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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. "The reason cats are so pissy is they're God's perfect killing machines but they only weigh 8 lbs and we keep picking them up and kissing them



    I've only lived with one or two cats who weighed 8 pounds or less at any point in their lives. One of them was the most alpha of alpha cats, but she weighed 10 pounds when this photo was taken. (Not my current cat.)


    So let me tell you about 8 lb cats. My parents had two cats, one was about 10 pounds and very nice and the other was over 20 lbs, 2 feet long, dumb as a rock, and mean. The mean was was de-clawed and used to pick on the nice one. I also had two cats, one of which was 8 lbs and the other 9 lbs. They were both sweet little puffballs. The day before leaving on my cross-country move the two cats and I stayed at my parents' house. My cats managed to get out of the bedroom and encountered their smaller cat (who was the nice cat) and the big mean cat. Big mean cat started to bite my litle girl. Little girl cat puffs her tail up, hisses, extends her claws, and swipes at his face. Little girl's brother puffs his tail up, hisses at big mean cat, extends his claws and swipes at his face. Big mean cat ran away and hid under the bed. Little girl cat walks over to smaller nice cat and starts grooming him. Big mean cat stayed under the bed for a couple of days except to eat.

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