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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. I went to Trader Joe's one mid-afternoon and noticed the store and parking lot crawling with guys who had just worked out at LA Fitness. Mid-afternoon during the week is my new TJ's shopping time.
  2. That's interesting because they implemented the suggestion I made a few years ago regarding page behavior when moving from one page to another. After the redesign, clicking "Display More," "Next," or "[page number]" when viewing all favorites would result in the top of the new page being displayed, while doing so from the favorites filtered by a particular city would result in the bottom of the page being displayed. This required the user to scroll to the top of the page, then scroll down again if they wished to move to a different page. I described the problem using similar language to this post and they took my suggestion.
  3. Here's a clickable link to r/TotallyStraight
  4. The categories you suggested are a vast improvement over "ambience." Would you be willing to suggest them to RM's webmaster? Would you be OK if I suggested them? (Don't want to appear as though I am stealing your idea)
  5. I think La Dolce Vida markets itself as being less sexually-charged than the other "resorts," hence the strictly therapeutic spa and disallowing outside practitioners from performing services at the resort.
  6. I'm sorry to hear that you did not get what you paid for and were treated rudely and shabbily. My one and only All Worlds experience was years and years ago and the staff was "fake friendly." What I mean is they said "hello" and "thank you" but took a rather bi!@&-y tone. For what it is worth, as of today (8/12) All Worlds' website states The Maze is closed this weekend and next and will re-open August 20. They should have told you that BEFORE you paid for your visit. PS: Welcome to The Forum. We tend to be nicer than that here.
  7. Yes. Quite well. Yes, one can. OK, enough with the sarcasm. Yes, it is possible to live alone and be fulfilled and happy. For me, the concept of having a partner has always been much more appealing than the reality. I enjoy my freedom to do as I choose, when I choose, and with whom I choose. That's not to say I am a hermit (far from it). It took a lot of introspection and thinking to realize that I enjoy and like my own company. I'm wired to be more solitary than most. It also took some effort to stop thinking about "living alone" and start thinking about "living with myself." Barbara Feldon (Agent 99 on the "Get Smart" series of the 1960's) wrote a book called "Living Alone and Loving It." You should check it out.
  8. Save for a couple of months in the Boystown section of Chicago's Lake View neighborhood, I've always lived in mixed/inclusive neighborhoods and loved them. To me, we have fought very hard to be included as we are in everyday life. To segregate ourselves back into enclaves is regressive and not progressive. As @MscleLovr points out, the gayborhoods were not always filled with rainbows and unicorns. Lake View was crime-ridden and parts were (and still are) broken-down. That's why it attracted marginalized gay people - they could afford to live there. Additionally, the gayborhood was not always welcoming of those who did not belong to a clique. It was very gratifying to me when I found gay bars and other gay-owned and gay-friendly businesses in predominately heterosexual neighborhoods. It made me feel safe and like I belonged to the larger community. Perhaps my perspective would be different if I had grown up living in a small conservative town and moved to the big, scary city. However, growing up in Chicago it just felt odd that I'd confine myself to a neighborhood that was predominately any one group.
  9. You should ask the reviewer(s) for a definitive answer, but I suspect the answer is "the provider's place isn't hideous but he still delivers a bad experience."
  10. You are right - fewer escorts participate here than did in the past. However, many escorts who previously participated have moved on from escorting. Also, while the number of guys advertising has exploded, there are fewer and fewer guys who see this as a career. My observation is the escort/Forum members typically (but not universally) were the guys who saw escorting as a career. Another observation - most of the escorts who get slammed are not the ones who participate in the Forum.
  11. I completely agree. You've been here a long time and probably remember what I'm talking about. It was quite silly, TBH. I'd be remiss for not mentioning the escorts did not ask for idolatry.
  12. Speaking from a long-time member's perspective, I think publicly humiliating the individual who disagrees with the majority opinion is truly the way to go. The more they deviate from the general consensus the larger the font used when replying in all caps. Also, lots of exclamation points. Of course, I am being facetious. It depends on what the poster has to say, how they say it, and how well I know the escort. If I don't know the escort in question and the poster makes an emotionally un-charged comment (e.g. "he doesn't do much for me" or "I had a bad experience") I keep my mouth keyboard shut. When I have hired an escort and know him to provide a great time and the poster makes an emotionally un-charged comment I might say something like "your experience was different than mine" and/or PM him to get details. And then there are the posts with lots of histrionics, belittlement, accusations of completely out-of-character-for-the-escort behavior, and outlandish accusations. If I hired the guy in question I'll defend him. One other comment, which pertains less now than it did ten years ago. At one time there were escorts who were worshipped, revered, and placed on pedestals on the Forum. I'm not talking about guys like @Mikegaite and @Rod Hagen, who are well-liked and universally regarded as great guys. I'm talking about a virtual cult of personality. Any comment that was even slightly uncomplimentary resulted in mob behavior against the poster. I happened to hire one of these Forum darlings and had a bad time. Upon mentioning said bad time the comments directed toward me were not threatening but they were not pleasant. Several members PMd me and said they, too, had a bad time and were afraid to say anything. Fortunately, that type of excoriation happens less now than in the past.
