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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Looks like France is looking to implement a national facial recognition program.
  2. At the dawn of the internet a friend made up some raunchy name and proceeded to use it when he signed up for Facebook. He then tried to "friend" his friends, but no one would accept because it was so outrageous . Finally, after a work colleague explained exactly why he would not accept the friend request the guy closed the account and used his real name when creating a new one. BTW - the guy was in his late 40's at the time.
  3. Are you trying to say that spoiled food introduced a rare, mind-altering bacteria into his system and the side-effect caused him to jump? OK, done making light of the guy's demise. It is tragic that someone decided to end his life. I'm sure more will be revealed as the story unfolds. On the other hand, if one has a terminal illness or is experiencing unbearable physical pain and wants to end it on their own terms, what better place than on a party boat? Go out while enjoying oneself.
  4. Agree 100%. When "not clicking" occurs, I do not give a negative review. It doesn't feel fair to negatively rate a guy because there was no chemistry.
  5. OMG - you totally had me there. Took a few minutes to realize that was a joke! Very good, very good. But seriously, restraint and consideration are two characteristics that many folks could stand to develop.
  6. It's both, really. If memory serves correctly, someone resurrected a 15 year old thread recently. To me, starting a new thread on someone who has been inquired about in the distant past is fine, but three threads about the same guy in as many days is just too much. Not sure what this is all about (other than being annoying as hell) but I wish it would stop. PS: One of the multiple threads was innocently started by a long-time member who apologized for doing so. He didn't see the other thread. However, the others...
  7. Proof that "...a once and a [sic] lifetime experience ..." is not always a good thing.
  8. Wow - started advertising on January 20 and already received a bad review. That's gotta be a record. Or someone messing with him.
  9. This is the first I've heard of that site. If I'm not the only one, that could explain the reason behind their demise.
  10. I agree with everything you said and would like to add the following: If no experienced reviewer ever hired an escort whose reviewers were all first-time reviewers Then the escort would never have a review from a multiple reviewer And the cycle would continue Therefore someone has to hire and review the escort so that he has at least one review from a multiple reviewer Obviously, this is not a formal scientific/mathematical hypothesis (nor is the format correct) but it does make common sense, Or at least as much sense as the prevailing wisdom that one should be suspicious of an escort who has all first-time reviews.
  11. The pictures look very familiar as does the ad copy. It seems like someone asked about a different ad that had these pics/this copy in the very recent past.
  12. I interpreted it similarly. No one at any age should pursue sex with someone who is less than 18 years old. Period. Full stop. However, as we get older and more experienced the bar rises and there is an expectation that we know not to do these things.
  13. And mine has a San Diego number. Then again, I lived there when I bought it. However, the probability that a self-described Texan was in North Dakota to buy a phone and then relocate to San Francisco seems rather low.
  14. Chad is ostensibly from Texas but his phone number has a North Dakota area code? Hmmm.....
  15. Because another TGBT advertiser hasn't popped up yet. The talk will die down and then in fifteen years the thread will be resurrected.
  16. Good point. That being said, some members, new and old, practice common courtesy and decency while others do not. Marking old posts as "disliked" is the sign of being a true asshole, and I don't mean the type I like to eat. "Don't be an asshole" is a pretty universal convention. To me, a new member who posts using common courtesy, common sense, and the same type of self-restraint one would use in any venue, online or offline, does all of us a service. I'm going to guess the new member in question "disliked" a slew of old posts made by the OP, based on the title and first sentence of the OP's post. While naming the new member in question might not have been the best move, I wouldn't call it mocking him. The OP called out someone for their bad behavior. Exactly!
  17. He is one of my very favorite escorts. Have hired him twice and will hire him again when I visit LA.
  18. PM me for a Phoenix recommendation.
  19. You'd like to have an Episcopal priest in your... Oh, wait a minute. Mis-read. Oopsie.
  20. If you click this link: http://daddysreviews.com/search/All/quads/quads_nyc the page will display the "Review Not Active" message but you will see a link to his review in the left column. Click it and voila! Here's how to get this magic link: Do what @oldNbusted said Right-click on the link to his review and select "Open in New Tab" When the new tab displays, copy the URL Return to the message Paste the link Link will work as described above
  21. How long have you been listening to NPR? I started listening in 1986 and they have covered sports for the entire time. They have covered sports since at least 1980, when Frank Deford began his regular sports commentary segment on NPR's Morning Edition. The show debuted only a few months prior. Tom Goldman became the associate producer for sports coverage at NPR in 1990 and the full-time sports reporter in 1997. Scott Simon, who happens to be the nephew of the late Jack Brickhouse, has had sports segments on Weekend Edition Saturday since it began in 1985.
  22. Unlike Eastern Europeans, Mediterraneans don't seem to be sportif nor do they give good sexi. However, Adlerr is a "Happy and fun boy" and "...be available 24/7 for you!" There's hope yet.
  23. He's Mediterranean? Wonder where in Mediterrania he's from.
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