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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. He looks like one of the guys listed in the "we are different"ad, but who knows whether it is one of that duo (if that duo even existed) or someone else who is using the same pics.
  2. Gotta say I have never been a huge Ellen fan. I just never understood her appeal. Oprah, I got. Ellen, nope.
  3. 225 lbs for 6'3" is healthy at any age. In my 20's I was 195 and 6'4" because food allergies prevented me from holding in food. I always looked like I was ill.
  4. When my dad took me to see Willy Wonka back so many years ago this was my favorite scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pqsy7V0wphI:125
  5. Even pre-coronacrisis I used hand sanitizing wipes to clean my hands. Also used them to clean surfaces in my car. Recently, I bought these alcohol wipes at Staples for $2.99/50-count package. That is less than half what I paid on Amazon and slightly less costly than the ones I bought at Safeway and CVS pre-crisis. The thing about wipes is they also clean dirt off your hands. Then, you can use a second wipe or a spritz of sanitizer (see below) to sanitize your now-clean hands. I keep a pack in my office to wipe down my keyboard and phone and one by the front door to wipe down the door handle, my keys, etc. I recently bought alcohol-based hand sanitizer spray at Trader Joe's. The "citrus" scent isn't very cirtusy, but it isn't sticky like gel sanitizers. Bashas' (local AZ chain) also has a 70% ethyl alcohol sanitizer spray and I like it better than the one sold at TJ's. It contains some ginger oil, which lessens the chemical scent of the alcohol. Ethyl alcohol is the active ingredient in Purell and other hand sanitizers.
  6. While I don't agree that there is a dwindling supply of escorts in NYC and LA, I've never found San Francisco to have a particularly robust supply of available escorts that I find attractive. Tatts are generally fine with me. So are some piercings. Still, it seems like the escort population skews to guys I don't find attractive. I might feel differently if I lived there, but when I plan to visit I can generally not find more than one or two attractive guys and they are never available.
  7. There are men who do not want an escort experience. They simply want a massage from a hot guy. I can think of a few guys in addition to @Rod Hagen who advertise as both escorts and masseurs. A guy who only advertises as an escort would miss out on a client. Additionally, it avoids the oft-discussed and denigrated practice of charging different fees for different escort services. Advertising as an escort and as a masseur avoids that. If you contact the guy for a massage, you pay the massage rate. You contact him for an escort session, you pay the escort rate.
  8. By the way, he states in his ad that he tested positive for COVID antibodies, which says a lot about his character and professionalism.
  9. You can't "like" a post more than once, so in addition to "liking" it I'm replying and saying "I love that T-shirt!!"
  10. I thought it was just me who has a bad reaction to Purdue chicken. Whenever I eat Purdue chicken I immediately get the runs. So, I don't eat Purdue chicken. Not to mention many vegans (not all, guys, not all. Please read again: not saying this applies to all vegans) just can't stop talking about being vegan. Obviously, it is relevant in this thread because the thread is about veganism. However, many (not all) vegans I've met feel compelled to tell me they are vegan upon meeting them and proceed to discuss veganism and the evils of not being vegan. I once said "Oh, cool. I suck guys' dicks" and the subject quickly changed. All kidding aside, I was at a party in San Diego with a bunch of self-described "woo woo SoCal natural healers" (their words, not mine) and the topic of diet came up. I mentioned that I can't eat soy products expecting a lecture about the virtues of soy and instead the gal said "Oh, you're a chicken and brown rice person. [she was right] Don't let anyone talk you into a diet you can't tolerate." She, her nutritionist boyfriend, and I had a great talk about diet and how different people have different nutritional needs.
  11. rvwnsd

    Ace Quinn.

    Too bad he isn't as good about keeping clients' appointments as he is about his waxing appointments.
  12. They squandered a resource that Amazon could only have hoped to have and that was the mailing list and captive credit card associated with the In the early 2000's, Sears was one of the first retailers (the only one at the time, I think) to offer order online and pickup at the store. This was before Walmart did that. I bought a stereo that way and sent Christmas gifts to my family in Chicago. Mom and Dad would pick up stuff for my brother, he would pick stuff up for them, and Sears did the rest. The real tragedy about Sears is they had their own ISP (Prodigy) in the very early 1990's that offered shopping online! They also had massive warehouses and, of course, stores. Had Eddie Lampert not acquired them they would probably be a formidable competitor to Amazon. Instead, Fast Eddie proved that Sears + Kmart did not equal "Smart." (Nor did bleeding both chains dry). Back in their early days, Sears and Wards were the sworn enemy of independent retailers. Then, much like now, the other retailers failed to do something Sear and Wards did (and Amazon does now): stock products people want to buy. At 6'4" tall with both a 37" inseam and sleeve, I can't buy clothing in any brick and mortar store other than Dillard's. Macy's and even Nordstrom typically refer me to their online channel. Gap, Banana Republic, and the plethora of mall- and power center-based stores do the same. Why should I bother visit their stores when I know they won't have my size?
  13. Another candidate for "Pin this to the top of every page."
  14. He stated that he does not meet men. Take him at his word and move on. You don't want to fall into the "stalker" category.
  15. My experience in Phoenix with A4A is the same as @keroscenefire in Denver: the number of ads have dropped by a third. I think the redesign and the weird search functionality has driven guy away. I did find a couple of gems through A4A, though.
  16. "If you can't say something nice about someone, sit here [six feet away from] me" due to the pandemic.
  17. The service department is, indeed, key as @Unicorn said. My Dodge/Jeep dealer's service department in San Diego was excellent. Never an upsell, never felt like they were trying to get me to do maintenance that wasn't needed. Here in Phoenix, I am not impressed. Now that the car is no longer under warranty I get it serviced elsewhere. I've rented the Chevy Equinox, Chevy Traxx, and the Buick Encore (their equivalent of the Traxx) and liked all of them. The impressive thing about the Traxx and Encore is they are small crossovers, but they felt very roomy and open. Not like a small car at all.
  18. I don't think race/ethnicity/whatever-you-want-to-call-it is something one "discloses." If you feel like providing your stats, do it. Like others have said, if not providing information about your ethnicity causes you to worry or stress, then tell the escort. I am 6'4," all arms and legs, and awkward and clumsy as hell. The "I've fallen and I can't get up people" should be salivating at the business I will bring them when I get to be a certain age. Since some sexual positions can be difficult (I have bad knees to boot) and some guys have an issue with a height differential, I always mention my height and lack of grace. I have had escorts turn me down because they felt I was too tall for them and others who have delighted at the challenge of, in one guy's words, climbing that mountain. If an escort does not want you as a client it is better to find out during the booking process than when you meet him,.
  19. While I agree with you, it is only fair to point out that Friendboy and MintBoys don't have search features.
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