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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. For the folks who aren't afflicted with the "tastes like soap" syndrome the cilantro is barely noticeable. I can't eat onions (suffice to say they become a "cleanse") and omit them from recipes all the time. You could omit the cilantro and the recipe would be just fine.
  2. I tried the beta site the day it was available. Five minutes was more than plenty. Reverted to using rent.men. Today, I looked at it again and it appears many of the bugs have been resolved. I agree that it is very busy, which is funny because most revamped websites are so sparse, they are unattractive. Still, this is definitely a beta site. Funny you said this. I'm looking for work and am having to transition from project-managing in a very strict waterfall environment to doing so in an agile environment. This is an example of "agile" becoming "fragile," not to mention a lesson in how not to deploy a beta site.
  3. Sorry, @dutchal, I searched my database (yes, I have an Access DB of providers who interest me) and found nothing.
  4. That is so true. One guy whose content I subscribed to started doing the PPV nonsense and at the same time cut way down on the content he posts as part of his paid membership. The content wasn't great, so I didn't renew. Another guy, whom I've chatted with on-and-off, was charging $5/month for decent content and asked his members whether they would rather him keep the $5 subscription and post PPV content or increase the subscription to $10 and include all of his content in the membership price. Overwhelmingly, his followers opted for the price increase. The other day I asked him whether any members cancelled when he raised his price. He said a few had, but he nearly doubled his subscriber base after he said he would not do PPV. The worst part about the PPV stuff is it is rarely any good. At $20 a pop they better not post vids shot on an iPhone, for Pete's sake.
  5. Wow - very sexy! He just appeared in Palm Springs, so I hope he has relocated and isn't just visiting. Like @big-n-tall, December is REALLY busy and I don't think I can swing a trip to PS.
  6. Perhaps he likes three-ways? But seriously...there's a reason my RM client profile is set to "private." I don't want escorts who don't understand the meaning of boundaries relentlessly hitting me up because I look at their profiles.
  7. rvwnsd

    411 TomofPS

    He used the same pics on Rentboy and Men4RentNow lo-o-o-o-o-o-o-ong before Rentmen was a thing.
  8. The last line of the post addresses Mac computers, including the Imac
  9. If you view the site on a Windows computer you can adjust the zoom by using <CTRL> + or, should your computer have a touch screen, you would follow the same instructions @Beancounter gave. I believe it works the same on an iPhone, as it does on an Android phone. On a Mac you use <CMD> +.
  10. 411 posts typically receive more responses when they include a link to the provider's profile. That's why @alexslaveboy included it in his reply. That said, I've noticed when an ad reads: instead of reading: The guy is not meeting clients.
  11. Having raised cats for 35+ years I doubt the woman was breastfeeding a cat. Unless this is a very small kitten, an airplane seat is too small to facilitate removing the cat from the carrier. If she was able to remove the cat from the carrier, she could not breastfeed it unless she was lactating. It is possible this is a small kitten that was being bottle-fed. It is also possible this is a joke. Of course, there's a possibility the woman was breastfeeding a cat, but I think the probability is near zero.
  12. rvwnsd

    House of Gucci

    The funny thing is Lady GaGa is of Italian ancestry.
  13. Funny, isn't it? Unless a guy has a free listing and a pay listing on OF, I don't think there is a way to provide previews. There are guys who maintain two OF listings, but I can imagine it is a huge pain in the ass.
  14. My beef (no pun intended) with OF is you can't preview the guy's content. I hate buying a subscription only to find the content isn't what I am looking for. The Best Flex does have quite a few bodybuilders selling videos.
  15. His RM name was originally "Midwesterhunk" (no "n" between the "r" and "h") and there's a thread about him here.
  16. Funny how little kitty-cats have the same mannerisms as big, ferocious tigers.
  17. My first thoughts! Glad I'm not the only one whose mind went there.
  18. Safeway used to sell box-bags and AJ's here in Phoenix still does. When i take them to Trader Joe's they always say they wish TJ's would sell them.
  19. Ya know, we get flu shots every year. That's a form of a booster.
  20. Same with me. I cleared my schedule, anticipating the same reaction I had for my first two shots (dead-to-the-world tired for three days) and all I had was a slightly sore arm that wasn't as bad as the one I had with my shingles shot. Safeway asked me to make an appointment so I could complete the paperwork online, which was far better than filling out a paper form. People under 65 need to have an underlying medical condition to get one there, but having asthma I was able to get the shot. It was more convenient to get it at Safeway than it was anywhere else, plus they have little offices where they administer the shot. Much better than getting it out in the open, like at CVS. I don't believe the Arizona Department of Public Health has any restrictions, though. Here in Phoenix, the Desert Botanical Garden requires advance reservations and mask-wearing. The place is entirely outdoors! It isn't like they get super-crowded and, like I said, it is outdoors.
  21. Not wanting to gratuitously pile on, but the Photoshopping isn't even very well done.
  22. Can't speak for BBVA or Santander (another foreign-owned bank) but rotations to Japan at my former employer were voluntary and proficiency in Japanese was not required. They would teach expats some basic Japanese phrases. A colleague who did two rotations about four years apart noted that English was more widely spoken the second time around and the Japanese employees were happy to show off their English-language skills.
  23. This isn't limited to urban hotels. Almost every Hilton, Marriott, and Choice Hotels property I've stayed at has a card reader at the front door. Some don't activate it at all and others activate after a specific time (10:00 PM and midnight are the most common times I've seen). They typically have a little doorbell-looking thing where a guest who is checking in can ring for a desk person to let them in. Hilton now allows guests who use the digital key function of the app to share the digital key with others who have the app. The guest simply shares their digital key. I believe there is an option to unshare as well.
  24. Until very recently, foreign-owned banks in the US were used as a stop on the rotational training program for up-and-coming executives back in the home country. In my former employer's case, many of our executives were Japanese expats. Until the late 2000's, many struggled with English. I heard an expat BBVA USA* executive speak at a conference and could barely understand him. Over time, as senior execs became expected to speak directly with regulators and the media their proficiency in English improved. * BBVA USA was owned at the time by BBVA, a bank based in Spain.
  25. I was talking to a guy at Costco who said the same thing happened to him. It appears the battery on mine is now not holding a charge. @Doe Be Doe, here's a link to the one I saw at Costco and to the Black and Decker on Amazon..
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