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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Sadly, the Lyric's 2020 production of the Ring cycle has been cancelled. However, if you are a good boy, keep a six-foot distance from others, and don't try to buy more than two cartons of milk, the spirit of Ardis Krainik will populate your dreams and sing the entire thing for you.
  2. Rumor has it that Safeway is giving its customers the "Buy 5 and save $$" price even when they don't buy five. The ads were developed weeks ago, so the copy can't change but the registers can certainly be programmed to waive the quantity requirement.
  3. If the OP's profile states his correct age we now know for a fact that Millennials are not the only ones who ignore the measure to protect themselves and others from COVID-19.
  4. Thanks for posting this link. I've read various articles about her, but this one does a very nice job of summing up the story. It makes me wonder how she would be treated today.
  5. While this is not grocery shopping related, I hope this puts into perspective the limits to the number of people in a store at one time, out of stock pasta, and the horrors of using bottled lemon juice. My colleague's 34 year old daughter is an IT worker in Seattle. She also tested positive for COVID-19 after experiencing flu-like symptoms. She is quarantined at home with not only her fiance and her compromised immune system (not sure of the exact condition) but pneumonia, fever, and non-stop coughing. Due to a lack of available hospital beds and her condition not being classified as "critical" she can't be admitted to a hospital. My colleague lives in San Diego and is beside herself with worry, dread, sadness, and fear. All the while she is cheerfully doing her part to keep our bank open and running for our clients.
  6. My provider proactively asked if I was interested in switching to Descovy and I did. Been on it for several months. I don't plan on taking a PrEP break. My current supply will last until late May, so I am cancelling my April 6 check-in and will reschedule for early May. Being asthmatic I'm in a high-risk group for COVID-19 and even if I wasn't there are other people who could use my provider's services right now.
  7. Perhaps they could have a chaser of toilet bowl cleaner. It would take care of that coronavirus right away.
  8. My motto is "Mean people suck, but nice people swallow."
  9. Thanks for pointing that out. Now I can say what I was going to say! Maybe uncle dad and cousin mom think acquiring the coronavirus means they stockpile that thar fancy beer.
  10. Wake up between two cats Hit snooze Hit snooze again Get out of bed Make a cup of coffee while logging into work Check emails Approve what needs to be approved Monitor the coronacrisis Attend conference calls Read emails Attend conference calls Get some work done Play with cats Attend conference calls Give cats attention Attend conference calls Sign on out work Prepare and eat dinner Check emails JO to porn Watch a bit of TV and catch up on the Forum Go to bed
  11. I was going to say something about uncle dad and cousin mom but realized that's West Virginia, not Kentucky.
  12. This week's completely random supermarket out-of-stock item was fennel seed. In fact, ALL of the spices had been cleared out at the huge Safeway up near the Billtmore District. Meanwhile, my dinky little Safeway in downtown Phoenix had all sorts of spices, including fennel seed.
  13. Oh, I am NOT talking about canned white asparagus! The store doesn't carry it. I've seen white asparagus in a jar, but not a can. I am talking about canned green asparagus. That said, I don't eat mayonnaise-based products, including hollandaise, so that's a series of additional packets for you. I'm not morally opposed to it, just don't like it.
  14. I noticed only because the entire canned goods aisle was cleared out. Last month I bought canned green beans (guilty pleasure) and noticed canned asparagus. The supermarket (Safeway) also had two kinds of canned zucchini - Italian style and plain. Never had I seen canned zucchini. Sounds equally disgusting as canned asparagus. Methinks the canned zucchini will be tossed at the same time as the canned asparagus.
  15. Eventually, canned goods go bad and hand sanitizer loses its potency. It, too will go to waste. PS: The cans of asparagus that people have hoarded will NEVER be eaten.
  16. In fairness, this isn't limited to gay men. Straight people were going out until venues were closed.
  17. Not sure what it is supposed to be. It doesn't inspire me! Maybe it is the entertainment media attempting to be relevant?
  18. My brother is five years younger than me and straight. I'm gay. Then again, everyone thinks I'm the younger one, so...
  19. Hey, thanks for posting this. One of my all-time favorites. This is one of the songs that cheers me up when I'm having a bad day.
  20. Kenny Rogers has died. He was 81 years old. Here is the story from Rolling Stone.
  21. My favorite jockstrap. Are you alone?
  22. There's an SNL sketch for every occasion!
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