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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. If I'm sexually active, I get tested annualy at my annual physical unless I feel the need to get tested earlier.


    The protocol is 30 days, 3 months, 6 months, and annually per risky event, according to my HIV-specialist.

    Your HIV specialist has some reading up to do or you need to listen more carefully. According to the CDC, MSMs should be screened for all STIs (not just HIV) at least annual and those who have more than one partner should get tested for a full panel of STIs (HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia) every three to six months. As I am on PrEP, I get an HIV test every three months and given I engage in unprotected oral sex my doctor also orders the other tests.


    I'd be interested in knowing what you consider to be a "risky event." All sexual activity has risk associated with it. As stated above, my doctor wants me to get a full STI screen every three months because I give oral sex without a condom. What is your HIV specialist's opinion on that topic?


    ...Riiiight. My HIV-specialist doctor is a closeted, self-loathing homophobe with faulty statistics....

    Any physician who, in 2017, has posters referring to "homosexuals" in their office is woefully behind the times and uninformed.


    ...A lot of us, including myself, could have easily been HIV-positive if we weren't so "lucky". ...

    Most informed people would argue that luck has little to do with avoiding STI infections of any type. I suppose if you don't use any form of protection and manage to avoid becoming HIV+ and avoid contracting other STIs you could be considered "lucky," but for me my status is the result of carefully considering the risks associated with various behaviors, determining what types of precautions to take, and taking them every time. Granted, prior to the star of the HIV epidemic in the 1980's there was apparently no need for MSMs to use condoms but in the last 30-some years luck has had very little to do with it.


    ...My whole point is I think 20-25% is way too high for the community, and people need to be much more informed how prevalent and risky it is. Am I wrong?

    I think you are wrong to fixate on the rate of infection. By that logic, one who lives in Chicago, where the infection rate is lower than San Francisco, could reasonably take fewer precautions than he would in San Francisco, where the infection rate is higher. Likewise, that same person should be twice as careful when visiting and having sex in Georgia, where the probability of acquiring the virus is 1 in 51, as opposed to 1 in 101 back home in Illinois.


    The thing is it does not work like that. You either take precautions or you don't take precautions. Would you advocate reducing the use of condoms and/or PrEP if only 5% of the MSM population who reported their status was HIV+? Maybe use condoms/take your PrEP only half the time if it fell to 2%? My guess is you wouldn't. Then why the focus on infection rate?

  2. OMG. Do we seriously have to politicize the statistics?...

    In what way was my question politicizing anything. No mention of politics.


    ...Yes, it said M4M WHICH IS THE SAME THING....

    Millions of bisexual men would disagree with the statement about being homosexual. Bisexuals have sex with both men and with women. "MSM" (not M4M, that's an escort website) is an abbreviation for "men who have sex withmen," which includes both bisexuals and homosexuals.


    ...Its insane we have to walk on egg shells when it comes to this topic. The bottom line is 20-25% is startling and unacceptable. And M4M are obviously at higher risk in big cities compared to rural communities and farmlands. ...

    Apparently, you missed the second half of my post. According to a study reported by HIV Plus magazine, , the top 10 cities for HIV infection rates are all small cities. Men who live in rural states primarily in the South have a greater chance of acquiring HIV than do men who live in more urban states, primarily in the Northeast, Midwest, and West.

  3. A simple Google search of the reviewers' "nom de reviews" reveals at least five reviews written by "CT Dick" (author of review # 4) going back to 2001. "MANSEXSEEKR" did not yield any results, however. The other two reviewers state they were first-time reviewers, so I wasn't surprised that searching on their names yielded no results.

  4. Yes... as long as you have the $$$, any escort would be thrilled to be with you.

    While I agree that the OP is over-thinking this, a quick read of the Forum will reveal plenty of escorts that do not follow this principle.




    Now I feel horrible. I didn’t mean to offend anyone with my post. I was just being honest, which very often gets me in trouble. I’m ignorant to all this and apologize for making you feel uneasy or hurting your feelings. I don’t feel good about myself, and I was probably looking for someone to tell me I was all wet in my thinking. Again, so sorry if my post upset you.

    There's no reason to feel horrible. One escort's lack of a filter opinion is no reason to feel bad about yourself. You asked a legitimate question and have received many legitimate answers.


    To echo the sentiments expressed by many of the folks who responded to your query, the best thing to do is to ask lots of question be clear with what you are looking for (to both yourself and the escort), and set forth getting it. Additionally, I advise you to search the ads and see who strikes your fancy, inquire about them in The Deli, and take it from there.

  5. @rvwnsd an educated and open gay community as opposed to a closeted and less informed one, perhaps?

    The map included in the CDC article would seem to indicate that is true.


    PS: I corrected my original post, as my intent was to say one was at greater risk in certain locales, not that certain locales posed a greater risk.

  6. Welcome to the Forum, @Bigginuc.


    ...I’m considering contacting an escort, but am afraid I would be so intimidated by his attractiveness. I would make us both very uncomfortable. Am I just being stupid to worry about how an escort would feel being with me? ...

    You are not being stupid for worrying about this, but I think the worry is unfounded. To me, it is grounded in FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real.


    ...From what I’ve read in this forum, some of these escorts are unbelievably nice and respectful.

