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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Nice! He is certainly going to the right school. DePaul has a couple of 5-year Bachelor/Masters programs. Had I stayed, I would have done the 5-year CPA/Taxation program. To be perfectly honest with you, I don't know whether the Theatre school lets non-Theatre majors participate in plays. It has been a verrrrrrry long time since I attended school there. The Goldblatt building was still a department store, the area of Lincoln Park in which the campus is located was still dicey, and Chicago still had non-airconditioned L cars.
  2. What course of study is your soon-to-be DePaulian undertaking?
  3. I'd say he came to the realization that $600/hour wasn't making his incoming text signal chime as frequently as he'd like so he lowered his rate to a more reasonable level.
  4. Thanks! That was taken on the first day they were here. They are all over me now. That Pom is ADORABLE. Too bad dogs, even the ones that look like cats, can't free-feed. That would solve the hypoglycemia problem.
  5. @BasketBaller, I've enjoyed following the serial of your boys' journey toward first-time separation and your journey toward having an empty nest. Until @WmClarke posted this picture, it hadn't completely registered that one of your sons is attending DePaul. I started my college career at DePaul. It is a very good school, particularly in the areas of Business, Computer Science, and Theatre. For me, Loyola was a better fit and so in my junior year, I transferred there. Nonetheless, he made an excellent choice. DePaul has done a very good job of integrating itself into the greater Chicagoland community. Unlike other urban universities that built walled-off islands, DePaul has built campuses that blend into the neighborhood. To me, it makes for a rich experience. I hope he enjoys this new chapter. I also hope you take advantage of the opportunity to visit him and experience what a beautiful city Chicago is. EDIT: The building depicted in @WmClarke's picture was a neglected former department store before DePaul renovated it into classrooms and a bookstore. They've done an excellent job of re-purposing existing buildings while expanding their Loop campus. When I attended Loyola, the joke was that DePaul was known for its basketball team, but we were known for our transplant programs. (LU has a medical school and at the time ran a hospital) Now, DePaul's preservation of historic and meaningful architecture is as well-known as its sports team.
  6. On Monday, I said to hell with allergies and brought home these little guys: They are three pounds each and two bundles of fur and fun.
  7. You should see what he does with a baguette.
  8. Thanks for your commentary. I just moved to Phoenix and have been intrigued, but unsure. Now I'm less unsure about hiring him. Thanks again.
  9. In addition to @Kevin Slater's example, when measuring performance one can, in fact, give 110%. For example, if an employee is expected to do 2,080 hours of work per year and instead did 2,288 hours of work then he did give 110%.
  10. After reading @Chad Constantine's quote, I don't agree with the assessment that he is part of the "condom police." He stated that a condom must be used when he is having sex and went on to say: I have a very visceral physical reaction to blood and gore. Like @Chad Constantine's practice of always using a condom, I simply do not watch/read that type of media. That does not mean I am a member of the anti-violence police.
  11. When was the last time you tried adding a favorite? I just added two favorites a few minutes ago. The function was not working very well the first day or two after the change.
  12. I never understood the "yours very truly," either.
  13. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, one of the definitions of the word "find" is "attain, reach." Therefore, an email can, in fact, find something - such as its recipient. The example given in the definition is "the bullet found its mark." However, the example sentence could easily have been "The email found its recipient." In the case of "...this email finds you well," the word "well" modified the word "you." Lastly, I've heard the sentence "I hope this letter finds you well" spoken in old movies. This is not a new expression.
  14. The following is courtesy of "All Things Linguistic" "‘No problem’, coming from a millennial’s mouth, within the context of helping someone – whether it be holding a door open/picking up something someone may have dropped/etc. – and, naturally, being thanked for it, implies that the kind gesture was indeed, not a problem, that it was just the thing to do, that they were happy to help and that no thanks was really necessary. While a Baby Boomer’s ‘You’re welcome’ in contrast, says something miles different, it actually highlights the fact that the person went out of their way to help someone; almost brings attention to it in a way, saying 'Yeah, I helped you, I did you this favor I accept your thanks.’ which, malicious intent or not, is strikingly different than the millennial downplay of their act of kindness for the sake of helping someone." In other words, the use of "no problem" is akin to saying "it is my pleasure" or "don't mention it." Both expressions pre-date the common use of "you are welcome." Here is the entire article.
  15. http://www.engrish.com/wp-content/uploads//2017/05/Shady-Hotel.jpg
  16. http://www.engrish.com/wp-content/uploads//2017/06/screw-china.jpg
  17. http://morningmail.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/gender-confusion-e1434208315616.gif
  18. Welcome to the Forum as a contributing member. No info on the escort, though. Happy hunting!!
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