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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. That is a very sound plan. There's a lot of bad stuff on this guy.
  2. In the last year, he has used the following names: JasonMuscleXXX JMuscleXXL XXXJasonXXX ChaseStPatrick
  3. On the other hand, his stats list 6'6"/195 cm. While his profile text isn't quite "I sportif and give good sexi,"he does say "We can meet..." making me wonder how many of him there are. Perhaps one of him is 1.95 cm and the other is 195 cm?
  4. I think he looks better now than he did ten years ago.
  5. Seems odd that he would choose a name that is so close to that of existing, long-time escort Kyle King.
  6. The general concept would work, but in the 24 years since "Sex and the City" was originally published (it was a book before being made into a TV series) the notion of being "old" at 35 has fallen by the wayside. At the very least, I'd make the characters 45, not 35. More than that, why copy a show about straight women? Do something original. You mentioned "Golden Girls." At least they were generally happy with themselves. I'd much rather spend time with Blanche Deveraux and Rose Nylund than I would Samantha and Carrie.
  7. True. However, the question wasn't about why Austin Wolfe filmed/posted video. It was why an off-duty flight attendant was on a plane.
  8. rvwnsd

    Erick in Phoenix

    No. In fact, he wasn't listed in Phoenix this morning when I looked at ads.
  9. I asked my retired flight attendant friend (more than 30 years with American) why an off-duty flight attendant might be on a plane. Here are some of the reasons she gave: The flight attendant is based in a different city than the one in which they live and is commuting home. The flight attendant is based in a different city than the one in which they live and is commuting to their base so they can start work. The flight attendant is using their flight benefit on a personal trip. The flight attendant is commuting to attend training The flight attendant is filling in for another flight attendant and is commuting to the city in which the flight will originate The list goes on.
  10. I've hired him a few times. Nice guy, as @azdr0710 mentions he has limits but they have never prevented me from having a great time with him. Feel free to DM w/questions.
  11. I'm sorry to hear you are going through this pain. There are definitely escorts who can help you find the validation you want and need. When you are at a place where you can hire, find a few escorts and ask about them here in The Deli. So far, so good. OK, we need to stop right here. You do not know what other people when they pay you a compliment. What you intend to say is "the other part of me that completely overthinks everything thinks..." We tend to use these words interchangeably, but they don't mean the same thing. (You aren't the only one ) There are escorts who truly enjoy being with their clients. The trick is finding one of those escorts. As I said above, when you are ready to hire, pick out a handful of ads and ask for feedback here on the Forum. Yes, I do have some advice. First and foremost, learn to take compliments and feedback at face value. It takes practice, but it will make life much more enjoyable. Second, remember that this is all about you. Third, be upfront with yourself about what you want when you hire. Do you want a F-buddy experience, a romantic evening, a dominant guy, etc. Once you know what you want, you can ask an escort for what you want. The notion that this is all about you is worth repeating. Regarding whether or not to provide the full context to someone you want to hire, you might want to mention the situation (I'm hiring to help me get through a breakup) and leave it at that. As @nycman said, unpacking your breakup is for friends or a therapist, not an escort. The escort is there to make you feel good.
  12. This isn't the same guy. Brenden/Branson/Bestscort9 still had an expired RentMasseur ad as recently as last year and, frankly, he was better-looking in his recent pics than Physique Stud. Lastly, I've communicated with both guys and they have completely different writing and communication styles. PhysiqueStud speaks in complete sentences, is forthcoming with information seemed to enjoy conversing. B/B/B gave me one-word answers.
  13. I hired him a couple of years ago and thoroughly enjoyed myself. He was great to talk to and a LOT of fun in the sack. Very professional.
  14. Here's a thread about him when he was called "musclepapi."
  15. I'm going to guess he intended to say "fucking you to death" or some such. Reminds me of a joke my German teacher used to tell his class. A German person is taking their first trip outside of the country and is staying at an inn in England. Checking in was awkward, as they don't speak English and were relying on German-to-English dictionary to communicate with the desk staff, but they were able to get the job done and receive a room key. In the middle of the night, they get cold. They pull out their trusty dictionary and call the front desk. "I need a ceiling!" they exclaim. The night clerk has no idea what they are talking about. "I need a ceiling!" they say again. The clerk decides to go up to the room and investigate. When they get there they find a shivering guest in a room that does, indeed, have a ceiling. In frustration, the guest starts shouting "Decke! Decke!" and pantomimes covering themselves while pointing to the word "Decke" in their dictionary. The desk clerk looks at the dictionary, starts laughing, and points to the English word right next to ceiling. The guest wanted a blanket.
  16. It appears he does not. Looks like Bryan Goldberg, founder of the website Bustle, bought it out of bankruptcy, tried and failed to restart it a few years ago, and has finally succeeded.
  17. Not a lawyer, but I know of two cases in San Diego where this occurred.
  18. On the other hand, you could walk in wearing the thong and tell them you won't cover up unless they hurry up and process the application.
  19. DON'T DO IT. I commend and admire you for wanting to help your friend. I am sure he appreciates the gesture. Here's the thing: if living with his family has not given him the opportunity to start turning around his life, living with you won't do it either. Both of you will be better off if he does the following: Consult with a credit counseling firm to plan how he can pay his debts, avoid incurring new ones, and learn how to manage his money. Greenpath Financial Wellness is one that offers both credit and housing counseling. They do not offer debt "settlement" nor do they offer sham consolidation loans. I've had friends and family members work with them and they were great. Get a small studio apartment. He will only be there on weekends, so the small size won't matter. Seek assistance for his drinking and spending habits. This does not have to be AA. It could be therapy, a discussion/support group, a sober meetup group or any of the myriad other ways to socialize and get help with kicking bad habits. You can help him by being supportive, asking how he is doing, and being there for him when he falls down.
  20. Moderator's Note: In this post You were asked not to discuss disciplinary action taken on the site. Given the request was not honored the thread is now closed.
  21. I chuckle when a guy's ad or OF profile states their OF percentile and number of Instagram followers. I don't care how many followers they have, if I don't find them attractive and their services don't meet my wants and needs then I won't hire or subscribe to them.
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