    My experience is the overwhelming majority of escorts I've hired are nice and respectful. That's not to say many behave differently, but it seems like the jerks are in the minority. Here are a few ways you can determine whether someone is nice/respectful or not:

    • Read and pay attention to his ad. If the tone feels "off" or conveys a less-than-friendly vibe, take a pass.
    • Pay attention to the tone of his replies. Almost all of the guys I've had great experiences with have taken the time to provide well-written and obviously well thought-out replies to my inquiries. Those who have been more brief have used a professional tone.
    • Be honest about your situation. If this is your first time with an escort, say so. Likewise, if you have limited man-on-man experience say so. It will help the escort.

  7. Have you secretly been sent to the forum by the Mrs Meyers people to get their product out there? :)


    I'm a Persil guy myself (German formula, if I can find it... American formula if I have to). It's so much better than Tide, it's not even funny.

    Ha! No. I'm sensitive to scent and to the ingredients in detergent. While I like the two Mrs Myers products I mentioned, their detergent and liquid fabric softener is so overpowering it makes me nauseous. Or is it nauseated?

  8. Sateen overheat, and are hard to get cum stains out of... :eek:

    I always put one of those microfiber plush blankets on top of the sheets. They are soft and you can get 'em at Penney's for $15 on sale. Practically disposable!


    Another option: the "blankets" my Aunt Val crocheted back in the '70's. The yarn was 100% polyester. You could pour concrete on them and it would come right off.

  9. Funny how we get attached to our "pillows". I like a light, fluffy pillow, but they usually go flat pretty quickly. I am hoping the My Pillow has greater longevity ? (BTW, there can never be too many BJ's, :p)


    On a regular basis I put my pillows in the dryer on "low" for 20 minutes and they get all light and fluffy.


    Like I said before, little balls of fluff are their fill. It's not for everyone.


    And yes, put them in the dryer on medium for 20 minutes. Add a sheet of fabric softener.


    I recommend using Mrs Myers lavender or basil scented dryer sheets. Very nice, natural scent. Another tip: the little lavender sachets from Trader Joe's.


    If we're talking sheets, I love Brooklinen's classic percale. I want my bedding crisp and as cool as possible.




    Thanks for the tip. Percale sheets are hard to find. Sateen has taken over.


    Another tip: When you wash the sheets, use unscented laundry detergent (I like Method) and add a couple of shakes of Mrs Myers laundry scent crystals.

  10. I tested negative on Halloween. What a relief.


    My HIV specialist had flyers all over his office with statistics indicating "1 out of every 5 homosexuals are living with HIV." That is very alarming, as I have never thought about it that way.


    20% of "us" are HIV-positive....


    Quick question: Did the flyers actually say "homosexuals?" Forgive me for being a stickler, but they typically refer to "men who have sex with men" and/or "gay and bisexual men."


    ...TIME Magazine and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published statistics more than 7-years ago which mirrored those statistics:




    I would think the HIV rate is likely much higher today, and closer to 25% (or 1 out of every 4 homosexuals), and likely closer to 30% in San Francisco.....


    You might be surprised to learn that San Francisco did not make the list of top 10 US cities by HIV infection rate (it was #21) published by HIV Plus magazine. Additionally, you might be surprised that California, New York, and Illinois have a lower rate of HIV infection and individuals in those three states are at a lower risk of infection than individuals are in several Southern states according to the CDC.

  11. Well, good luck to them. Choosing Rentboy in their URL put them in instant cross hairs. While they may brag to be offshore, etc. etc., there are still international laws that could bring them down. Especially by a motivated government agency that doesn't want to be made a mockery of. Just saying. I don't think this is a "disruption" to the industry as their programming and take on advertising is basic at best. It's just another site to advertise and another possible option in the event that RentMen gets dismantled. Personally, if I were to start a site I would keep it on the DL and perhaps host in the dark web. The last thing I would do is make Jeffrey Hurant's mistake of being so open and proud. No one seems to have learned the lesson.

    Regardless where they are based, political tidal change is but an election away.

  12. The only thing that I wish to convey on this subject is that the English language is progressively "going down the tubes!" Far too many "so called" degreed and educated individuals misuse the very basic of

    English grammar in speech as well as in writing. ...ending sentences with prepositions, misusing the very basic words as shown in this thread, misspelling the simplest of words, i.e. "alright" instead of

    all right, the latter is the correct spelling. ...using "more farther" and the like instead of "fartherer" fartherest ...! Yikes!


    I could go on and on and on but will stop writing and just post.


    Thank you, ArVAguy for your posting!

    Thou art right! the language shalt nev'r changeth!

  13. What about escorts who are HIV+ who don't tell you they are HIV-positive claiming they were drunk or forgot (or even intentional withheld their status) when they're having unprotected sex with clients?


    My guess is you are replying to my post, quoted below:


    Yes, I would set up a session and would engage in the same activities I do with anyone else. Although I don't subscribe to the notion of assuming everyone is HIV+, I still take the same precautions with everyone. Additionally, when someone tells me he is HIV+ I know his status because not many guys who are negative say they are positive.


    One does not need to assume anything regarding STI status in order to determine the precautions one chooses to take. It is very simple - you choose the type of protection you use.


    Regarding someone not telling me he is HIV+, If he does not tell me he is HIV+ I don't know whether he is HIV+ or HIV-. Again, no assumption required. I know what kind of precautions I take and take them.

  14. Thanks for the edit info. I agree he is still good looking. His ad has been up of about a week and I am thinking seriously about contacting him. I hate that rates can no longer be posted in their ads.

    You are welcome. Let us know how it goes if you decide to hire him.

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