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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. "Joyful breakfast moments?" Does it give you a blow job?
  2. I volunteer to take care of his dangling participle.
  3. Nespresso has a recycling program. They give you a bag, you fill it, and send it back postage-free. They recycle the aluminum and create compost with the coffee grounds.
  4. Another dead giveaway: "I'm not a scammer"
  5. And you received at least one answer to this question!. Nice going, @Lucky Daily See above Because they have nothing better to do. Just like a Ginzu knife ad. That depends on many factors. Yes With some members, yes. With others, well, if they never posted again it would be too soon. Hell, yes Hell, yes (If I didn't, I'd probably have been banned for life by now) Hell, yes Well, it's a moot point, but I suppose you would forever live with a sense of emptiness not knowing how widespread is the use of the "Ignore" feature.
  6. It was, in fact, Gawker. This incident and others like it sunk the site.
  7. Oh, wow! I thought it was a reference to Sarasota Florida being on the West Coast of the Sunshine Sate.
  8. Note that all of them are reviews for online services.
  9. I joined the Forum long after I posted my first review. My review handle was already taken so I used my initials and my city of residence at the time and here we are.
  10. I joined the Forum long after I posted my first review. My review handle was already taken so I used my initials and my city of residence at the time and here we are.
  11. Thinking back to the condition of grocery carts and handbaskets pre-pandemic vs now, I vote for cleaning and sanitizing. In fact, I'd like to see cart-cleaning continue after we are through the worst of the pandemic.
  12. Thinking back to the condition of grocery carts and handbaskets pre-pandemic vs now, I vote for cleaning and sanitizing. In fact, I'd like to see cart-cleaning continue after we are through the worst of the pandemic.
  13. My experiences with both First American and American Home Shield were very positive, save for one incident. The repair person claimed that my dryer was working when, in fact, it wasn't then switched his story to say the repair was not covered. I called AHS, explained what happened, and they sent a different technician. As soon as he opened the door and smelled the residual burnt metal smell from when the capacitor went out he knew what the problem was. He ordered the part, it arrived in a few days, and he returned to fix the problem. Note that I only paid one deductible. I think the experiences vary by region. In San Diego, most of the repair people were independent contractors. One of the guys (plumber sent to fix my dishwasher) became my plumber.
  14. His rent.men ad is frozen, which means he still has an ad but he is not seeing clients, probably due to that pesky pandemic.
  15. Visit San Antonio. You can see @Benjamin_Nicholas.
  16. How will you have time to write the play/screenplay when you are busy launching a news channel?
  17. One of the best lines and best deliveries - EVER.
  18. Variety reported that Cloris Leachman passed away of natural causes today at the age of 94. Two of my favorite pics of her, courtesy of Twitter: Note that Betty White is alive and well.
  19. Speaking of experiences in bars... Same here. I would order cocktails (took the 'L' and later Uber/Lyft home), but kind of had the same experience. In my case, even when people were talking to each other, a hearing problem in which my ears can't differentiate between someone who is talking to me and the din in the background made for a less-than-fun experience. Happens in crowded restaurants, too. That's NOT why I think opening a bar at this juncture is a bad idea. I just think people don't go out to bars as much as they once did.
  20. There are other escorts who are as hot and hotter who charge half his rate. He charges $12.50/month, which is higher than average for a guy who is pretty average compared to his competition. He needs to get over his bad self.
  21. Roscoe's, the venerable gay bar in Chicago, had a very popular coffee shop adjacent to the bar back in the 90's. It was awesome! They closed it to expand the bar. I fondly remember it. San Diego and Phoenix both have very active coffeehouse scenes despite the proliferation of Starbucks. They can co-exist because they serve different purposes. You don't hang out at Starbucks because it isn't comfortable to do so (despite their best efforts).
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