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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Just a little something to help tide you over:
  2. YOU did not. The NY Post, on the other hand, was remiss in its reporting.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl5dZuX7QuU:14
  4. No, actually, I can't. Never been a jewelry wearer and would probably struggle with wearing a multi-thousand dollar engagement ring.
  5. rvwnsd


    The prevailing wisdom among many Forum members is not to meet a guy unless other Forum members have done so. Therefore, it stands to reason that no Forum members have met him. width=255pxhttps://previews.123rf.com/images/niceideas/niceideas2002/niceideas200200854/139549991-vicious-circle-and-human-mind-pictured-as-word-vicious-circle-inside-a-head-to-symbolize-relation-be.jpg[/img]
  6. A couple of things: Xenforo will undoubtedly change as technology evolves. In other words even if we don't change platforms, the look-and-feel will change at some point. Several of the Forums I belong to already use Invision Communities and IMO it is a nice package. Change, including within our own bodies, never stops. When change stops, you die.
  7. Thankfully, neither of my cats are morning kitties. When I wake up they are curled up next to or on top of me. When I move, they either stay put or grudgingly move. These two certainly found the right person!
  8. This is not a universal truth. That's more like it - in your experience. Take a gander at posts made in this forum and you will see comments about all of the above being done by escorts who list themselves as being straight or bisexual. Perhaps members of the Forum have matured or have realized the pain associated with banging one's head against the wall is not worth the feeling of relief one gets when one stops. Alternatively, they might be on holiday.
  9. rvwnsd


    William Ericson relocated back to Chicago (from New York) and I highly recommend him. (BTW - Autumn is the best time to visit Chicago. Beautiful weather)
  10. He calls himself NakedLatinLover.
  11. He calls himself NakedLatinLover.
  12. Happy birthday! Always nice to give yourself the gift of adventure.
  13. I'm at a loss for words.
  14. I KNOW! My mother went to the bathroom and rinsed her mouth. Mind you, that was 45 years ago and I still remember it.
  15. My parents and I visited Holland, MI once. It is a pretty town but my mother ordered a pastrami sandwich and they served it on white bread with mayo. IMO, that kind of food could drive one to drink in excess.
  16. I wonder what Ardis Krainik would think? We could call the Opera Forum "Ardis's Place - a Pavarotti-FreeZone" in her honor.
  17. Thanks. He was still in my RM buddylist, so when he popped up in Phoenix the other day my ears pricked up. After looking at the other pics I remembered him.
  18. Before taking a break in late 2018 is advertised as GradStudent. There are three threads about him, which you can read here, here, and here. I hired him twice. PM for details.
  19. That feels a bit more BDSM-ish, doncha think?
  20. True story: When the teller system at my employer was upgraded from DOS to a Java front-end (in 2004) people complained about how long the application took to load when they started it up. Complaint, complaint, complaint. So, one of the developers animated the logo that displays during startup. Despite it taking longer to load, users reported the system was dramatically faster than before.
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