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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Who needs to watch the show? We can watch the cattiness on network television news for free.
  2. Yes. An escort called me "daddy" while he was pounding me. I didn't say anything but the look on my face must have said something because later he said I reminded him of a "much younger" version of his father. Come to find out his father is a year younger than I am. The escort was astonished to hear I was 53 at the time (I'm 56 now).
  3. The Guardian reports that a new Danish children's cartoon celebrates the main characters gigantic penis. Needless to say, the DR network has been criticized for releasing the show just weeks after the relaunch of the Danish "me too" movement. Unlike many sex offenders, when a woman tells the main character he should put his penis back in his pants he does.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXvo6ksBHnI:25
  5. rvwnsd


    True VIPs don't have to tell us they are VIPs.
  6. The real question is how long after receiving the vaccine must you avoid close personal contact with someone who does not live in your household. Sex is but on type of close personal contact. Hugging someone (like your mother or best friend), hanging out while not maintaining a distance of at least six feet without a mask, and shaking hands are three examples of close contact that do not involve sex.
  7. Based on the information you provided us, I don't see anything indicating you are at fault here. The guy should not have flaked on you. I don't ghost people. When they continue contacting me after I've asked them to stop or after I have stated I will call them when I am interested, I will stop replying. To me, that's not really "ghosting." That said, a few suggestions for the future: Suggestion: Know when to hit the "pause" button: This is hard when you want to get to know an escort, but limit the pre-appointment texts, emails, and/or phone calls to the minimum number required to determine compatibility and book an appointment. It is perfectly acceptable to say "We can talk about that when we meet on [insert day and time here] and I'll text to confirm the day of our date" and leave it at that. Even when the escort initiates communication, you can politely acknowledge it and hit that pause button. Suggestion: Avoid investing too much in a first-time meeting: It is understandable that you'd want to avoid having a stranger in your home, so a hotel room can make sense. While it doesn't need to be a No-Tell Motel, a Hilton Garden Inn; Courtyard by Marriott; or Comfort Inn is perfectly suitable for the occasion. Also, dinner and drinks is a bit much for someone you have never met before. If you want to meet before going to your/his place, meet for coffee. At this point, it is all on him. He should have communicated with you, making this: completely unnecessary. However, his not replying to the first communication is a red flag. At this point, one follow-up an hour later would be appropriate. If he didn't reply to that communication I'd cancel dinner because it was apparent the date was not happening. In my opinion, you were free to try making plans with someone else. Not to this extreme, no. I did have an escort fail to show up to a playdate at my home and text me later to say he woke up with a stuffy head, went back to sleep, and woke up at 6:00 PM after having slept all day. He was typically very prompt, so this was plausible. Without communication initiated by him explaining why he neither communicated with you nor showed up, absolutely not. Even with communication, the excuse had better be very damned good for me to overlook this behavior. It doesn't have to be "I died, was resurrected three days later, and just now could make a phone call" but it has to be pretty close. Two last suggestions: Don't book a multi-hour session for a first meeting. You don't know whether you will want to spend that much time with him until you meet. One thing I've done is ask whether we could book an hour with the ability to extend should we both decide we wish to continue the festivities. Only two guys declined. One accused me of trying to negotiate a discount and the other was leaving for an out of town trip later in the day I wanted to meet. I did not go through with the first appointment and scheduled for another day with the second. Don't get ahead of yourself. You don't need to tell him you want to be a regular before you even meet him. While I don't think this is a reason to ghost you, it could be a bit much for an escort to hear prior to meeting. It can also put you in an awkward position if you don't click with him.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9G3qtOUIpo:166
  9. Not ringing a bell for me. Sorry I can't help.
  10. No, I don't think his answers are inappropriate at all. You asked him about STDs, he showed you his results, and he asked you for yours. Not sure how that is inappropriate. When you ask someone about his STD status then he has every right to ask about yours. If the tone you used with him is the same as you use when posting here it is no wonder he asked you to calm down.
  11. Google searches can yield valuable information or a bunch of crap. It just depends. As for me, I go off my instinct when reading a guy's ad, looking at his pics, and reading his response. If something sounds off I take a pass.
  12. Is this why you want to be an escort? Also, how does that explain the escorts who work in less-expensive locales?
  13. No, it is impossible. Can't be done! Nope, never, ever!!! Of course, I am being facetious. Like any venue, there will be members to whom you gravitate and others you don't. Simply send a private message. See where it goes. Don't be creepy and don't be pushy/stalkerish and you will be fine. There are gatherings in Palm Springs and Washington, DC in years when we are not facing down a global pandemic.
  14. I also loved that show. Always wished The Professor and Mary Ann would get together.
  15. Just guessing, but it seems like most people would consider this to be reason to walk away. Then again, as others have pointed out, one does not need to be a drug user to be an asshole. I don't usually ask about drug use, but if I did I would probably NOT ask "are you a drug user?" I'd probably ask whether they get into PNP. Are you sure he wasn't being sarcastic? Since we are on the topic of how and what to ask massage therapists, I'd avoid asking "May I fellate your penis during the massage" and "Will your massage technique cause me to orgasm and ejaculate at the end if the session."
  16. Perhaps the increase in COVID-19 cases made him reconsider his escort business.
  17. This article on Str8UpGayPorn has more information about his passing.
  18. I'm not following. If this is a different set of pictures, a different name, and different nationality how do you know this new ad was placed by the same guy?
  19. You're right. It is complaining about gossip that you heard second-hand. Had you overheard it yourself, then complaining would be reasonable. You didn't and it isn't. Why would you? It isn't. It is not internalized homophobia to be offended comments like this any more than it would be internalized misogyny if a woman was offended because similar comments were made about her choice in trainers. Let it go. Also, you did just get it off your chest - you told us.
  20. He was "ThiccTheo" and changed his name to "AlphaMuscle" sometime in October.
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