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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. I like to get massages, and I'm overweight. I disclose my weight as some massage tables will not support both my weight and the weight of the masseur. Disclosing my weight allows the masseur to prepare for a massage on a mat or bed.

    I'm going to get all woo-woo Coastal Southern California here, so feel free to skip this statement if that sort of thing is an irritant.


    I find it interesting that you use the word "disclose" in relation to yourself. To me, it speaks of shame and guilt. How about tweaking the sentence and use the word "share" instead?

  2. And indeed the subject of the thread is Adult Venues. I went to Chicago some years ago and I can confirm that the Lucky Horseshoe is a G-stringed ripoff (unless they've changed their policy since then). Like G strings can't be removed or something.

    Unless the statute has changed, Chicago's municipal code prohibits nudity in a venue where alcohol is served.

  3. I have recently started sharing my stats with escorts because I am very tall. Although I don't consider 6'4" to be freakishly unusual, many guys have had a surprised look and comment on my height when they open the door. I usually tell them that I will be shorter when I am on my back and we both laugh, but for some guys the height difference is a real issue. In terms of communicating expectations, it seems only fair to explain what you want when hiring. How else is the escort supposed to know what you are looking for?

  4. I'm a Premium Member too. But when I looked at his ad yesterday after reading this thread, his Privates were fully Private. So even if you have a membership you still have to ask for a password. I checked today and same situation.

    I was able to access them by clicking on them, but that was a few weeks ago. He might have changed the privacy setting after I unlocked them.

  5. Someone advertising as an escort and the only photo they use to sell themselves is one of them fully clothed? You do the math....


    His ad contains seven pictures. The clothed picture is public and the other six are semi-private. As a premium member I can see all of them. Non-premium members are able to request access to them. Prior to having a premium membership, I always asked for access to the private pics when I was interested in hiring. On the occasions where the escort would not unlock the private pics, I crossed him off the list and moved forward.

  6. I don't think "type" has anything to do with pricing. As they say, one man's meat... On the other hand, if an escort has a unique feature attractive to a certain pool of clients, he may be able to charge more.

    I agree, but the OP mentioned his type charged $300 - $400.

  7. Here in Southern California there are escorts who charge $300 and $400 per hour. There are also escorts who charge between $200 and $250. I haven't done a rate distribution analysis, but a quick scan of ads indicates the majority of escorts who list a rate charge between $200 and $275 per hour, not including multi-hour discounts.


    Thanks for doing the research. I think I was looking at only a certain "type" and they were all in the 300-400 range.


    At the risk of sounding like a picky statistics, math, language, and vocabulary wonk (which I am) you really can't extrapolate rates charged by a certain "type" across the entire population of escorts and deem it a "norm." That method could easily be used to claim $150 is the new norm if one's "type" charged $150 an hour. However, your statement would be 100% accurate if it read "Increasing number of escorts charging $300 - $400."

  8. ...I guess I could rephrase “I really get turned on when a hot guy cums inside while he's fucking me” as something like “Please, would you cum inside me while you're fucking me? It's a real turn on. And you get a big tip if you're really, really loud!” Finding the middle ground between the indignity of a shopping list and the impossibility of mind reading...well...


    Thanks for the thoughts.


    I would stop at "Please would you cum inside of me while you're fucking me? It's a real turn on." If he can and does cum in your ass, give him a nice tip, if you are so inclined.

  9. I have a question, not to anyone in particular—just to the world of escorts at large:


    Why won't you cum in my ass?


    ...Even my whispered suggestion, "You can cum in my ass", goes unheeded. You pull out and unload all over me. Which is great and fine, but it's not quite as exciting as hearing you grunting in ecstacy, feeling those nearly uncontrollable thrusts and shudders, and fearing—just a tiny bit—for my ribs as you try to grasp me tighter than seems humanly possible...


    I hate to be dense, but did you ask him in advance to cum in your ass? Here's why I am asking:



    Is it barebacking? Has it become so common that cumming in a condom is impossible? Too many clients? (I usually book evenings or overnights.) Fear? Any ideas?


    A couple of ideas:

    1. It is possible that your top has held back cumming and requires more direct stimulation to cum than is provided while wearing a condom. If you asked him in advance to cum in your ass he might not have held off cumming and been able to do so while wearing the condom.
    2. Some guys can't cum while using a condom, even when they do not bareback. They require more direct friction on their dick than they get from a condom.
    3. Some guys are hyper-concerned about a condom tearing, breaking or slipping off (I would imagine tearing would be the most common of the three) and do not want to risk inseminating the bottom.

    My suggestion is to ask your next escort in advance of the appointment to cum inside the condom while fucking you and see what he says. Recognize, however, that escorts are human beings and can't flip the "cum inside the bottom" switch.

