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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. I use Kleenex with lotion (buy 'em at Costco in a bundle pack). Much easier on the nose than TP, especially here in the desert. RE: paper towels, I buy the Kleenex hand towels they sell at Target. I can't find them on the website, so they might be an in-store only item.
  2. rvwnsd

    Sex and Violins

  3. There's some info in the thread started last Tuesday.
  4. The pimple/sore on his belly in the first video is sooooooooooo hot! His dick also looks smaller in that one. (He really needs to take it down)
  5. When I saw the scort's name I immediately thought of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GAbc5uQXJo:5
  6. I have problems digesting eggs thanks, it seems, to having taken erythromycin in my 20's to treat acne*. My non-physician brain just assumed I would get a bad reaction. About 10 or so years ago my physician and I discussed the flu shot and he suggested getting one at his office and hanging out for an hour or so to see if I had an allergic reaction. I did, I did, and I didn't, respectively. Been getting them ever since. Not to be an asshole, but have you ever been tested for the flu? Asking because three years ago I had a cold when flu shots were first available and didn't get one. Sure enough, the cold led to bronchitis. Aside from my "core" muscles aching from the bronchitis-induced incessant coughing I had no "flu-like" symptoms. My doc tested me for the flu and, low and behold, I tested positive. Started Tamiflu that day. No telling how many people I infected with flu before seeing the doctor. * The erythromycin experience makes me skeptical of using doxycycline as PrEP against STIs. While the side-effects did keep me quite slim, I wasn't healthy-looking. I am sure my colon was always clean, but the constant runs to the bathroom made it too sensitive to enjoy anal sex.
  7. In that case, one would use "Luber." ? ?
  8. rvwnsd

    Freddy Thighs

    What was he expecting? "Pardon me, my good sir, but I'd like to inquire about your services."
  9. Hello! Glad to hear you arrived at a place where you feel comfortable using PrEP! I started in April, 2016 and now wonder why I waited so long. The answer is simple: I wasn't ready. I had concerns about the side-effects (esp the bone changes, as I take powerful antibiotics at least twice a year to treat bronchitis and one of them can weaken tendons and bones) and had to get over the "just pop a pill" mindset." When I started PrEP, Truvada was the only approved PrEP treatment. As soon as Descovy was approved I switched. And my answers are: Not being a pharmacist I can't speak to the pharmacological differences, but the one difference I noticed right off is Decovy is a much smaller tablet than Truvada. Thus, it is easier to swallow. Second, using Truvada I always had slightly elevated liver enzymes. That stopped once I switched. Here's how I look at the sex/HIV and other STIs equation: There is a risk associated with everything we do in life, including having sex with people other than ourselves. (Anyone who has ever scraped their dick from masturbating too hard and too long knows there is risk associated with that too, but I digress). Based on what I've read and heard swallowing cum is relatively low-risk. Therefore, I've swallowed cum for years and years and loved every minute of it. Given the protection PrEP provides against HIV infection, I think it takes a low-risk activity and lowers the already low risk level. While I don't think the qualifier was necessary (I think it goes without saying) it is refreshing to hear someone articulate that sentiment out loud and NOT when they are speaking to someone who wants to rest of us to validate their decisions and/or opinions. I've said that many, many times and stand by the statement. Just want to add, though, that each party in the activity have a responsibility to the other party. Thinking back to my statement about having bronchitis twice a year, the bronchitis isn't contagious but it typically follows a bout with a nasty cold with is contagious. When I'm feeling sick I don't have sex and limit my contact with others because I don't want to get anyone sick. While some wave a cold off as "it's just a cold" mine become bronchitis or pneumonia and require two courses of antibiotics/prednisone and several months to go away. No worries. Glad to help.
  10. A good rule is "when in doubt, don't" (Which is precisely what you did) Not sure why you would not get fully naked, let alone keeping your pants on, for a therapeutic massage at a spa/studio. For starters, getting naked avoids having oil or cream stain your clothes. It also allows the massage therapist to massage you without having to work around clothing. Lastly, it helps you relax. One reason I can think of right off the top of my head is "it's a massage." The draping is there to keep your nether regions covered while the massage is happening. It obviates the need to keep your pants and/or boxers on. All that said, it is fortunate you did not try to initiate sexual contact with the therapist, as it could have ended badly. Based on what you told us you did nothing inappropriate. I don't think you have anything to worry about should you go back to relieve more back pain.
  11. It is frustrating, that's for sure. Yes, it does. It isn't necessarily live chat, but it does open a window in which you can send a message.
  12. Roger that! The best Cyndi Lauper show EVER was when she opened for Tina Turner in 1997. By the time the show reached Chicago she was seven or eight months pregnant with her son. She wore a skin-tight leopard print bodysuit and sang all of her songs very slowly. Just amazing. When you are as talented as Cyndi, you don't have to be anyone else besides yourself.
  13. Meanwhile, Cyndi Lauper has, let's see now, had the most successful blues album of the year (2010), composed a musical for which she won a Tony and became the first woman to do so on her own (2013), subsequently won a Grammy for the cast album (2014), and is noted for decades of activism and fundraising for LGBT causes. She also looks great, has raised a budding musician and been married to the same handsome man for 29 years. And 67-year old Cyndi can still rock multi-colored hair and outrageous outfits. Girl's still having fun!
  14. Am I the only one picking up on the similarity between the ad name "Bosshit" and the word "bullshit?" That's not to say the similarity makes the experience OK or to imply you should have suspected something was up.
  15. I just started watching Arrested Development.
  16. Depends on the quality of the finishing cream.
  17. Re-reading this thread reminded me of friends who wouldn't tell anyone the gender of their child until the baby was born. They told me the gender prior to the baby's birth because I was moving cross-country days before the due date. Their son just turned twenty.
  18. rvwnsd

    Male orchid?

    Alert the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum.
  19. To paraphrase a former colleague "because people are assholes."
  20. Yeah, they wouldn't have many followers if they posed next to a 2003 Corolla or in their "vintage" studio in Boystown.
  21. I wouldn't say this practice is commonplace, but it does happen. I always decline. I received a LinkedIn request from my mortgage loan office and declined it. A couple of hours later she sent an apology email. She opened LinkedIn and didn't un-check the "send requests to all of your contacts" box and it sent a request to all of her contacts. This was in 2007 and the platform has changed since then.
  22. I hate to contradict you, but in the 1970's male game show contestants wore suits and ties, . There was also considerable controversy about shows like Maude and All in the Family due to the "adult themes" contained therein and a push, which was successful, to make the early evening time for "family shows." That said, I agree the guy's bulge is much ado about nothing. On the other hand, Kathie Lee looking like these two: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU3Zct_Z6Sw:28 IS something.
  23. I volunteer to obscure it with my, oh, you get the idea! Definitely rocking the Jocelyn Wildenstein look.
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