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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. I don't access reviews through the review site. Instead, I launch my VPN, launch a private browsing window, and then access the reviews from the escort's ad. For example, to see reviews written about MaverickRey using Firefox: Go to his ad Launch VPN (I use the paid version of TunnelBear) Launch a private window Copy and paste the link to his reviews in the private window and launch (hit "Enter") Firefox launches Rent.Men Rent.Men requests that I consent to terms, etc His reviews, including comments, display
  2. rvwnsd


    The new location "functionality" within RM appears to be over-engineering to solve a non-existent problem. The previous functionality worked just fine.
  3. What was he thinking? WAS he thinking?
  4. When an ad reads something like "New boy in the city. wanting fun!! Hi!! I'm new in the city. I am an affectionate boy... " they always seem to be fake.
  5. By the time you make it up the too-narrow Horton Plaza garage ramp without damaging your car and/or a pedestrian, find a parking space in dizziness-inducing garage, regain your bearings after the dizziness wears off, commit to memory "fruit vs vegetable" (this is important, trust me), locate the stairs, weave through the homeless people, navigate to Fourth and Broadway, and arrive at the restaurant it will be 12:42 and the problem will have solved itself. All that analyzing - for nothing! Don't think arriving at the parking garage early will get you to the restaurant sooner. A group of hungover/still drunk from the night before pedestrians will decide to walk against the light at Fourth and E streets and cause you to be late. Oh, and say "hi" to the shirtless homeless guy for me. (No, he is not worth looking at, but somehow he always manages to show up)
  6. I've had guys follow-up after a playdate, but none have blatantly asked me to take them out to dinner or a shopping spree.
  7. I can't buy Skittles or Starburst because the entire bag will be gone in no time. Doesn't matter how big the bag, either.
  8. Rei Do Gado Brazilian Steak House at the corner of 4th and Broadway in downtown San Diego. It has been a while since I've dined there and they have changed the format slightly. Now, the "hot bar" is all you can eat when you order an entree. It appears that before 4:00 PM seven days a week the "Premium Lunch" (which include the hot bar) is $34.95.
  9. Several years ago I was talking to a guy and he invited me over to his place. I talked to him on the way over, but when I got there a woman answered the door. She was very exasperated and mentioned that at least three guys a night were showing up looking for this character. I apologized for bothering her and asked if she wanted the character's phone number. The evil grin on her face when she said "yes" was priceless. They are getting better at writing the messages, but the discordant stats/pics is pretty comical. Ooooh, that's a great hypothesis. Never thought of that! As much as I don't like sending pictures and paying a deposit, I can see why guys request these things.
  10. According to dictionary.com:
  11. As a hiring manager, I look at the succinct resumes that list skills and experience relevant to the role. My firm uses a plethora of customized systems, so resumes that highlight an ability to learn quickly and adaptability rise to the top. The skills summary @RJD mentioned is a great idea. My resume leads in with "I am a [insert brief description] and bring the following skills and tools:" One other suggestion: PLEASE do not use passive voice and third-person in your resume. Companies was action. The resume is about you, so it is OK to use "I" statements. "Was responsible for managing..." should read "Managed..." While this is not English Comp class, it is your first chance to make an impression. Lastly, I ask people who use me as a reference to contact me each time they do so and give me a summary of the following: The job they applied for Whether they are using me as a colleague or manager reference What they told the hiring manager they did when they worked for/with me This helps the reference provide an accurate reference that is tailored to the job. OK, this is really the last thing: It is OK to tailor a resume to a specific position or type of position. I have a "leadership" resume and an "individual contributor" resume.
  12. Jiminy Christmas, for $79 you can go TWICE to the all-you-can-eat Brazilian place in downtown San Diego where handsome, built men ask "would you like another piece of meat?"
  13. rvwnsd

    Bubble trouble

    Funny how something so seemingly innocent can become anything but.
  14. I love it when you are detailed. Sends a tingle up my spine.
  15. The RM review in question was written by a client who has been a member since 1/19/2018 and has submitted a prior review of a different escort on 12/19/2019. It appears the reviewer is legitimate. To me, copying and pasting a review is not a red flag. (Not saying @former lurker is stating or implying that it is, BTW)
  16. While I agree in theory, in practice there are some folks (who have since been put out to pasture) who are just so annoying that it is either "ignore" or "destroy my computer." To the original point, were I to use one of the emoji mentioned in the thread I would 1) not DM them and 2) not expect a reply if I did.
  17. I don't see how it could be bad for your heart when it runs through you in under an hour.
  18. @BgMstr4u's post reminded me of four additional guilty pleasures: A Vienna all-beef hot dog on a poppy seed bun with pickle, mustard, sport peppers and extra extra celery salt, Krakus Polish ham on rye with two pickles on the side, a hot Vienna corned beef sandwich on rye with just a touch of stone-ground mustard and a pickle on the side, and a tall cold glass of Lake Michigan water (purified, of course). Thankfully, there are enough expat Chicagoans in Phoenix that I can buy Krakus ham at Safeway, the hot dog at Portillo's, and corned beef (not always Vienna, but almost as good) at Miracle Mile Deli. However, it is never quite as good as when eaten in Chicagoland.
  19. Another guilty pleasure related to the show is listening to the accents.
  20. Crimony, I'd rather massage HIM!
  21. This line should be required reading for clients and masseurs. To me, wearing a butt plug does two things: 1) takes away from the "relaxing" aspect of the massage (how does one relax when there is a piece of rubber stuck in his ass?) and 2) signals the client is looking for a cut-rate escort experience.
  22. That's why they didn't call it "Giddy-up."
  23. He posted the pics in the last two months. You aren't saying the pics might not have been taken the day they were posted, are you?
  24. I use Tunnelbear and can see the wording. However, when using Chrome on a Mac I had to open a new window using Incognito mode for it to display comments. I did not have to do this using Firefox on a Windows machine.
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