  10. You can sit in the front you know...

    I don't fit comfortably in the front or back seats of the Honda Civic (the first driver) and whatever little Lexus the second driver was driving.

  11. Headlines of Uber ads for drivers say things like "Earn up to $25/hour in fares" or "Earn up to $50K/year in fares". These dollar amounts represent the max that a driver might make in fares which of course is not the same as income. I do think it would be a good practice for Uber to give potential drivers examples of what some drivers in their area actually make, net of expenses. Net income for Uber drivers is all over the place so a potential Uber driver could look at an example of someone who is close to their situation to get a better idea of what they might actually take home. If Uber doesn't already do that, they should.


    I agree with you. Until they start doing that, we can't blame the driver for thinking he would make $50K per year as did a previous poster.


    A side note: I noticed Lyft is no longer running ads with the smiling software engineer from San Francisco standing next to his Prius. Software engineers in Silicon Valley are NOT driving for Lyft and Uber.


    ...Uber is doing well financially there is no question about that....


    That is not true. In 2013 Uber lost about as much as it generated in revenue. Its revenue is the cut they take from each fare. Here's an article about their financials:




    In fairness, most start-ups lose money in their first few years of operation. The article mentions that Uber might be profitable in some cities, such as Chicago, LA, or NYC. However, their losses are increasing and are unsustainable.


    ...Their major problems are regulations and "employee" relationships. I think first the cab companies are just going to try to make them go away using those all important political connections if that fails they will try to copy, but for the most part that never works cause you are always one step behind.


    Their major problem is they do not know how to run a business. They did not think through the potential liability in case of an accident or driver bad behavior (the stories about their dodgy liability insurance practices are well-documented), nor did they contemplate that their drivers would rely on their income claims to make a living. The Uber app is great. It is the transportation execution side that has issues.


    Regarding the cramped, out-dated vehicles in use by taxi companies, I, too, am 6'4" tall. Only one of the four Uber cars I have used was big enough to comfortably accommodate me. It was an old, not-well-maintained Dodge Journey (I happen to drive a Journey, albeit a newer and well-maintained model). It was a hot August day in Chicago and the driver was not running the AC. My previous Uber vehicles were a Honda Civic, a small Lexus, and a Jeep that was big on the outside and not big on the inside.

  12. Thanks so much to all who offered their knowledge on this thread. Yet another reason why this forum is invaluable.

    You are welcome.


    PS: If you have time, check out some of the non-gay centric venues Chicago has to offer. Millennium Park downtown is not to be missed. The Cloudgate sculpture is breathtaking as are the gardens, which might not be in bloom when you visit given that Chicago has distinct seasons and Autumn is upon us. A stroll down Michigan Avenue is always fun and the Chicago River architectural tours are great ways to relax and sightsee. Try to grab a cocktail at the bar at the top of the John Hancock building. For the price of a drink you can get a 360 view of Chicago and Lake Michigan from the 94th floor. The drinks are a bit overpriced, but they are less expensive than the observatory a few floors up. IMO, the view from the Hancock is superior to that of the Willis (Sears) Tower Skydeck. I also recommend visiting the Art Institute's Modern Wing and walking around the Loop to soak in the architecture and the city's character. Lastly, (well not lastly, as there are dozens of things to do) a great way to see the North Side is from a Brown Line 'L' train. You can catch it on the Loop 'L' and ride it up to Belmont (it goes further, but Belmont is one of Boystown's main streets). Some great vistas of great architecture.

  13. Great rundown rvwnsd! One small correction, Cocktail is no longer in business; that is now the home of Progress Bar. There are many new additions to Boystown, including Replay, Seven, and Manhole.

    Strafe, Boystown is certainly where you're going to get more bang for your buck (no pun intended!) As rvwnsd mentioned, if you want strippers, Lucky Horseshoe is the place. Three bars, two dance stages, and a rotation of dancers (usually 8 each night). Plus private lapdances (that aren't really that private) are offered. Plus, just a couple of blocks down is the aforementioned Steamworks (which is absolutely better than MansCountry). If you want the quick fix and not into the whole bath house, there is also Ram (a bookstore with a hopping back room-$15 to go back there) down the street. No matter what your taste- Leather, showtunes, twinks, Latins, strippers-there's a bar in Boystown for you.

    Thanks for the correction. I thought I heard Cocktail was no longer, but then I saw their website and recent Yelp reviews. I always forget about Manhole. It has been there for years!

