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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. I disagree with your friend's assessment that by being current she is trying to be young. Would this person rather she use a Mortorola StarTAC, for heavens sake? I do, however, agree with your statement. She should perform for as long as she wants to. In addition to being a great performer, she encourages people of all ages to embrace new technology. Maybe that will help seniors avoid thinking their mobile phone is broken because there is no dial tone. (My brother almost put a bounty on my head after my dad told him this for the hundredth time after I got him a cell phone.)
  2. Interestingly, I didn't see any mention of two shots of Everclear and a celery juice chaser garnished with olives.
  3. Glad to hear you had a good time. I've always thought about hiring him but our schedules never seem to mesh.
  4. I agree with you. Ad ad that says a guy is 35 when he is actually 36 can be chalked up to laziness or a system glitch. Shaving ten years off one's age is not OK. They really ought to ADD five years. They'd always look great for "their age."
  5. I suppose we could toss this guy into the
  6. I am not a fan of "conversate" but it is worth pointing out that it has been used for more than 200 years. According to an article on the Merriam-Webster Word History site, the first citation of the word dates back to 1811.
  7. Two unfavorable reviews out of 13 would usually make me proceed with caution, but would not necessarily decide not to hire a guy. However, one that says "criminal" and another that says "shady" is a different story.
  8. To all the fathers, Happy Fathers Day.
  9. And I thought this was made up:
  10. I'd take one for the team if I was in Loiusville.
  11. If you are using the link in the original post you will receive the 404 error because the URL contains a period. If you use the link below: the ad will display.
  12. rvwnsd


    Given the thread was 1) created in February, 2)the ad was active as recently as early June and 3) the OP has been a member for ten years, the probability of Theory #2 being accurate is nill.
  13. Moderators' Note: When a member has concerns about a post they should report the post and explain why they are reporting. The moderators will review and take the appropriate action.
  14. Moderators' Note: This thread has run its course.
  15. rvwnsd


    That interview was something. I watched less than a minute of the first five minutes. From the little bit I watched, he seems like a nice guy. He also seems to be the complete opposite of the persona conveyed in his ad. He needs to drop the schtick, be himself, and tell us about himself and his services in his ad. As for requesting a picture - good luck! The interviewer, on the other hand, was painful to watch. His delivery would be fine if he was hanging around with his buds over cocktails. He might want to watch some interviews and learn how to do it.
  16. Moderators' Note: Please remain on topic, stop the attacks on other members, avoid using pejoratives about entire groups of people, and keep the political commentary in the Politics forum and out of the other forums.
  17. Yummy - that sounds good. Thanks for sharing.
  18. hideme.com is a VPN, or virtual private network that hides your IP address and causes you to appear as though you are browsing from an internet connection located in a different country. By doing so you can see content that is blocked in the country you are located in. In this case, hide.me allows you to view Rentmen content (the text associated with a review) that is hidden from users located in the US.
  19. My advice is to remember this and revisit it from time to time, particularly when something about the arrangement becomes less than ideal. It will remind you that you can't predict every possible outcome and sometimes have to handle surprises. It will help you avoid blaming yourself for not foreseeing something.
  20. One more tip: Drink lots of water and dash inside to cool off every once in a while. All of the parks have water fountains (assuming they are running this year) and if you let them run a while the water is very crisp and cold. The weather gets hot and humid in July (think 85 - 95 degrees and between 60 and 80 per cent humidity). Also, check the ozone level if you have any respiratory issues like asthma. Between the sun, the humidity, and the pollution generated by ten million people and their cars, trucks, and buses things can get miserable. Still, it is a beautiful city and that more than makes up for the crap weather.
  21. I don't pay attention to "Available Now" because my preference is to book a day or so ahead of time. Doing so allows both the escort and me to block the time, me to prepare for bottoming, and both of us to have a relaxed session. Besides, to me "available now" doesn't mean "right this instant." Instead, I interpret it as "I have availability to meet a client sometime in the next few hours." A client who demands to meet immediately because your ad says "available now" will probably have other unreasonable demands.
  22. Just like the guys in any given gayborhood on any given Saturday night (pre-COVID) But seriously, they do look nearly identical. They didn't seem to move very much. Maybe Egypt has developed extremely lifelike robots.
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