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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. rvwnsd


    I took my first uber ride tonight. After requesting the ride, the app told me he was hearing impaired, but would have turn-by-turn directions. He spoke little English and, thanks to bad instructions provided by uber's app, drove me to a tunnel under my hotel in downtown LA. He figured out how to get me to the front door and was very apologetic for the problem, even though it was not his fault. I'm not reporting a fare problem, as the problem is not his fault and I do not want him penalized for following uber's directions. I rated him 5 stars for his good nature. My first two attempts at using uber resulted in them sending me drivers whose cars smelled from pot. I cancelled the ride. Although this was an improvement, I am not ready to call myself a fan.
  2. Goddesses can NEVER get enough recognition of their goddessliness.
  3. FreshFluff, tyro, and quoththeraven are goddesses. Perhaps we can create a title to reflect their stature.
  4. I remember admiring the male acrobats on Bozo's Circus and making a beeline to the men's underwear ads whenever the Sears catalog would arrive, circa grade 4 or 5.
  5. Actually, same people, one ad using pics stolen from someone else. Hell, the backpage ad could be using someone else's pics, too.
  6. Googling the phone number reveals this ad: http://sandiego.backpage.com/MaleEscorts/10-inches-hung-pnp-hot-muscular-german-stud-avail-in-california-roberto-here/19511529 Note the pictures are completely different.
  7. Oh, forgive me. You see, I live in America, not in 'murica. We do things differently here. OK, you all can go back to watching NASCAR, Fox News, and Storage Wars.
  8. A couple of things to keep in mind: He has not been accused of committing a crime The concept of "innocent until proven guilty" Running a porn rental business does not make one's soul "dark" Does it matter that he started eating Subway sandwiches because the Subway was convenient?
  9. rvwnsd


    Ummmm...uber and airbnb are both corporations.
  10. rvwnsd


    I hate to hold the needle that pops the "sharing economy" balloon, but when payment is involved nothing has been shared. Sharing refers to giving something. If I buy the 978 pack of toilet paper at Costco and give someone 200 rolls and do not get anything in return, I have "shared" 200 rolls. If I get, say, 57 rolls of paper towels in exchange for my 200 rolls of toilet paper, I have "bartered" 200 rolls for 57 rolls of paper towels. If I receive money for my 200 rolls, then I have "sold" the 200 rolls. Love 'em or hate 'em, Uber, airbnb, et al are facilitating the sale of a service. That's not sharing.
  11. Cholesterol level? Blood pressure? Resting heart rate?
  12. It was understood that 222-333-4444 was a fake number. The fake phone number raised the suspicion of several Forum members, myself included. The premise is this: if an escort provides a fake phone number, what else is fake? Given the number of ads that contain false information, it is easy to make the leap that other info or the pics could be fake. Anyone, client or escort, who does not want to provide their own phone number should either not provide one or get a Google Voice number.
  13. I dunno, Gman. When I put the pics under my electron microscope it became obvious that there's a 7/32nds of an inch difference between the depiction of abdominal muscle 2 in pictures 2 and 3. I'm being facetious, of course. If the advertiser had not used the fictitious phone number I would be less skeptical.
  14. The pics look like they are of different guys. The first two and possibly the third seem to be of the same person. The fourth photo seems to be of someone else. The pecs are of a different shape and it looks like the right nipple is in a different place. I'm having a small plate of crow as I write this, as in the past I've made snarky comments about pic verifiers taking a pubic hair count and calling "fake" when one pic had a few more hairs than another. Not just you. It is a fictitious number. Some guys don't want to receive calls or texts, but they typically don't specify a number and then state "emails only." I smell a rat here.
  15. Every time I see this thread's headline I think it is about galleries. Sigh.
  16. As purplekow said, it is appalling how cruel some people can be. Thank God that man smelled the fire and checked it out. Someone ought to find whoever set the next on fire and set THEM on fire.
  17. With all these polls you will need to change your name to Harris Nielson.
  18. +1 Ultimately, I cast my vote for '90's Jake Andrews. I like his face better than the millennial version.
  19. He also has an ad on Masseurfinder.
  20. That's right! It was the entire bridge over the 60 freeway. The freeway melting was a different accident. Can you believe we've had more than one accident that resulted in a melting? Personally, I would rather see you without the outfit, but that's just me. We really need to get together again, sans melted freeway.
  21. I believe Tristan can snap his fingers and teleport himself to wherever he wants to go. He developed that skill after he was late to an appointment (with me) due to a fuel tanker accident in which the resulting fire melted a freeway. (No, I'm not making this up.) If he could only prevent fuel tanker accidents...
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