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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. How many of those killed were teenagers shot six times by the cop they were actively surrendering to?


    Protect and serve should not include shoot to kill with teenagers in the act of surrender.


    Excellent point.


    Another point to ponder: The Chicago police haven't gone paramilitary nor have they turned the West and South sides into a militarized zone.

  2. The big cities passed it up because they don't use military type equipment or because the equipment they passed up wasn't up to their standards?


    I re-read the article to make sure I provided an accurate answer and realized that I misread it. The article stated that small- and mid-sized cities typically deployed the equipment they had received, whereas the large cities did not deploy the equipment they received. It cited the response to Occupy protests. New York, Boston, and Los Angeles did not have a militarized response to the protests. On the other hand, Tampa used tanks to break up the protests.


    My apologies for relying on a fuzzy memory of an article read before the coffee took effect.

  3. OMG, he is a professional victim! (Please note sarcasm)


    16 people shot, 3 killed last night in Chicago. I assume the protestors are equally outraged?




    The protesters in Ferguson, MO might not be outraged, but residents of the affected Chicago neighborhoods, as well as residents of neighborhoods in which shootings do not occur, are outraged. So far, they haven't looted or burned vehicles, but the community and the local police are very angry about the violence. The difference, of course, is that the victims were not walking down the street with their hands above their heads and the shooters were not police officers.

  4. ...Blatant incompetence, and there's nothing else about the story that gives me any more faith in local authorities.


    Combine blatant incompetence with military weaponry and equipment and you get the events that have occurred in Ferguson, MO. An LA Times article stated that surplus military equipment like that which was used in Ferguson was passed up by the major metropolitan police forces (e.g. New York, Chicago, Los Angeles) and typically went to small and medium sized forces.

  5. A guy I hired recently mentioned that he prefers, if being hired by a bottom, that the client lube himself before the session. I thought that was taking the concept of being prepared to the extreme. Any comments?


    I have never encountered an escort who wanted me to lube myself before the session. On one occasion I did so because the scene was for the escort to walk in, strip, get hard, and fuck me. Didn't leave much time for him to lube me up. However, the scene was my idea, not his.

  6. A handful of guys have contacted me after I read their ads. One guy is someone I have hired in the past and had set up a playdate with while he was in town. My Rentmen handle is different than others so he didn't recognize me. He and I laughed about it. One guy was appealing, but he wouldn't leave me alone. After I messaged him saying "I will let you know when I am ready to play" several times I told him I was no longer interested and blocked him. Others I was not interested in and I politely told them so and others I might hire in the future and told them so, too. All of them sent an additional "thank you for getting back to me" email and that was that.

  7. There are 16 escort ads in Doha and all of them, including Andy's, indicate the escort would make weekend travel plans. Given the inhospitable legal climate for gay men, I can see why all of the escorts are based somewhere else. I'm going to guess that anyone living in Qatar would travel outside the country to meet an escort rather than risk prison time and lashings. Googling his email address yields links to various Rentboy ads, two of which are still active, and a few of which aren't. My gut says he is not illegitimate, but no idea whether he is worth the high price.

  8. His being a foreigner, maybe he is just a poor speller.



    The ad copy is spelled correctly, it is just his name that has inconsistencies. Just strikes me as odd.

  9. I don't see any reference to Australia or Latin America in the ads. Am I missing something or did he change the ads since you last looked? Nonetheless, he seems to be confused about his name. The Rentboy ad headline reflects Vyctor, but the ad copy and the backpage headline reflect Vitor. I wonder if he suffers from multiple personality disorder. Maybe Vyktor is from Australia and Vitor is from Latin America?

  10. Possibly, but the only thing is that there is no review by Bart of Jay Holt, and normally Bart is one of the most reliable about reviewing a session, especially a first time meeting. Again, it's possible, but I'm just wondering if there is someone else.


    Oh, good point! Years ago, Raul G Manzo wrote a little program that let you tally reviews by reviewer and, if memory serves me correctly, listed them too. Where is that program when you need it?


    PS: I highly recommend Raul.

  11. Josh Riley and Jay Holt also retired this year.


    PM me if you are interested in knowing the reasons of their untimely decision to hang their "gloves".


    Jay Holt is probably retiree number 3, as Josh Riley retired (and his retirement was announced) rather early this year.

  12. This has happened with a variety of lubes, all of them water-based and some have been quite expensive. Regarding the miscibility issue, I don't pour one into the other or anything like that. I might put some directly on me/fingers/condom/them and then a little bit of the other in the same place. But the two lubes never touch at the source, so I can't figure out what is causing the problem, especially since it's a relatively recent one and has never happened outside of DC.


    I also have the "leaky bottle" issue. I have had to resort putting plastic wrap in the tops of the bottles because it WILL come out if the bottle is not sealed, even when closed.


    I don't have any oil-based lube, but I will try some with my non-latex condoms and see how it works. It seems so messy though.


    I use a water-based lube called H20JO. Love it! They sell a larger size (16 oz I think) that comes in a pump bottle. It is very easy to dispense and makes sure the stuff inside of the bottle never comes in contact with stuff outside of the bottle. They also have a travel size that usually does not leak. I fill the travel size from the pump bottle.

  13. I don't know if this is out of line or too personal of information, but do most escorts pay taxes? I suppose technically you're self employed, but since it's mainly a cash job. I've always been curious.


    As Joseph points out, any individual who wishes to buy any item on credit or rent an apartment/business space must be able to provide documentation of income. In absence of a paycheck, tax returns and/or 1099s can suffice. If one does not pay taxes, one would not have these documents and, therefore, would be unable to demonstrate they have an income. As has been pointed out in previous threads on the topic, the cost of massage oil/lotion/cream, lube, laundry services, work space, etc can be tax-deductible.

  14. ...Well having kids part needs a miracle lol...


    Having kids does not require a miracle. It simply requires a woman who is as kind, generous, and sweet as you are. That and a 9-month waiting period. ;)


    Welcome back

  15. Funny that you posed this question when you did. A few weeks ago I ran across an enticing escort ad, but one of the pictures looked familiar. The next day, I was looking at a dudesnude profile and there was the same picture. The dudesnude guy is not an escort. I've chatted with him in the past and know that it is his, not the escort's, picture. So, I told him. He contacted the escort and that picture is now gone.


    In answer to your question, if you hire a guy and he does not match his pictures, turn him away and tell him why you are doing so. If enough people do that, he will either post current/accurate/his own pictures or find a different line of work. Aside from that, I suppose we could all send e-mails to the guy calling him on his fake pics.

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