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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. No, but he is on my list of guys to contact next time I visit.
  2. This paragraph (boldface/italics added for emphasis) does a nice job of summarizing what is not changing: To be clear, there’s nothing new about the duty to pay taxes on income from sales or services. As the IRS explains in Publication 525, the obligation extends even to profits from the sale of personal items or hobby collectibles. So if you buy a rare jazz LP for $5 at a yard sale and then sell it for $300, you owe taxes on the $295 you cleared. I recently hired an escort who prefers being paid by Cashapp or Venmo because he has a record of the transaction. That record can be used to substantiate his income when borrowing money for a major purchase and when he prepares his taxes.
  3. Hard to believe, indeed. So much has happened since then. Wherever he is, I hope @Guy Fawkes is having a grand old time.
  4. Check with your mobile phone provider. Interestingly, when I drive on Interstate 8 from San Diego to Phoenix Verizon sends me texts welcoming me to Mexico and offering a discounted one-day pass to use my phone in Mexico. It happens because in some places I-8 is less than a mile from the border and the phone bounces off a tower located in Mexico. Never mind I never leave the US. My point in mentioning this is your provider might offer you a temporary international plan upgrade.
  5. Supposedly, RM will remove a negative review at the escort's request only when they have few reviews or no other reviews. I tend to believe this is the case as I've seen several instances where a provider who has several reviews has one or two negative ones. Regarding a premium membership, the price affords benefits other than the ability to post reviews. It allows the member to see "semi-private" pictures without requesting the advertiser's permission and all videos. Frankly, I think the ability to see the additional photos is worth the price of a membership.
  6. Prefacing this by saying I don't go looking for red flags and many things that are red flags for others are not red flags for me. This, however, is a huge red flag. In fact, it is more than a red flag. It screams "He is grooming you to give him money that you will never see again." You are falling for a trick that will burn you. Don't do it! I understand how easy it is to get sucked into texting on a regular basis. To me, it is a very bad sign. A couple of things If he seems busy/distracted, then he is. Hard as it may be, try laying off the texts for a couple of days. IMO, the answer to the question "Are you falling victim again?" is "Yes." In my world, "being good to a provider" means "buying him a gift card as a token" or " driving him home from a playdate when his car is in the shop." It doesn't mean giving him money in advance of a date. I applaud your desire to be nice and do a favor for this guy. That's very kind. It is also very risky. My advice is to 1) abandon the idea of giving him money in advance and 2) stop texting with him every day. You mentioned he seemed distracted (although sufficiently engaged to mention money problems). To me, the reason for texting or talking with someone is to develop a sense of engagement. I just don't see how you can develop that with someone who isn't engaged. It might be time to find someone else and let this guy ride off into the sunset.
  7. Thank you all for the reco. Company is one of my all-time favorites. Let's hope it is still open the next time I visit NYC. 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
  8. This is not a criticism of him for getting implants. If the story is correct and he has bicep implants, and the pictures were taken post-implant he should demand a refund.
  9. It isn't unusual to refer to the store as the "pharmacy," but technically speaking the pharmacy is the area of the store where prescription drugs and OTC meds that require an ID are dispensed. That technicality becomes important at places like Safeway that encompass a supermarket, a general merchandise selection, and a pharmacy counter.
  10. CVS in Arizona is distributing them at the front cash registers. I think "pharmacy" is being used instead of "drugstore."
  11. I haven't received mine yet. Here in Phoenix the tests have become readily available. Even AJ's (a gourmet grocery that is part of the Bashas' chain) sells them.
  12. I beg to differ. Oh, wait - sorry, different kind of milkman. 😹 Here are some new ones that should enter the repertoire: Social media influencer Bitcoin investor Day trader Broken phone screen repair guy Voice of connected home device that develops a human form and becomes sentient
  13. rvwnsd

    Ice Fishing?

    It never ceases to amaze me how some people immediately go down a road leading to the most salacious, not to mention unlikely, outcome.
  14. rvwnsd

    Heedon in Raleigh

    Sorry to hear that. What's his RM name now?
  15. I agree with @Tygerscent. It could improve the reliability of RM's reviews.
  16. I noticed you are still here on the Forum, @samhexum, so apparently you have not metamorphosized. But seriously, I hope all your tests turn out OK.
  17. After working for my now-former employer for 18.5 years, in July 2021 my role ended as a result of a reorganization. I received a generous severance package and at 57 was able to take my retirement benefits. They aren't enough to live on, but they are certainly a plus. My package included nine months of outplacement, including the services of an executive coach. She has been very helpful, and I would encourage you to hire one who has experience with people in your profession and age bracket. You've mentioned being 58 and having 35 years at the same company a few times. You've also mentioned the number of people who report to you and the number of them who are managers. Do yourself a favor if and think beyond age, longevity, and number of reports. Instead, think in terms of the skills you bring to an employer. Managing a 230-member team with 20 leaders is irrelevant if you are interviewing with a retailer who has ten stores and 100 employees. However, leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills plus resiliency will be relevant. In a different post, you mentioned concerns had been raised about your leadership. I worked for someone I like quite a lot who happens to be 61 or 62. She learned how to be a leader in the 1980's and 1990's and it shows. One day we were chatting, and I just blurted out "1991 called and it wants its management style back." She laughed hysterically and said she was working on it. Given the concerns that were raised about your leadership you might want to ask yourself what decade your leadership style belongs in vs what decade we are in today. You might also want to ask yourself what steps you can take to address the concerns that were raised.
  18. I've flown American and Southwest between Phoenix and Florida. On each of the flights the flight attendants were diligent about reminding passengers that masks are to be worn between sips and/or bites. The captain also made announcements to that effect.
  19. Yes, they do. All people who earn income are required to report it and pay taxes on it to the IRS and pay into Social Security and Medicare. Whether they do is a different story. But back to the topic: I don't think there are fewer straight guys working as escorts, but instead there are more guys in general working as escorts. The result is/could be the proportion of straight guys vs the overall population has diminished because the overall population has increased.
  20. I'm reading this with one cat planted on my lap and the other sitting on the arm of the chair with his head resting on my arm. This is after waking up with one cat on my right side and the other curled up between my legs.
  21. The title of this thread made me think of the novella by Kafka. Let's hope you are still you when you wake up in the morning.
  22. You can always put the waterproof sheet on the mattress and one of those microfiber blankets on top of the sheet. They are comfy and basically indestructible. Brown is my go-to color.
  23. Not to take us off-topic, but how much time is required to get the quick charge? Back to topic: I addressed my personal gasoline crisis by buying a smaller car.
  24. @mike carey, you paid the equivalent of US $4.81/gallon for diesel, which is higher than the average price here in Phoenix ($3.90) but lower than that in San Francisco ($4.95) according to the American Automobile Association (i.e. the motor club). I just paid $3.79 for a gallon of regular at the local Chevron. That station tends to be a little cheaper than other Chevrons, though.
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