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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. Apparently I did not see the error in my last post, as was pointed out by the grammar police....

    That would be the vocabulary police. Grammar police would have pointed out that you should either have omitted the period between the words "fight" and "but" and the comma after the word "but" or used the word "However" instead of "But" in the following:

    Buck, not trying to pick a fight. But, I don't think someone drawing from their own experience, is wrong. ...


  2. I have lost friends and family member to Meth. Not enough begging and pleading can get one to stop until the addict has hit a bottom. Too often that bottom is death.

    I don't want to "like" this post, because I don't like the fact that you have gone through this. However, I agree and empathize with you. I,too have a friend who died as a result of his meth use and a former friend who keeps messing himself up with meth.

  3. He requested a deposit to ensure the meet up would happen. Just imagine how you'd feed if you were supposed to meet up with someone and they didn't show up. Time wasted right? So the deposit is justified. I'm just advocating for the guy hardcore, because my time with him was beyond amazing.

    Just imagine how you'd feel if you paid a deposit and the escort didn't show up. Money wasted, right? I don't take those kind of risks. Plenty of hot guys out there who do not charge deposits.

  4. Yessir. And with preset options (and the Hue remote control and motion detector), the system really works well. Rock solid....

    Good to know - thanks!

    ...My favorite lamp in the Hue system is this... You can do a ton of interesting things with them:



    That's next. I had the Sylvania Lightfy version back when using WeMo and LOVED IT.


    http://www.buylightfixtures.com/productimages/LED-CFL-INC-Dimmer-Large.jpgDim everything....


    Imagine adjusting the light from bed when you need just a teensy bit more or less light.

  5. ...The Hue system is wonderful. I have my whole home on Hue and voice-controlled with Amazon's Alexa.

    I jumped on the WeMo system when it first came out and quickly wish I had waited for Hue. Fast-forward to now and I dumped WeMo and am happy to have done so.


    Do you have any of the lights that can change color?

  6. ...I have to quibble about the timeline a little because I was aggressively seeking LED lamps and there were no 2700K, high CRI, dimmable bulbs available at mass market prices until about 2010. There were some specialty lamps before that, but they were ridiculously expensive and they were not very reliable....

    I bought non-dimmable (that's all that was available) 100w equivalent, 3-way (I think 50-100-150w equivalent), and 60w equivalent LED bulbs at the Mission Valley San Diego Lowes in late 2007/early 2008. They were expensive, but I hated CFLs and did not want incandescent. As I said, LED light bulbs have advanced significantly since then.


    I just bought several Hue light bulbs at Home Depot. Hue is a system made by Philips that connects lights to a "bridge" via WiFi. You can set various times for lights to go on and off, dim them, and change the color (if you buy the color-tuned bulbs). The standard white LED bulbs are $14.97 a piece, which is about half what non-WiFi bulbs cost 10 years ago.

  7. That's 100W lightbulbs. Where the fuck did they go ? I know conservationists say they sucked too much energy, but I never thought sucking with too much energy was a bad thing...


    I love a light and bright house, and 100W bulb gives ME just the right amount of light. I took my curtains and blinds down years ago, and now enjoy my Big open windows and seeing the sky and trees outside. Its like bringing the outside in....


    40w and 60w is all you can find, and that doesnt cut it for me.... I used to buy them from EBAY, but they dried up even there.


    Whose BRIGHT idea was it to eliminate 100W bulbs ? Fuck them !

    Here you go:




    Light output is actually measured in lumens, not watts. "Watts" refers to the amount of electricity used to produce the light output. Most 100 watt incandescent bulbs put out about 1500 lumens, so all you have to do is find an LCD bulb that puts out 1500 lumens of light and you are all set.


    Try finding a 200 or 250W bulb. You're more likely to stumble over the body of Jimmy Hoffa.


    I have a floor lamp that's designed to take a 250W bulb. The original burnt out after nearly 10 years of solid service. Now, it's sitting in the corner with a wimpy '100W equivalent' LED bulb. While the color temp is right, the brightness is just... Lacking.


    And for you, sir:




    I made the switch from incandescent and CFL to LED about 10 years ago and am very glad I did. Today's bulbs are MUCH better than the ones from ten years ago, but even back them there were good bulbs to be had.

