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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. The conversion of entire apartment buildings to airBnB rentals has exacerbated the existing housing shortage. That's another issue these laws intend to address.
  2. Not to mention ads that change names, links that become broken, etc.
  3. Plus, unlike hotels, the neighborhoods don't have a security force or on-site management to monitor the comings and goings of guests who can act when behavior gets out of hand. That responsibility falls on neighborhood owner-occupants who get to deal with the "guests." On the other hand, broad-brush bans hurt owner-occupants who want to rent out a room/part of their home /a guest house on a short-term basis.
  4. No, but I can slather myself in mayonnaise and do the macarena for you while singing "Should I Stay or Should I Go" in falsetto. What's that? It's intended to be an incentive? Oh, I see. Never mind then.
  5. In Southern California and Arizona, Whole Foods produce has always been iffy (even before Amazon acquired them). Ralphs (Kroger in SoCal) and Fry's (ditto in AZ) have pretty bad produce, while VONS and Safeway is usually pretty decent. Pricey, but decent. There isn't a good Walmart near me, but maybe I'll trek to the suburbs. There are several threads in one of the supermarket forums about Safeway's pricing in Northern California. They have an almost monopoly in San Francisco and so they are gouging. Dave's Killer Bread at Safeway in AZ is $5.99. However, they are # 3 behind Walmart (#2) and Fry's (#1) so they have to try harder, I guess. Regarding what pricing has got my goat..well, nothing. Most of the things I buy have only increased a few cents.
  6. Moderator's Note: There have been more than plenty of back-and-forth barbs for one thread. Please stop criticizing one another and stick to the topic of issues encountered when engaging providers. The moderators would rather you stop yourselves than us stop you. Thank you
  7. Even outside of NYC there are restaurant owners who treat delivery drivers poorly. I stopped frequenting a restaurant here in Phoenix when the owner loudly and rudely shouted at delivery drivers to get out of the lobby and wait outside during a monsoon rainstorm. She previously asked drivers to wait outside when it was over 100 degrees outside. I should mention the food is NEVER ready when it is promised, so the drivers would be waiting for upwards of ten to fifteen minutes in the rain or extreme heat. You would, wouldn't you? It just goes to show that not all business owners are particularly smart or savvy.
  8. Why can't you fill up with water and sit on the toilet to evacuate? Not sure about anyone else, but I don't want to shower where I just took a shit, which is exactly what you will be doing.
  9. You are welcome! Glad it helped.
  10. If this is the Wolfman you are referring to, he is still escorting. (He's online as of 9/28 at 6:05 AM Pacific time). If not, perhaps you can check him out and report back. Eric Hassan is also still escorting.
  11. What McDonald's menu item would you recommend as an alternative to the ones contained in the Happy Meal?
  12. I think they are most attractive to adults who collect them and attempt to sell them on ebay years later.
  13. Thanks for your question. You do need to enable notifications. Here's how: In the upper right corner of the page you will see your user name and a down-arrow. Click the arrow to display a pull-down menu. Select "Account Settings" to display a "Settings" page To the right of the page you will see a list labeled "Other Settings" and one of them is "Notification Settings" Click "Notification Settings" and locate "Followed Content" Click the down-arrow and you will see a list of settings you can enable Happy configuration!
  14. You are welcome. It is my pleasure! Will certainly post more suggestions as I think of them. On said excursions, I'd have my dad's handicap placard, hang it from the rearview mirror of my rental car, and park in a handicap space when my dad would walk to the door of wherever we were going. (he preferred to walk from the car to the door) Typically, he would ask me to pick him up at the door when we were leaving. A man gave me a very dirty look one time as I got into the car, as I can walk with relative ease. He turned bright red when he saw me pull up to the curb where my dad was waiting for me with a cane in each hand.
  15. At one time, I did not want anyone who had "baggage." As I grew older I realized that everyone has baggage and you simply need to understand how to accept, store, and avoid tripping over it.
  16. It really isn't simple. Recycled materials are not as easy to come by as one might think. NPR recently aired a piece about the difficulty associated with recycling plastic and using recycled materials to make new plastic stuff. Apparently, there are so many various compounds used when making plastic that it is very hard to separate them during recycling. Then there's the notion that "virgin" plastic is so much less costly than recycled plastic. Think of it this way: We have been drinking water and peeing it out for millions of years but we still haven't figured out how to get around the "ewww" factor of drinking recycled water. (That is, purified water extracted from sewerage)
  17. rvwnsd


    You have to look carefully, but when you do you will see all five letters of my first name, my middle initial, and all six letters of my last name. My signature as it is now was set shortly after graduating university and has stayed the same ever since. Before settling on the one I use now, my middle initial was separate from my first name (it now looks as if it is the last letter of my first name) and the last few letters of my last name looked different than they do now. Yes. When I changed the way the last three letters appear I included a little upward curve that, at this point, I don't even think about anymore. Also, the tail of the first latter of my first name makes a 90-degree turn to form the top of the second letter in my name. So far, no one has been able to duplicate either. At twelve letters, not really. It includes my middle initial. If you don't look carefully, it appears that my signature runs together. No, I wouldn't. I like the way it looks and also like the look on people's faces when they realize they can see every letter in my name, despite me writing it quickly and in one stroke. It can be a point of attraction. I'm always curious about how people arrived at their signatures. My dad had a signature that was ornate and simple at the same time. Despite having the same first and last names as him (different middle initials) out signatures looked nothing alike. My brother, whose first name is completely different than my dad's, signs his name similarly to the way my dad did. At this point, I'm on auto-pilot when I sign my name. However, I'm fascinated by watching people sign theirs. Lastly, with a couple of exceptions, when signing a touch screen I draw a squiggly line. They typically render a "signature" that looks absolutely nothing like my signature, so why should I bother?
  18. That was my dad. His advice to everyone else (including my mother) was they should live in a senior care facility. He, on the other hand, insisted on staying in his house where he lived until the fourth time in three weeks had been taken to the ER. (My brother only knew of two - he must have gotten home via taxi, as he didn't drive). He ended up in a rehab place where he lasted a week before dying from complications of dementia, heart disease, and refusing to eat. Had he gone into the senior facility when he was still somewhat lucid, he would have had a much better quality of life. When my sister-in-law checked out places for him (all of which he flat-out refused) we wanted to move in instead.
  19. Cardiff Crack is amazingly good. When I was back there a few weeks ago I bought a 3-lb tri-tip, cut it into pices when I got home, and forze them.
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