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Everything posted by BSR

  1. I've been wanting to attend the LA nude party for quite some time, but all these reports of super-dim conditions worry me. Do you think Matt would be OK with this, or a bit much?
  2. Ugly? No, that watch is f*ckin' hideous. As popular as the Nautilus is, I always found it ugly. The Tiffany blue dial takes ugly to a whole other level.
  3. A red letter day indeed. There has long been a conflict between conservatives and liberals in the Church hierarchy. It's all behind closed doors, of course, but one does hear things. This latest move by Pope Francis is big victory for the liberals whereas it must have thrown the conservatives in a tizzy, LOL. While Pope Francis appears quite healthy and vigorous, he turned 87 yesterday. As a practical matter, he simply won't be around much longer. The LGBT friendliness of the RCC all depends on the political leanings of the next pope. This shift by Francis reflects the attitude of North American and Western European Catholics. While the Church does teach that homosexuality is a sin, I've found that the vast majority of practicing Catholics to be very gay-friendly. It's similar to the divide on the Church's teaching on abortion. Despite the Church's staunch opposition to abortion, so many Catholic women are quietly pro-choice.
  4. US Debt Clock What does statistical analysis say about $33.9 Trillion of federal government debt? What is the propaganda trying to mislead us into thinking about that staggering amount of debt? At the end of September 2019, the federal government debt was "only" $22.7 trillion. The federal debt has increased by more than $11.2 trillion in just over 4 years. The federal debt to GDP ratio was 33.73% in 1980. Now the debt is actually greater than the annual GDP, with a ratio of 122.16%. Anyone who thinks that much debt is healthy or OK is whistling past the graveyard.
  5. Michael Burry, founder of Scion Capital, started sounding the alarms about subprime lending way back in 2003, five long years before the September 2008 Lehman Brothers bankruptcy. He bet big on an impending collapse, risking plenty of his own money and much more of his investors'. After (I'm guessing) many sleepless nights and an investor near-revolt, he did end up being right, making himself a $100 million profit and $700 million for his investors. Yes, the economy will always go through booms & busts, but the signs of an impending recession are very much real, not just a bunch of tea leaves. Hindsight being 20/20, it's pretty damn obvious now that you couldn't lend $trillions to unqualified buyers without some dire consequences. Some troubling signs loom today. The one that worries me most is the total amount of debt: personal (credit cards, school loans, home mortgages, etc.), commercial, and of course government (just checked the National Debt Clock, $33.9 Trillion!). If you add up all the debt and set it relative to GDP, the multiple is at a record-shattering high and is accelerating like it's racing for pinks. But hey, I could be wrong. If a recession doesn't hit between now and this time next year, feel free to serve up a towering plate of crow for my consumption.
  6. 34yo Martin Klizan, who retired a couple of years ago, is making a comeback. Yup, he's starting in the Futures and everything. I always found him sexy AF.
  7. Of course stats matter, but so do perceptions. Shoplifting is so bad in San Francisco that drug stores have resorted to putting frozen food under lock & key. Such a measure doesn't mean that I am much more likely to get murdered or mugged in the city, but who wants to live in a place where toothpaste & Hot Pockets have to be bolted down? Please note that the property crime statistics in San Francisco fail to tell the real story because stores don't even bother to report thefts less than $950.
  8. I wonder if Vulcans were offended when Leonard Nimoy and Zachary Quinto put on prosthetic ears.
  9. I did the Red Lobster AYCE shrimp recently. It was $27, you have your choice of 6 preparations, 3 at first, more if you ask. The best by far was the crispy dragon shrimp, deep fried shrimp with Thai sweet chili sauce. The regular fried shrimp was good too. The other choices -- skewer, scampi, alfredo, coconut -- were meh. It was worth doing, once at least. Although the location I went to had a lobster tank (with just 3 lonely lobsters in it), pretty sure it's just for show because Red Lobster serves only previously cooked, then frozen & reheated lobster tails. But like @pubic_assistance said, the shrimp is just fine.
  10. Perhaps not your intention, but like so many of your posts, that's how it reads ... just a little constructive criticism.
  11. Are you aware you can write posts without so much nasty sarcasm? 🤡
  12. Thanks for the news about Matthew Perry's cause of death. Since I don't keep up much with pop culture news, I probably would have missed it otherwise. I started watching Friends only because my best friend at work was into it. I usually stay away from comedies because something about most sitcoms doesn't click with me. But I'm glad I succumbed to "peer pressure" and got into the series because it gave me a lotta belly laughs. While we don't know the details of his will, those close to Perry say that he left a good amount to his foundation to help those with addictions. I hope that is indeed the case since he was genuinely so devoted to the cause during his life.
