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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. It is him. Although I haven't hired him, yet, when I chatted with him the last time he was escorting he shared then-current photos that looked like the Playgirl and Men Magazine photos twenty years later.


    EDIT:What I intended to say was "He shared then-current pictures of himself that were obviously of the same guy, but taken 20 years later."


    Here is a link to his ad.

  2. Ever since down started triggering my asthma, I've used "down alternative" pillows. My favorite is the "Dream Comfort Luxury Down Alternative" from Martha Stewart at Macy's. I buy them when they are on sale for ~$30.

  3. Lol the pin on his map is on the Museum of Death...

    I just looked at his ad and the pin is actually at the corner of Argyle and Hollywood Blvd across from the Metro station. Although the museum's caption extends to Argyle on the map, The Museum of Death is just east of Gower. That said, the pin could have been moved. :)

  4. His shirtless pics (well, pic...same photo - one is BW and the other is color) don't seem to match the others. They also look as if a very small, low-resolution photo (like one taken with a very old camera) was made larger. I'm not getting a great feeling about this ad.

  5. ...And I'll share that I had a very bad day about a month into the solitude, although I can't say why. I was missing them and went into the twins' room, where most of Plebe's stuff still is, since he can't have civilian clothes or many possessions. I opened the closet and, looked at his clothes, and the fewer pieces of DePaul twins gear, and I could smell them-- I don't mean in a bad way, a clean smell I associate with them. And I lost it, I sat on one of the beds and had a good long ugly cry, about them ,about my wife, you name it. Probably a little bit about my sexual confusion, too. And after I pulled myself together, I felt much better, and have since....

    It is quite amazing what a good, long cry can do for the soul. If I may speculate, it sounds like this is the first time you have been able to emote about your wife's passing, given you had to hold it all together for the boys. Good for you. Also, good for you for having the ability to acknowledge having cried a good cry. And good for us, too. Always helpful to have a reminder that it is OK to cry.


    ...Speaking of sexual confusion, I have dipped my toes in the water of the LGBT social scene with some ups and a couple of minor downs. That story to come...

    Glad to hear you are getting out there. Can't wait to hear about your travails.

  6. He's a pretty well known porn star, so I guess his rates reflect that. Not my cup of tea.

    The funny thing is many well-known porn stars charge in the $250 - $300 range. His ad does state that he prefers overnights and weekends, so perhaps his hourly rate is priced as such to discourage shorter appointments.

  7. The fires have, in fact, made the national news. According to the New York Times last night, the collective effect of the fires exceeded the magnitude of the 2007 Witch fire (2 fatalities and approximately 1,800 structures destroyed)and was approaching the 2003 Cedar fire (15 fatalities and 2,800 structures), both of which occurred in suburban San Diego and in the Rancho Bernardo neighborhood of San Diego.

  8. He wasn't advertising his political leanings when I hired him back in 2015. Had he been doing so back then I probably would not have hired him and not because of his political views, but because it is just a strange thing to advertise. Since the time I hired him his ads have varied from being very opinionated to slightly more opinionated than average. You can't chalk it up to age because there are plenty of guys younger than him whose ads are not written in that way. I don't think he "gets it."


    His loss.

  9. Too fun! Sadly, some warning signs are already here! Hmmm, where is my car parked right now...? :eek:

    I have always lost my car. Unless it is parked on a street with a bus line. There's a message there.


    Here's some good news for you, you ... youngster ...

    The day I start referring to people as "youngster."


    But seriously...

    My mom always said when it is your time, it is your time. Not a minute sooner or later, so live your life. I want to live until it is my time.


    For mom, "time" was two days and six hours before her 76th birthday. Her 75th birthday party was amazing and her post-memorial service party was like every other family event - at my brother's house with family and friends laughing and joking and eating till they were too stuffed to walk. In other words, as she would have wanted it.


    As an aside, about halfway through the part, one of the guests slipped up and asked why my mother wasn't there. She was totally embarrassed and my brother and I laughed our heads off. We were sure mom was laughing, too.

  10. Some escorts (or their managers) deliberately set the hotel room's clock radio time ahead 10 to 15 minutes in order to give the client the impression the session met or exceeded the agreed upon session length.

    It also would not work with me, as I check the clock when I walk in. If the clock was set 15 minutes ahead, it would look to me like the session started 15 minutes late.

  11. Unless there are 2 guys using the same name, I thought he died about 10 years ago....

    I think there is a guy using the same name. This is the Brett Mycles who is alive (and is the one pictured above):



    and here is the Brett Mycles who passed away in 2007:


  12. Nope. Not yet.




    The next guy who was on Sean Cody I'll probably see first is Sheridan through PJBs. :p


    BTW, not to hijack your post, but Trevor from Sean Cody has also started to escort again. The last time I saw his ad was years ago on RB. https://rent.men/Trevorxx





    The black-and-white photo is at least 5 years old. The photographer has been out of business since early 2013.

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