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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Yeah, they are either a reseller or buy excess capacity from Verizon. I don't know whether Verizon does this now, but back in the day it wasn't unusual for a provider to prioritize "their" customers over those who used their network via a different provider.
  2. My Verizon unlimited data plan was ~$50/month. I pay for a cousin's phone, so I got us the Verizon GetMore plan for an extra $15 because it includes Apple Music, Disney + (I'm not a Disney fan but she is) and Hulu.
  3. I hired him when he was visiting Phoenix. Nice, hot guy. Feel free to PM me w/specific questions.
  4. Romance scams have been a thing for a few years. So much so that my previous employer (west coast regional bank) provided training to its front-line employees on how to recognize suspicious transactions and how to report. However, all the training in the world can't prevent an insistent customer from executing transactions. The fraudsters know how to groom their victims and provide instructions on how to structure transactions in a way that avoids detection. And the bank employees can't prevent the customer from making transactions at an ATM. God knows we tried, but at the end of the day the money belongs to the customer, and they can do with it as they please.
  5. When I hired Teddyhunter/Monkkeypoxvaxed" in April 2022 he was definitely more "bear" than "bodybuilder." He wasn't even close to being a bodybuilder.
  6. Here is a handful of past discussions about him:
  7. A blood-borne MRSA infection will cause the type of damage that Tyler Roberts has experienced. I have experience in this area, as a MRSA infection killed my mother. A former colleague almost died from one. He did not drink or nor did he take drugs. I hope Tyler pulls through.
  8. I was picked up at Whole Foods by a guy who kept bumping into me and commenting on the food (nice carrots, wow! look at that zucchini, those are some plump sausages, etc). He walked home with me and offered to "help put away the groceries." Then there was a guy I hooked up with who I later learned was an Ameritech (local phone company) technician when he showed up to my home to hook up a second phone line, wearing his uniform completely unzipped and no underwear. When he was finished with the phone line we hooked up. He traded a blow job for getting a friend's phone connected when a shortage of technicians (after a merger and layoff) would have delayed her getting a phone by six months. I also blew the technician who connected my friend's phone.
  9. There was a Mintboys ad that turned out to be for something like this. The whole thing sounded weird, and I just couldn't go through with meeting any of the guys the advertiser supposedly represented. If you feel uncomfortable with the offer then take a pass.
  10. The link above doesn't work, but I think this is the one we are looking for: https://www.companyofmen.org/topic/89924-411-on-gymast-from-la/#elControls_1054502_menu Scroll down for the intel.
  11. I've hired https://rent.men/Monkeypoxvaxed and would not repeat. He used to advertise under TeddyHunter. You can PM me for any details. I exchanged messages with https://rent.men/SanDiegoDreamBoy but our schedules did not mesh and we never got together.
  12. @JEC, I'm with you on chicken thighs in soups and chili. My sensitive tummy can't handle beans, but garbanzos and hominy are OK. I might sub one of those ingredients for the beans.
  13. Moderator's Note: Stop the sniping and stay on the topic of Pine-Sol and Clorox cleaners that have been recalled.
  14. Oh, no! I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. :(
  15. I've picked up three prescriptions within the course of three weeks at Safeway and each time they offer me a flu shot. I intend to get it this weekend.
  16. Sorry to hear about your experience. An escort who advertises on Rentmen in LA had a Mintboys profile in Phoenix, so I reached out to him using his RM contact. Needless to say, he was not in Phoenix and thanked me for alerting him to someone who was using his pics.
  17. Recognize this is a little late but have some insight to share. I bought a Breville Smart Oven Air about five years ago and love it. I've only used the air fryer feature a couple of times and it was OK. What I like is it uses less power, heats up more quickly than my oven, and throws less heat into the kitchen than the oven does. I can bake a couple of chicken breasts and roast vegetables or kale using the oven feature. It also does a nice job broiling, which is helpful when I don't want to run down to the grills in my building's courtyard. It is big enough to roast a small turkey or a turkey breast. The current model is called the Joule, I believe. To me, it is worth the price and the space it takes up on the counter.
  18. In addition to all of the options still being there, the search functionality has improved. In the previous version, each time you checked a box, the filter was applied and the results were refreshed. If you wanted to search on, say, six attributes the page had to refresh six times. In the current version, you choose the options, click a button, and see the results. I like the new site design, but am skeptical that they will be ready to launch when they say they will.
  19. Welcome back! Looks like you have acquired a couple of n's while you were away.
  20. I just received my second Jynneos and COVID booster on Tuesday. Maricopa County (in which Phoenix is located) runs a very well-oiled vaccination machine. It took less time to get checked in and get jabbed than it did to find a parking space.
  21. Looking at his profile text I suspect he's trying to drive traffic to an OnlyFans/JustForFans site.
  22. My guess is a glitch withing Rentmen. Their app was supposed to launch this week (or maybe last) but now the banner reads 64 days. Something tells me all is not well within RM.
  23. Another option is to ask your physician about prescribing a 90-day supply. Before I was required to use a mail order specialty pharmacy, Safeway suggested a 90-day supply and worked with my doctor to switch the script. It was easier for everyone.
  24. Moderator's Note: The topic of this thread is not "Commentary about other Forum members," it is "ivyleaguehungvers." Please stick to it. In days of old, @Guy Fawkes (may he rest in peace) would suggest it was "time to order pizza." For the new folks, that meant "it is time to cut the bullshit or else the thread gets locked and we klunk heads together." We are getting close to having pizza.
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