  13. You missed the point of my post. I had no intention of starting a political discussion on immigration. I was making a broader statement about how residents of failing cities treat their fellow Americans like shit. When you defecate all over someone, like calling someone a racist simply because they disagree with you, don't expect hearts and flowers in return.
  14. I'd like to know the consequences of this disaster. Even if no one was seriously hurt (no small miracle), I hope the city slaps the building owner with a substantial fine. I wonder where the tenants will go. It wasn't exactly a posh building. Finding a new place within their budgets will likely be a challenge.
  15. I would phrase it differently. I think it's more that many Americans want big cities to deal with the consequences of their bad policies, for example, the millions of New Yorkers who (indirectly at least) voted in favor of open borders but are now angry that the city budget (especially in critical areas like police and education) is being slashed and native New Yorkers are being forced to make painful sacrifices because the city has had to divert so much $$ to care for migrants. When Texas and other border states said they were suffering from all the illegal immigration, sanctuary cities like NYC and Chicago didn't give a rat's ass. Pardon the schadenfreude now that NYCers & Chicagoans are suffering due to the policies they voted for. And as I mentioned before, residents of "enlightened" cities branded anyone who disagreed with their policies as racist. Now that these so-called enlightened policies have turned these cities into shitholes, don't expect any sympathy from those you wrongly smeared.
  16. I don't what qualifies the Tunisian Culture Minister for having the final say on the issue. But I do know she is negotiating with Netflix for some of the shooting to be done in Tunisia. Politics, don'tcha know.
  17. In 2019, 74% of students at Stuyvesant (NYC's top selective high school) were Asian, 53% were from low-income families. Maybe Stuyvesant parents won't achieve the American dream, but their kids will, even if they're growing up poor. Sure, it sucks to be low-income, even more so in a relentlessly expensive city like New York. But working a menial, low-paying job & living in a tiny sh*thole can be bearable if you see that your kids have a future. I couldn't find a statistic on how many Stuyvesant students grow up in 2-parent households. My guess is that it's far higher than the national & NYC averages simply because Asian-Americans have by far the lowest rate of out-of-wedlock births. If you grow up in a strong, stable household and have access to decent schools, the American dream is yours for the taking. Unfortunately, millions of kids nowadays grow up without either/or.
  18. His Insta post gives off strong Kardashian vibes. Didn't one of the Kardashians fly her private jet somewhere nearby even though it would have been quicker to drive? Almost like deliberately wasting money was her way of showing off just how much money she had. This guy isn't quite that profligate, but he is squandering $thousands a month. Maybe that makes him supercool with other 20-somethings, inspiring envy, respect, and admiration while we uncool oldsters either worry about the kid or roll our eyes.
  19. BBC's Strictly Come Dancing has a male-male pair that sparked some controversy, not because it's 2 men but because the celebrity is a trained dancer, albeit not in ballroom. Much of the show's appeal is seeing a nondancer's evolution from klutz to dance floor star. Anyway, forget the drama and enjoy this tango. It's fantastic!
  20. That's what I don't understand about all this sis-boom-bah over inflation coming down. Sure, it's nice that prices have stopped rising (more or less), but everything at the supermarket is still a LOT more expensive than it was 2 years ago.
  21. Did you arrive at that conclusion by means of one of those super-sciencey "studies" you're so fond of? Cite another one, pal.
  22. Proud owner of a 2017 Toyota RAV. What does that say about me, Dr. Freud?
  23. "Researchers ultimately theorized that the desire to own a pricey ride is linked to lower self-esteem." The study you cite is laughably unscientific. It proves nothing (note "theorized"). It certainly doesn't prove that men who own flashy cars have small penises, only that men who were misled to believe they were smaller than average showed a desire to buy a high-performance sports car. It's a helluva stretch between a momentary reaction or impulse to actually forking over six figures of your hard-earned money for a fast ride. In any case, even if the study's finding were accurate (debatable), it is at best a generalization, yet one that you leap to embrace. What other generalizations do you buy into: blacks have ________, Muslims are ________, immigrants do ________? Yikes! I can't imagine. You (rather desperately) believe a generalization, then back it up with pseudoscience, because you have some deep-seated hatred for men who own flashy cars. I'm not saying you seethe with this hatred nor that it consumes you, but a little hatred, yes. Just as you hate (on some level) people who are armed and (for some bizarre reason) Lauren Sánchez and Jeff Bezos. Again, live and let live. Diversity and tolerance are a two-way street.
  24. If you compare Johnsons' prices to other NYE celebrations, they're not that bad. Places charge insane amounts because they know plenty of people are willing to fork it over. If you saw what some cheese-fests are charging here in Las Vegas, you'd blanch.
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