  14. Chicago has two main gayborhoods: Lake View (a/k/a Boystown) and Andersonville. Both are situated a few blocks from the lakefront. The main drag of Boystown starts at Halsted and Belmont (approx. 4 miles north and a mile west of Downtown) and Andersonville's main strip is Clark Street starting at Foster (approx six miles north and two miles west of Downtown). Both are accessible by the CTA Red Line, with the Belmont stop serving Lake View and the Berwyn stop serving Andersonville.


    There are two bathhouses left in Chicago: Steamworks in Lake View and Man's Country in Uptown, just north of the Andersonville community. Steamworks is the nicer of the two.





    Man's Country:



    Lake View has been the center of LGBT life in Chicago since the late 1970's when the scene moved north from Old Town. The last vestige of the Old Town gay scene is the Bijou (a theater and sex club affiliated with Bijou Video) and it is closing on Sept 30. Most of the bars are located on Halsted between Belmont and Addison.


    Roscoe's (Corner of Halsted and Roscoe) has been around since the mid-1980's. It has several rooms, with the main room having one of the most beautiful antique bars.



    Side Track is a video bar down the street (south) from Roscoe's and has also been around for ages.



    Cocktail is a relative newcomer (it opened in the 1990's) and is across the street from Roscoe's



    Andersonville is Chicago's second gayborhood. It is about two miles north of Lake View, with Clark Street being its main commercial strip. Although I have never been, friends of mine like @mosphere and Marty's Martini Bar. Marty's is tucked away on a side street off of Clark Street on Balmoral Avenue. @mosphere is not far away and has strippers.


    @mosphere (Corner of Clark and Balmoral)



    Marty's (Balmoral between Clark and Ashland)



    There are two gay bars downtown: Downtown (located in the former Gentry space) at 440 N State Street



    and The Second Story an old-school bar above the Sayat Nova Armenian restaurant at 157 E Ohio St.


    Both are near the Grand Red Line stop.


    Big Chicks in Uptown is a very popular bar. I've always found it to be very friendly and a lot of fun. It is located at 5024 Sheridan Rd, a few blocks east of the Argyle Red Line stop.



    If you like strip clubs, the granddaddy of them all is The Lucky horseshoe, located at the corner of Belmont and Halsted.



    There are bars that have strippers (such as the afore-mentioned @mosphere)


    There are many others. Just google "Chicago Gay Bars" and you will see. Many of the bars are located outside of the traditional "gayborhoods" and could present a challenge if using public transit. Boystown is very accessible by the 'L.' Andersonville is a bit of a walk from the 'L,' so Uber or a taxi might be a better bet.

  15. I really don't have patience for Millenials. I wish I did. And Generation Z? Forget about it--Entitled an incurious beyond reason (yes there are (rare) exceptions, there are always exceptions to something that is generally true; that's what "generally true" means)).

    You recognize Boomers said the very same thing about Gen Xers, right?


    I look forward to hearing Millennials bitch about Generation M or whatever their progeny are called.

  16. ...The guy sited in the Huffington Post article made a poor decision to give up his regular job to be an independent driver. Uber or Lyft is not responsible for his failure to make a well informed decision....


    The driver made his decision based on information provided by Uber and Lyft. Are they not responsible for the accuracy of the information they provide to prospective drivers?


    If you arranged for a ride using Uber and the driver nearly got you killed due to their bad driving, would you hold yourself responsible because you made an ill-informed decision (e.g. not performing your own background check on the driver) or would you hold Uber responsible for sending you a reckless driver?


    On a side note, I find it interesting that Uber has shifted from the "sharing" economy to the "on demand" economy.

  17. Yeah what is up with that? I see that every now and then when googling a number - it leads to some hot female or often a trans escort? And often, the dates on the ads seem too current (just a few months old, not years old) making me think it's not turnover, but that it's someone trolling everywhere to scam anyone they can.

    I've seen that, too. One of three things is going on:


    1. As you said, someone is running a shady massage/escort ad.
    2. They are using a Google Voice number that was recycled.
    3. They are using a "disposable" prepaid cell phone and the number has been recycled.

  18. And driver attitude when they get tired of listening to the directions. A Uber driver said he not would come to a well known / heeled restaurant when the turns became too complicated for him. My friend resorted to waving down a real cab.

    Really? That's just ridiculous.

  19. ...At the heart of the lawsuit is the language with which Uber describes the rigor of its driver background checks. After hearing from prosecutors, Uber has softened its claims over the past year, downshifting from saying it has “industry-leading” background checks and “safety you can trust” to its current message, which is that “every system of background checks that is available today has its flaws.” ...


    Their turn-by-turn direction system has its flaws, too. It sent an Uber driver into a tunnel beneath downtown LA and told him we had arrived at our destination. Our destination was the Omni hotel, not the corner of tunnel and tunnel. Imagine what would happen if it sent a driver into Compton instead of rancho Palos Verdes.

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