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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Wow - you aren't kidding about it being radically different. Looks like the site is now a message forum akin to this one.
  2. The complimentary rule to not wearing white after Labor Day is not to wear white before Memorial Day, i.e. the ceremonial start of summer. @mike carey, what Australian holiday would mark the end of summer?
  3. With that back story I'd have chosen another name.
  4. rvwnsd

    Response Time

    It sounds like the guy was using the RM messenger app.
  5. His ad states he is a "country boy." Perhaps he's from Colorado, Montana, Arizona, or another state within cowboy country? Or, he's just using it as a catchy headline.
  6. rvwnsd

    Response Time

    Given the very justifiable criticism escorts receive when they check texts and messages during a session I always give a guy 12 - 24 hours to respond. Most guys will respond within a couple of hours. That said, I am rarely looking for "right now" and usually am looking for the next day/next few days Additionally, when texting guys I start out with my name and where I found him. (e.g. "Hi, name's rvwnsd and I'm texting about your RM ad." When they reply I get into more details. It avoids the embarrassing situation of entering a wrong number and asking Sister Mary Chastity about an escort appointment.
  7. According to one of the news accounts, the couple intends to plead "not guilty." It will be interesting to hear how they make their case.
  8. Moderator Note: Questions of this nature should be addressed to the moderators using the "Contact Us" link below. That being said, the moderators take proactive measures to the best of their abilities and respond to reports from Forum members. If you have any further questions, please submit them using the "Contact Us" link below.
  9. I hired him in 2015 when he was still in LA and had a great time. Feel free to direct message me for details.
  10. rvwnsd


    @GI Joe Doll, I saw him today (7/18/2021). He looks great and is as nice, kind, and sexy as always. He'd be a great guy with whom to explore your fantasy. My advice is to hire him for two or more hours because you'll need some time to become acquainted and get over your first-time jitters. Definitely recommend.
  11. He used to call himself KarstenRasmus. Here are some threads with rather conflicting feedback: https://www.companyofmen.org/topic/63946-411-karsten-rasmus/?tab=comments#comment-631421 https://www.companyofmen.org/topic/62310-karsten-rasmus-in-los-angeles/?tab=comments#comment-615660
  12. I'm very glad this story has a happy ending. Kudos to you for being a great foster dad for this dog and for locating a forever home.
  13. I'm with you on this one. Then again, I use natural cleaning products and this would take "natural cleaning" to a whole new level!
  14. Other than the Cole-Hann shoes @nycman mentioned, I can't think of any. I'm also not a fan of the shoes, as IMO they look ridiculous. However, Rockport sells dress shoes that feel like sneakers.
  15. "I also like pnp moments." He sound sportif but I'm not so sure about his ability to give good sexi.
  16. Just goes to show that having more money than sense is a real thing. PS: Anyone want to buy salad greens my cat threw up? They're only $750/pound.
  17. XTube went through several ownership changes over the years and after every change the website was redesigned and became worse, not better. They also had a wonky video player (not that OnlyFans' overwhelmed servers make for a better experience). I think the crackdown on having consent on file plus migration of users to other platforms slowly killed the site.
  18. rvwnsd

    David Cole?

    Of course, this guy isn't making harassing phone calls.
  19. That poor baby. Thankfully, you were there to rescue it and give it a good foster home. @coriolis888, I'm PM-ing you some information.
  20. rvwnsd

    David Cole?

    As of 6:27 PM AZ time he's up to "HA" Perhaps he can be "David_ZSA-ZSA" next?
  21. They really have improved the capsules and machines. That said, the Virtuo Plus was a piece of junk. They leaked and instead of junking them they sold them and made the "member" send the unit in for repairs. I found if you write multiple bad reviews they eventually call a truce and will replace the machine or issue account credit for the cost of the machine. If memory serves it took 100 bad reviews and a letter to the Arizona attorney general's consumer protection bureau. Press Coffee here in Phoenix has some excellent small-batch beans that they roast themselves. Another thing I like about Press is they have opened coffee bars in some of the less-than-hip areas of the metro area. They are always crowded and very friendly.
  22. Eric Hassan, also known as the Dude Next Door, fits the bill except for his age (he's 43). However, I really think he would be a good escort to help ease you into bottoming.
  23. rvwnsd

    David Cole?

    Just how do you think I know what his ad names are?
  24. No, actually, it came from Starbucks back in 2006. They sold this one for roughly a year. It is stainless steel and insulated. Best French press ever.
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