  8. Organic milk keeps longer because it costs more. As a niche product, it must survive extended shipping and storage times. So rather than pasteurization, organic producers use Ultra High Temperature processing, which leaves the product almost sterile. UHT milk has a very low bacterial load and can be stored unopened at room temperature.

    However, the package suggests you use the milk within 7 - 10 days.

  9. Wondering if anyone has been with Matthew James since he "returned" (his ad was gone from RM for a while). I was with him about a year or two ago, he wasn't as buff as his pictures, friendly enough, but wasn't able to perform if you get my drift (and I had just hired someone the day before who did so I don't think it was necessarily me). Anyway, I do kind of like his look but wondering if anyone has recent experience. You can PM me if you prefer. Thanks








    Review submitted.


    Check your PMs.

  10. A Report on Week One of Home Alone--


    I'm doing fine, adjusting, making discoveries of aspects of this I hadn't expected, to wit--


    That is great to hear!

    ...Plus- My grocery bill has plummeted.

    Minus- It takes longer to shop since I keep having to go back to shelves and replacing packages that are too large for one person. ...

    Find a grocery store that has a bevy of cute stock boys and customers. Problem solved.

    ...(I did not intend the double entendre of "packages too large for one person," but I'll let it stand.) ...

    Uh huh.

    ...I can't believe how little milk has been used in a week!...

    There's another double entendre in there, but I'm leaving it alone.

    ...Plus- There is less cooking to do, less laundry, less ironing.

    Minus-- We used to take turns, so while there's less, I have to do it ALL!...

    Years ago I had a friend who loved to clean and hated to cook. We split up meal tasks. Laundry/ironing is much easier if you send the shirts to a dry cleaner/shirt laundry and buy wrinkle-resistant sheets. I recommend Charter Club 500 thread count from Macy's. (buy them on sale)

    ...Plus- I find everything where I left it.

    Minus- That's fine when it's a book, not so much when it's dishes in the sink....

    Put them in the dishwasher. Don't have one? Some of the installers at my local Lowes are pretty hunky!


    ...Plus- I can have whatever I want at meals, taking only my preferences in mind.

    Minus- I eat it alone...

    That's a tough one to overcome.


    ...Plus- There is plenty of hot water, I can take a shower as long as I want.

    Minus- I never realized it before, but the sound of the shower running was a constant in the morning. That's a time when the place has become too quiet....

    Another toughie. It will get better! And just wait until you receive the first (lower) water bill.


    ...Plus- I can stay out as long as I want, no one will worry or need me to be someplace at a certain time.

    Minus- I'm sometimes at loose ends, with nothing much to do....

    That is also tough to overcome.


    ...Plus- I get calls and texts at odd times from the boys, and skyped on the weekend with two (Plebe twin can't skype yet).

    Minus- There's no minus in that....



    ...Plus- I am working out a lot, alternating between gym and pool, to occupy my time. At this rate I'll be in great shape soon.

    Minus- No real minus, except the boys often came to gym and pool with me, so it isn't really a distraction from the changes....

    Go to a gym that has lots of hot guys?


    ...Plus- My elderly neighbors, who adore the boys, invited me to dinner and let me gas on about them.

    Minus- I really should control the impulse to tell everyone what they're doing. But these two sweethearts, and their son who's moved in to care for them, didn't mind....

    You might find, particularly among folks who don't have kids, that they enjoy having kids vicariously through others, especially when the "kids" are your boys' ages.


    ...Plus- I'm exploring gay/bi friendly social and sport groups and am resolved to try them out.

    Minus- No minus but I confess to being nervous. It feels the way I felt before I went to my high school freshman mixer-- will I dress right? Will I make a friend? Will it be obvious I am not used to this? Will any of the girls dance with me? (Okay, that was only at the freshman mixer, but you get the idea.)...

    Better to be nervous than cocky. Imagine the relief when you realize you are having fun.


    ...So, all in all, I'm surviving and even finding the humor in my inexperience at being on my own. Onward.

    That's so great to hear, @BasketBaller! Every succeeding week will be better than the last.


    And on a selfish note, thank you for the opportunity to exercise my parsing skills. ;)

  11. Great minds think alike! He will be in Washington later in the fall for business and will stay with me. It seems like fate, and so I think he'll be the first person (except for you guys) I open up to....


    I'll say it seems like fate! You are very fortunate to have a gay relative who you can talk to.


