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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Providers who use this logic to justify high prices will learn just how unsustainable that price is and how much damage it can do in the long term. There are new content creators every day. As they become legacy creators their popularity wanes and they no longer make $750 for an hour of content creation. Then, they can no longer justify the high hourly rate and they have to decrease their rates. Unfortunately, there are always new escorts entering the business and long-term escorts who have built great reputations. At that point, they become the TJMaxx of escorts.
  2. Back in the 1980's I worked for a large bank that used "they" and "them" in place of gender-specific pronouns when creating instructional materials. They were an outlier then but 35 years on that has become mainstream.
  3. I was thinking the same thing. Sounds like a way to collect email addresses.
  4. There's no sense trying to figure out the unwashed masses, darling. Just appreciate the attention and let them bask in your fabulousness.
  5. @Unicorn, I asked @RadioRob to look into the problem. I was able to start a thread with Edge (like you)and can see you were able to reply to an existing one. Just got my computer back from being repaired and haven't installed Chrome and Firefox yet, so I can't test those yet. Let's see what Rob finds out. Thanks for letting us know 😀
  6. Anyone who has followed this Forum knows that several of us already have.
  7. Popularity doesn't necessarily mean everyone LIKES you. It just means they read what you write. 🤣😂🥰
  8. My interpretation is he is filming with other people who are located in the travel locations.
  9. I don't see anyone named "Sharon" or "Karen" here. 😛
  10. @Leyte2019, you are thinking of Men4RentNow, which has been defunct for several years. This is a different site with a similar name. I was able to do some limited browsing without providing information. They ostensibly have more than three thousand escorts in Phoenix. That's just not true!
  11. He is also hurting escorts who are actually looking for clients. If a client wants to hire someone and reaches out to him, they are probably not going to engage another escort. He doesn't get back to them (because he isn't looking for clients) and a real escort loses the client who is waiting for him to reply to them.
  12. I've been trying to place the guy because he looks very familiar and then I remembered - he looks like a guy I hired several years ago in San Diego. The guy started advertising there again early this year, albeit with a different profile name. The experience wasn't bad, but it was odd. I think this is the same guy. He was not charging $750 an hour, though.
  13. Moderator's Note: The posts about the other Gio have been split into a new thread to avoid confusion. If there are any other masseurs named "Gio" PLEASE start a new thread. Thank you
  14. rvwnsd


    We really ought to add "Supreme Being" to the lists of achievements. Let me talk to @RadioRob about that.
  15. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that was odd. The only reason for not ending the conversation was misguided courtesy on my part.
  16. I contacted Will a few years ago about meeting when we were both visiting San Diego. While messaging I said something like "Oh, that fits me to a tee" meaning "that's an exact fit." Despite this being a pretty standard idiom of the English language, it prompted him to say we were not a fit because he does not do drugs. I truly did not know what he meant. He explained that he interpreted this to mean I use crystal meth. Anyone paying attention to the context of the conversation would never infer that's what I meant. After explaining what I meant, we agreed to meet. He could simply not provide a time that worked. I contacted him again and based on our interaction my gut said "move on." I listened.
  17. I'd be less suspicious about the post had the poster not included the line about being envious.
  18. Have you ever noticed that they stare at the thing as if they have never seen one before? Some others: Coach Athlete Plumber Telephone/Cable Repair Man
  19. Have your friend check out one of the day-use hotel sites that are discussed in this thread.
  20. I think out loud all the time. That's why the mute button is so handy while on work calls.
  21. I disagree with your friend's assessment that by being current she is trying to be young. Would this person rather she use a Mortorola StarTAC, for heavens sake? I do, however, agree with your statement. She should perform for as long as she wants to. In addition to being a great performer, she encourages people of all ages to embrace new technology. Maybe that will help seniors avoid thinking their mobile phone is broken because there is no dial tone. (My brother almost put a bounty on my head after my dad told him this for the hundredth time after I got him a cell phone.)
  22. Interestingly, I didn't see any mention of two shots of Everclear and a celery juice chaser garnished with olives.
  23. Glad to hear you had a good time. I've always thought about hiring him but our schedules never seem to mesh.
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