  13. According to the article, the pop-up hotel is located in London, UK.
  14. Are you sure the candidate was not included in the shortlist because she is qualified for the position? In what way is your former supervisor's behavior related to this job candidate? For that matter, how is your former supervisor's behavior a function of her sexual orientation? Yes, very. You are also allowing your bad experience with a different person to prejudice your assessment of this candidate. Would you like a hiring committee to consider your sexual orientation when assessing you for a job? It does not matter. As a member of a selection committee, your role is to assess a candidate based on their qualifications and not their age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability status, gender, or physical appearance. I would be very surprised if your organization's human resources department has not already explained that to you during a training session or as part of its recruitment and hiring policy. It is also illegal.
  15. Check out the "Member Since" date (March 2, 2013). While anyone could have renewed the ad, the updated ad text and new pics lead me to believe Austin Wolf has, in fact, rebooted his ad.
  16. Add my voice to the chorus of members encouraging you to consider therapy. My most recent experience (in 2001 and 2002) was eye-opening insofar as it helped me realize what was important to me and helped me go out and get it. It also helped me know myself and understand what was important to me. As @jjkrkwood pointed out, there are therapists who accept insurance and others who have a sliding fee schedule based on ability to pay if money is an issue for you. You mentioned the lack of an LGBT center where you live, but you might want to research support and discussion groups, particularly those that operate online. I co-facilitated the Men's Coming Out Group in San Diego for several years and let me tell you many of our members had come out years before but they were looking for support and an outlet where they could discuss whatever topic was on their minds. I learned something new about myself every week. That said, a technique that has helped me is list-making. The concept is simple: write down all the things that are important to you as they come to mind. Then, put them in order from most important to least important. Refer back to that list (and add to it, if you need to) when you feel like your life isn't what you want it to be. Sometimes, we think we want something and upon reflection realize that it just isn't that important. The list can help clarify these things. Finally, while I agree that sex is not a cure-all, it could be worth your while to consider hiring a fella to provide that experience you are craving. It will take some time to find him (and he might not be in Boston) but that list-making exercise applies here, too. Start saving up now while you make your list of the things that are important to you. Then, find some guys who appeal to you physically and who whose ads indicate they would provide you with the experience you are looking for. Then, start asking for feedback and recommendations. I sincerely hope this helps.
  17. I second that. You can't go wrong with Rod.
  18. I agree with @Rod Hagen. Peet's Major Dickason's Blend K-Cups are also good. You can find both coffees in most supermarkets.
  19. If you look at the ingredient label on a package of coffee you can see for yourself that unflavored coffee typically contains one ingredient: coffee. Exceptions include coffee that's mixed with chicory or pinon. Were caffeine (or anything else" to be added it would be listed on the ingredient label. However, the variety of coffee bean does affect the caffeine level. Scribbler's Coffee Company explains on their website: "...One more caffeine comparison ought to be mentioned: Robusta coffee versus Arabica coffee. Robusta—a harsh-tasting, inexpensive coffee variety (or varietal)—contains nearly twice the caffeine of Arabica. A less expensive, supermarket-type brand offering a blend of both represents more caffeine per cup than a 100% Arabica coffee when both are identically prepared and brewed. What's more, if that supermarket blend happens to be roasted dark and its coffee grounds are measured by weight prior to brewing, a brewed cup will deliver the biggest caffeine dose of all...." Scribbler's blog post was originally written in 2004. In 2007, Maxwell House stopped using Robusta beans and switched to 100% Arabica beans. Several Folger's varieties use Arabica beans while others use Robusta. McDonald's has used Arabica beans since before I worked there in the 1980's and Starbucks also uses Arabica beans. That's not true. According to Kicking Horse Coffee's website, caffeine does not break down during the roasting process. However, as beans are roasted they lose mass as the water evaporates. The caffeine level varies based on how you measure the coffee. Rather than paraphrase, here's a direct quote: "...If you measure your coffee by scoops, light roasted coffee will have more caffeine. Since the beans are denser than a darker roast. However if you weigh out your scoops, darker roasts will have more caffeine, because there is less mass. What should also be noted is that Arabica beans vary in levels of caffeine depending on the plant species. And, as we know from our caffeine basics the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee is so minimal, we might not even notice the difference. Myth be damned. Depending on how ground coffee is measured, we find only a minimal variance in caffeine content with dark and light roasts..."
  20. I miss: @glennnn @tyro @quoththeraven @jackhammer91406 @bigvalboy @Michael Vincenzo @Guy Fawkes @BasketBaller @Truereview
  21. I don't think that's the case, as they took down all of the older videos. The official reason was they can't prove the performers were over 18 nor can they prove consent, which I doubt because the previous owner was able to do so and, presumably, the sale of the studio would include the studio's records. I think they took them down because the current production values would have to dramatically improve to be labeled "crap" and, by comparison, the older stuff is higher quality.
  22. If everyone has their own flag, perhaps the rainbow flag will revert to meaning "gay pride" and not "pride."
  23. That is a very sound plan. There's a lot of bad stuff on this guy.
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