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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. You are welcome! Full disclosure: I couldn't figure out how to do it, either. Then I tried pasting the URL and it worked.
  2. It is as accurate as the escort is forthcoming.
  3. Apparently, he is a minimalist.
  4. All kidding aside, that is great coffee.
  5. That site has the visual appeal of three-day old deviled eggs that have been left out in the sun. Probably smells like 'em, too.
  6. Don't paste it as a link. Copy the URL from the website and then just paste it to the message.
  7. True, but when you are extremely nearsighted removing your glasses means the world is shrouded in impenetrable fog.
  8. Thanks to @Looking4MuscleInSD's new thread, I realized that my statement above is incorrect. Ironaddict is not the guy I hired. Apologies if I led anyone astray.
  9. I don't think it was a gimmick as much as something they could do when the site was small but can't do now that the site has grown.
  10. I buy contacts specifically so I can see my partner. Glasses just get in the way.
  11. No, I haven't but two observations: Good on them for donating a portion of the proceeds of their "Neighbor Blend" to The Hyde Park Arts Center in honor of their first Chicago coffeehouse. My first thought when seeing "Blue Bottle Coffee x Human Made Past Blend" was "they can't have switched out the civets and switched in..."
  12. I don't fault you for paying him another $50. It was an awkward situation and you left with your dignity and integrity intact. That's worth the $50. However, the escort is a jerk. I hope he enjoys the extra $50, as he will not retain many clients with business practices like that.
  13. And you people think I made up "I sportif and give good sexi."
  14. Thanks, @RyanDean. Here's a link to his long-expired Rentmen ad.
  15. Here's the commercial and an obit of Anthony, who died in 2020.
  16. I've included the line "your presence is the only present required" or some such when inviting people. It is along the same line as GUEST: "What can I bring?" HOST: "Yourself and a guest."
  17. I think you are right. However, given he is trying to remain sober he might want to at least remove "PNP" from his list of interests. Won't go so far as to say he should remove his ad as he needs to earn a living, but listing "PNP" might attract clientele that he doesn't want to attract.
  18. Moderator's Note: Let's remain on topic. Any further discussions about the Catholic Church or any other religion do not belong in the Lounge.
  19. Of course it is! They haven't had to pay Florence Henderson for years.
  20. I'll just go ahead and post the question on Twitter and let you know what happens.
  21. This might sound discompassionate, but I would not hire him so soon after the incident with Dolf Dietrich and after only 46 days of sobriety. It is sad to see he has not removed "PNP" from the list of his interests.
  22. rvwnsd

    HIV and Escorts

    First and foremost, I am very sad to hear that you tested HIV+, @Jacque. A great big hug and an arm around the shoulder goes out to you. Second, I want to answer the following question from a moderator's perspective: Refer to Guideline # 14: 14. The rules of M4M Message Forums applies to private messages. This site includes a feature for members to exchange private messages. Although those private messages are not moderated, the rules for the Forum still apply.
  23. I also suffer from this. When my hearing was tested years ago the audiologist mentioned that my hearing was nearly perfect. He went on to explain when we are babies our hearing is, for sake of discussion, a "10" and as we age it diminishes and we get better at honing in on specific sounds. To answer @Unicorn's question, I find it hard to hear people who are wearing a mask when they don't enunciate and don't speak loudly when in a loud setting. Yesterday I was ordering lunch and could barely hear the person taking my order because she was talking quietly while the restaurant was crowded and noisy. The manager, who was also wearing a mask, raised his voice so he could be heard.
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