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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. There are contractors who specialize in IKEA installations. A friend and I mounted the cabinets I bought for my rental unit. It took maybe half a day. Then we went and had a nice lunch.

    I will call you when I need an IKEA kitchen installed. :p


    These contractors did not specialize in IKEA installations. They simply had worked with clients who bought their cabinets there.

  2. ...I have seen people who were remodeling their kitchen and got their cabinets from Ikea and they looked fantastic. ...

    When I was contemplating a kitchen remodel two contractors suggested IKEA. They said the cabinets were well-made and he countertops were an excellent value for the money. Then again, I've heard people tell horror stories about IKEA kitchens. I think it depends on who does the installation. I WOULD NOT do it myself.

  3. Agreed, but am not sure they care.......in that they see the element of controversy as a selling point

    True. maybe the scene will be of him going on a conspiracy theory fueled rant and then US government agents break in and probe him for details.

  4. As I mentioned in ALL the other posts regarding the illustrious retailer, I go there only for the Meatballs....

    I almost expressed surprise that you don't go there for the hot dogs, but they really aren't big enough to bother with.


    Back on topic, I bought a wool rug there once from the "as-is" room and the ticket said it was there because it was already assembled. Apparently, on the sales floor they sell you yarn and a loom.


    More recently, I've bought storage boxes, a plug-in pendant lamp, two desktops, and batteries. Having to assemble the FLGNHROG sofa or the KORHGDONG chair is just not my thing.

  5. Is this news is surprising? Why would anyone expect men.com to uphold any political or moral standards-porn has always been all about making money.


    Plus I think it is a safe bet that for all the people who want to boycott his work, and the work of convicted pedophile porn stars we have read about here of late, (plus murderers and convicted felons etc) I am convinced that there will be a portion of the public that actively seeks out their work from a morbid and prurient curiosity.


    Porn is a business-whatever sells they will use. Sad, but true alas.

    Coming from Men.com, no it isn't. However, moral standards aside they are at risk of becoming the target of one of his rants and/or facilitating one of their performers being targeted.

  6. When I lived in NYC glass was specifically excluded from recycling. IIRC, Mayor Bloomberg looked at the numbers and thought it wasn't cost effective so he nixed it.

    A friend in Albuquerque can recycle everything except for glass in the curbside bins. They don't allow it for "safety reasons." She has to take it to a city collection center which consists of a huge dumpster into which you throw the glass. Somehow, that seems less safe.

  7. My parents recycled back in the 1970's and 80's, before there was curbside, and I've recycled for 30 years myself. The easiest is my current apartment building. They will take any plastic, glass, paper, or cardboard except for pizza boxes and plastic grocery bags. When I asked about yogurt containers, which are usually not accepted, they said the recycling hauler separates the stuff they can't recycle and discards it. They felt by making it easy to recycle people would do so. Any boy do they!

  8. I have hired him several times, the most recent being two weeks ago, and he matches the physical description in the ad and looks exactly like his pictures. I am 6'4", and he is about 5 inches shorter than me, which would make him 5'11" tall. Were he 5'6" or 5'7", he would barely come up to my shoulder. Although I did not ask him to step on a scale, he has the body type that is consistent with 5'11" tall and 175 lbs.


    In terms of his behavior, he has always been a perfect gentleman. Lastly, he neither asked me for payment up front nor did he charge "more than $250."


    Here is the review I wrote of him: https://www.daddysreviews.com/search/Active/gemin/geminicar_phoenix.

    You will see his actual rate when you look at his information.

  9. I had a GE that died after a few years and replaced it with a mid-range Whirlpool. Aside from a computer part going bad, the dishwasher was great. The repair was covered by a warranty and I couldn't have been happier.

  10. i am up at 5 a.m. and often not home until 8... i have my groceries and even now meal-preparation kits delivered to me... expensive, yes.... but what's the alternative?

    I was about to say "use a midnight grocery store," but then realized that in some areas that is not an option. It isn't a problem here in Phoenix. I often work late, but Fry's (the Kroger banner in Phoenix whose stores are typically huge grocery palaces) is open til past midnight, as is Safeway. Of course, nothing will beat the VONS 2 blocks from my place in San Diego.


    i use Fresh Direct for groceries.... and a service called Plated for meal deliveries - no problem(s) with product quality in either case!

    I've heard great things about Fresh Direct.


    Nothing like picking out your own groceries. Eatting healthy is a choice, and easy if you make a plan. I always go to the store with a list. I love to cook and experiment with recipes. And I'm too cheap to pay 3x as much for groceries when they are delivered.

    Like you, I like to pick out my own food and experiment with new recipes. When nice supermarkets are available (like the aforementioned Fry's and VONS or the big Jewel-Oscos they have back home in Chicago) I LOVE to grocery shop.

  11. On my first followup, my Doc said the system is now saying since PrEP is proving to be so effective, frequent testing is no longer necessary, they are now recommneding only testing once a year. I asked her to go ahead, since it was my first followup after starting, but after that, we would go to once a year. Of course, this doesn't change screening for other things, but this could matter in certain scenarios, like monogamous serodiscordant couples.

    Interesting - I had not heard that.


    I think my physician is more conservative in that regard. Additionally, my insurance company requires the HIV test as a condition of the med being covered. Of course, when they realize they can save a few bucks they will likely forbid the doc from ordering more than an annual screening.

  12. Oh sure. In job interviews at least twice. They couched it in language like "our customers are very conservative and would only want meet someone who projected that image". But it was clear what they meant. :mad:...

    I would count that as a blessing - would never want to work for such a place.


    ...I wish I could have sued. But it just didn't seem like I'd have a strong case....

    You could have sued. Had you won, you might have been awarded back wages and a job. Would you really want to work there?


    ...I'm happy to read some of the stories hear of people who sued an won. :)...

    On the other hand, if I were already an employee I would pursue a discrimination complaint. However, you might not have to sue if you were an employee. A call to Employee Relations (or a similar department) might do the trick. I complained about a colleague who ran after another employee (who happened to be of a lower rank than both my colleague and me), cornered the employee in her cubicle, and proceeded to yell at her for a good five minutes. The colleague is a very large woman who physically blocked the employee from leaving her cube. The colleague was suspended for three days with the warning that the next time she would be fired. A Senior Vice President in another department was fired for unfair treatment of a gay male employee.


    There are companies that take this stuff seriously.

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