    ...It's interesting, in these first few days to think about the days after my wife's death, how the changes in my life were overshadowed by the need to take care of the boys. In a small way, I think I postponed some of the grieving and am experiencing it now....

    Interesting, indeed, how we as people often cope with adversity by distracting ourselves from the grief. Of course, you had to take care of your boys. That said, there's another phenomenon that we (us three co-facilitators) saw in many of the men who came through the coming out group: a feeling of grief over the loss of the person they once were as they become this new person. You have a LOT of changes to parse through, but I'm wondering if you are also feeling some of this grief.


    ...It's now I have to deal with the loss of someone to talk to, of someone to distract me, of someone to blame for dishes in the sink....

    Time for a funny story. Shortly after my mom died (after having been in the hospital, rehab, and back to the hospital for four months) my dad could not find the replacement for his expired credit card. After tearing through the house we found the unopened envelope in the recycling bin. My brother, who usually had a good filter, said: "Well, you can't blame Mom for this one." I turned to shoot him "the look" (which I inherited from my mom) and he had the look that said, "I totally didn't mean to say that out loud." My dad, after a few seconds pause, chuckled and said: "Yup, this one's on me." We all had a good laugh and then broke out the good bottle of Scotch my dad had been saving.


    Hopefully, you will have your own funny story to share soon.


    One last note: A gentlemen in the coming out group had been married for over 50 years. After his wife passed away he realized he was attracted to men. He had been coming to the group for several years prior to me joining the facilitator team in 2009 and would never tell anyone that he is gay. In 2016 he told us his coming out story and said the words "I'm gay." He had never told anyone his story before and all of us had tears in our eyes and were glad to hear it.


    Your brother-in-law will be equally glad, as are we, to hear your story.


    Looking very much forward to the next chapter of your inspiring story.

  12. I've noticed that most guys I like that pass me by ignore me. I suspect that it is because they just assume I'm straight? Thing is that I have this jock New York look on me (and to be honest I really don't go out that often nor have actually never frequented a gay bar/club). It's a bit frustrating.


    I'm actually good looking and work hard for my body. It's usually the types that I dislike that tend to give me a look. The masculine muscle studs are the only men I'm usually into. Anyway, my height is 5'11 and I weight 183 pounds. I have a cute face and nice beard. It's like I have the potential but it never happens. I've had my hookups but usually 2-3 per year. It's usually foreplay more than anything... Another thing is that I find most hookups sites disgusting. When I tried Grind I felt so dissappointed. Too many weirdos there. The only guys I found attractive never responded me (or they just happened to be scams). Any thoughts about it? Please forgive my grammar btw, I wrote this from my phone.

    I suspect being "straight looking" isn't why you have trouble hooking up.

  13. Ok. So I'm asking...


    I was doing my research on a potential escort, they have limited reviews, and no one has talked about them on here. So, I did phone number and image searches. The phone number came back with there name and I did a Google search on that. Nothing on the image search (which is good, I guess).


    Anyway, in our back and forth, I mentioned his name, instead of his screenname (which isn't a stage name but a description). He started questioning me on if I knew him and how I found his name. After I told him, he went quiet on me (I think the term is ghosted, but not sure).


    Well, I heard back and he admitted that he was thrown a bit and taken aback.


    My question... did I do something wrong? Should I have kept my research/vetting secret? How do you respond to things your clients find out about?


    While I understand the desire to do some vetting, I think you overstepped when you called him by his given name. As someone else suggested, when the name listed in an escort's ad is not a name typically associated with a person it is wise to ask what he would like you to call him. It sounds like you stumbled upon his name, which will happen, but it does not sound like you stumbled upon using it.

  14. It was amazing, and so was their reaction. I think they had the exact response Frank Lloyd Wright wanted, as we walked toward the house they got quiet, sensing something special. The first glimpse of the house, and the tour inside it, were big hits. Both said they want to see more FLW work and that they "want to live somewhere like this." Good luck with that!...

    You and DePaul son can catch the FLW studio and homes tour in Oak Park, just 9 miles west of the loop. Do it when you visit for fall - the colors should be stunning. You can also do a walk-by/drive-by in River Forest, the next suburb west of Oak Park across Harlem Avenue. Most of the FLWs are west of Thatcher Rd, but the non-FLW homes in River Forest east of Thatcher/north of Lake St are pretty spectacular, too.

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