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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. I'd like to see more countries buy Cuba's vaccine. Perhaps it would help bolster the economy.
  2. A couple of years ago I stumbled upon a clip of "Life With Elizabeth," a very early sitcom starring Betty White. She never lost that glint in her eyes or that sweet-yet-devilish grin. She was truly a television pioneer. RIP Betty White. We will miss you. To cheer us all up, here's Betty in Carol Burnett's "Beach Blanket Bingo" sketch:
  3. Moderator's Note: A great big "thank you" to everyone who has remained on topic when replying to this thread. Let's all remember to follow this example and avoid politicizing the thread or criticizing specific individuals/groups. Thank you
  4. I've never hired him. However, he has been using those same pictures for more than a decade on A4A, Rentboy, and now Rentmen.
  5. My mom would say that, too! Mom, when one of us was sick: "If you die, I'll kill you."
  6. Dad, when someone had the refrigerator door opened a bit too long: "What are you doing in there - posing for religious pictures?" Mom: "Don't be ridiculous" (You NEVER wanted to be ridiculous) Dad: "I am counting to three. One..." Mom, to Dad when one of us was obviously lying: "No, let him keep talking. I want to hear how he ends this." Dad: "I'll knock you into next week." Mom, to woman who pissed her off: "Listen missy..." ("Missy" could be twenty years older than mom.) Mom, to man who pissed her off: "Listen buster..." Dad: "Shut up and answer my question" Mom: "If you [do/wear/say] that, they'll think you just got off the boat." Once, when my mother made the "just got off the boat" comment about a shirt my brother was wearing, he retorted "everyone comes over by plane now." Without blinking an eye my mother shot back "If you wore that thing, they would not allow you on the plane. You'd have to come over by boat!" My brother changed his shirt.
  7. I despise condiments on cold sandwiches. When Jersey Mike's asks me whether I want it "Mike's Way" I reply "No, I want it my way - no oil, no vinegar..."
  8. I'm not a sour cream fan, but it doesn't sound disgusting to me. It feels retro - like a recipe from the 50's or 60's.
  9. I crossed him off my list because he listed "PNP" as an interest and "party" as a hashtag.
  10. Find out whether he is certified and, if so, what certification he has. If he is a registered dietician/nutritionist, 12 sessions for $300 does not sound out of line.
  11. rvwnsd


    I'm being completely honest. Every condition you have listed is among the list of things clients complain about when hiring escorts. If that's how you want to operate your business, then I do not think you will be successful and you should think about a different way to make extra money.
  12. Before I can provide an opinion, I have a couple of questions: How many sessions per week? What is provided during each session? Does the trainer have any credentials? Is he trained and certified? Where did he receive his training?
  13. How many times must we tell you to use the ? Back to the topic. While I tend to be a "say what you mean/mean what you say" guy, everyone has a different comfort level regarding the things they do and say. That's why signs point to the "Restroom" and not the "Toilet."
  14. I grew up in Chicago and visited Milwaukee at least once per month. You're right about it retaining its European feel. A college friend who grew up in Chicago and landed a job in one of the North Shore suburbs moved to Milwaukee because the cost of living was much lower than Chicago's and his commute was about the same as it would have been from Chicago to his job.
  15. I'm sorry to hear Storm passed away. Hang in there.
  16. He also went by GermanBoyLA. In a couple of the pics he looks like Colin Jost.
  17. Please, @Tygerscent, let's not give the folks at InstantPot any ideas, OK? On second thought, scratch that. If they make an InstantPot that cooks, cleans, and fucks I'd buy it!
  18. Of course, when everyone starts doing it... I don't think a face tattoo is necessarily a turn-off. There are plenty of guys who don't have face tattoos whom I find unattractive.
  19. Colin and Beck do it for me! Kate McKinnon is very funny and it was nice to see her back last week, but Cecily Strong is my absolute favorite followed by Heidi Gardner.
  20. @lonely_john, our very own @Unicorn has experience in this area. You'd be wise to consult with him.
  21. For the folks who aren't afflicted with the "tastes like soap" syndrome the cilantro is barely noticeable. I can't eat onions (suffice to say they become a "cleanse") and omit them from recipes all the time. You could omit the cilantro and the recipe would be just fine.
  22. I tried the beta site the day it was available. Five minutes was more than plenty. Reverted to using rent.men. Today, I looked at it again and it appears many of the bugs have been resolved. I agree that it is very busy, which is funny because most revamped websites are so sparse, they are unattractive. Still, this is definitely a beta site. Funny you said this. I'm looking for work and am having to transition from project-managing in a very strict waterfall environment to doing so in an agile environment. This is an example of "agile" becoming "fragile," not to mention a lesson in how not to deploy a beta site.
  23. Sorry, @dutchal, I searched my database (yes, I have an Access DB of providers who interest me) and found nothing.
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