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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Before taking a break in late 2018 is advertised as GradStudent. There are three threads about him, which you can read here, here, and here. I hired him twice. PM for details.
  2. That feels a bit more BDSM-ish, doncha think?
  3. True story: When the teller system at my employer was upgraded from DOS to a Java front-end (in 2004) people complained about how long the application took to load when they started it up. Complaint, complaint, complaint. So, one of the developers animated the logo that displays during startup. Despite it taking longer to load, users reported the system was dramatically faster than before.
  4. Welcome back, good sir! Can't believe it has been nine years.
  5. I second that!! I saw him back in 2016 and still remembering what a great time we had. Great guy.
  6. I'm part of a throuple and, if anything, the pandemic brought us closer together. In fact, Linus has become quite the lap kitty. Sometimes, both he and Lucien get up on my lap at the same time!
  7. Would it be fair to say that they are in denial/ashamed at their indigenous heritage? Actually, the term was originally used to describe the Hispanos of New Mexico. It began to be used broadly in the 1970's and then the US Census adopted the term in the 1980 Census. It sounds like the people in New Mexico and Mexico who insist they are Spanish feel some sort of shame associated with having indigenous peoples and or Africans in their family trees.
  8. When I look at where my industry is going and my areas of expertise I foresee more than ten years of rewarding and challenging work ahead of me. However, I see myself as being "done" in roughly ten years at which point I will retire.
  9. Hey [uSER=8020]@Just Sayin'[/uSER] I haven't, but some friends used to camp there, I think. They never quite told me the name of the place (they are ADHD, like with a diagnosis and everything) but based on their description this is the place. Looks like a place I have to check out.
  10. I haven't seen his OF content but his vid for LegendMen was rather a snoozefest.
  11. Different Parker Logan. The rentmasseur guy is 6'7 while the rent.men guy is 5'8.
  12. He smells more fishy than Tuna Harbor on a hot day.
  13. @pitman's sounds more fun.
  14. Thanks for confirming. The use of old pics is one of te reasons I was hesitant to hire him when visiting SF.
  15. The idea of a steering committee has been discussed in several threads and posts, but @stevenkesslar posted a succinct summary of its purpose in his post to the "Forum Ownership" thread. After @Orin asked whether anyone was tracking the various people who offered to help with the site, @JoeMendoza asked for volunteers in this post. When that post got buried, I posted the call for five or six volunteers in a distinct thread (this one) that got pinned to The Lounge. After reading and re-reading all of the above, I'm truly puzzled how was understood as more than a dozen people and a potential second career. Doing the math, I see six or seven people. Maybe I am missing something. PS: The "READ ME..." thread pinned to the lounge is worth, well, reading. Had a non-owner not stepped in Monday when the site crashed we would not have been posting Tuesday, Wednesday, or today. Or tomorrow. Or Saturday...
  16. Good to hear. I hired him years ago when he lived in San Diego and he was a lot of fun and a very nice guy. Interested in hearing what your encounter is like.
  17. Not to mention the cost of psychotherapy to cure his delusions of grandeur.
  18. Thanks, @JoeMendoza, for creating the post about volunteering for the various roles and the chart in the very first post. As of noon, April 29, 2021 we have a steering committee of one (me). We need five to six additional steering committee members. Please reply to this thread if you would like to volunteer. If you'd rather volunteer privately, you may PM @JoeMendoza and me. To help gauge the time commitment, here are some functions typically performed by a steering committee: Define the general direction of the Forum Consider suggestions and requests made by the general Forum membership Consider requests to change/upgrade the Forum software, hardware, hosting, and other infrastructure Determine which suggestions/requests get implemented, ensure they are implemented by the technical folks, and give members who make suggestions a timely reply as to the decision to make or not implement a suggestion. Decide on other matters that affect the Forum Steering committee members typically have good communication skills, the ability to think and reason, and the ability to make a fact-based decision. @stevenkesslar made the great suggestion that the committee's composition should reflect the composition of Forum membership. That is, members who are escorts as well as members who are not escorts. Thanks
  19. The change in this provider seems like a good reason for a name change.
  20. Attempting to determine someone's use of meth based upon stereotypical physical characteristics is as useless as was doing the same to determine someone's HIV status back in the 90's and 2000's. A former friend is a meth addict. He does not have any wasting, has good teeth, and is a very muscular man. He was also arrested for trespassing and prowling on a neighbor's property when Ambien caused him to sleepwalk and look into and try the doors of a neighbor's home and the meth made him get belligerent to a San Diego police officer. Two other former friends had round faces, were somewhat overweight, and were regular meth users. Behavioral characteristics are a better barometer of usage than physical appearance.
  21. The term "chargeback" refers to a transaction that was disputed by the cardholder (you). The card issuer (your bank) issues a refund to you and charges the merchant (i.e. "charges back") for the amount of the purchase. RM will also cease to accept a credit card from a customer when the card issuer has declined a transaction for being potentially fraudulent. That occurs when the issuer's fraud detection process flags a transaction (typically an international transaction) as being suspicious. It is a fairly common occurrence.
  22. Not to mention the wrinkled skin and the lack of muscle on the forearm. If a guy intends to use someone else's pics he should at least choose pics that look somewhat the same.
  23. If memory serves, RSJ represented himself as a top but when he advertised as a RM (you know, in his very VERY distant past while "in college") the vids in his ad told a different tale.
  24. I'm happy to participate in a steering committee and act as a moderator, if we determine additional moderators are required. However, I can't have an ownership stake or serve as an officer (if a corporation or LLC is established) due to my position at my employer.
  25. All kidding aside, I recall RSJ presenting himself as a top on Finding Prince (not-so) Charming but his previous RM ads and the vids contained therein told a very different story. I could be wrong. Wrong thread. Sorry.
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