Logs too.

    Yes, but erector sets, Tinkertoys, and Lincoln Logs actually fit together. ;)

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