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Posts posted by BSR

  1. 7 hours ago, Charlie said:

    I just filled my car at my local station: $6.29/gal for regular.

    The person who used the the pump before me left the receipt at the pump: $170.88! It was obviously a pretty big tank.

    Some heavy-duty pickups have an option of a 30-gallon tank.  Bad enough when gas was $2.50. $170.88 to fill up?  Yikes!!

  2. High Seas came out with a third season, although much shorter than the first 2, just 6 40-minute episodes.  Without a doubt, Season 3 starts with the stupidest premise in the history of TV, exponentially stupider than the Evil Twin:  the bad guy (gal, actually) has cosmetic surgery to look like the good gal, and kidnaps the good gal so she can carry out the evil master plan.  The surgery is so good even her own sister falls for it (yeah, right).  And whaddya know, after just a couple of attempts, she manages to nail down the kidnapped good gal's voice (again, yeah right).

    OK, once you get past the preposterous premise, it isn't bad.  Typical scheming villains trying to carry out their dastardly plot while the heroes save the world, or at least the ocean liner.  The first 2 seasons of High Seas were a lot better, but the 3rd was entertaining enough.  The show gets docked a star for having a super-handsome lead with a great body but never takes even his shirt off.  Come on this is Netflix, not the Royal Shakespeare Company.  Whatever pretense you come up with for getting the guy's clothes off will be nothing compared to the cosmetic-surgery silliness.

  3. Ugh, I picked 2 duds in a row.  I chose a Netflix miniseries Someone Has To Die mostly for Carmen Maura, long time muse of director Pedro Almodóvar.  It's called a miniseries, but it's really just a 2h15m movie divided up in 3 parts.  The principal theme is the repression of Franco's dictatorship in 1950s Spain, particularly hard for the gay son of a wealthy Spanish family.  The movie was filled with ugly characters doing ugly things to each other, which made for a thoroughly unpleasant viewing experience.  Skip past this one.

  4. What is it about Rafa and Roland Garros?  He had poor preparation and a foot injury in the lead--up to RG, yet he comes up with some elite tennis to beat an in-form Novak.  The semifinal is no cakewalk either since Zverev is playing well.  If Rafa makes it to the final, it should be Slam #22, even with Marin Cilic playing like it's 2014 all over again.

  5. I watched Ingobernable on Netflix (28 40-minute episodes).  Great premise:  the First Lady of Mexico is about to divorce her husband.  On the night she's about to leave, they fight, she's knocked unconscious, the president is murdered, and she's framed for the crime.  Unfortunately, too many plot twists and turns, some preposterous shootouts, and some really bad acting (the daughter was the worst) manage to ruin a great start.  Worst of all, they ended Season 2 with a helluva cliffhanger, but since the series wasn't renewed for Season 3, you're left hanging.  With so much else to watch on Netflix, don't bother with this one.


  6. 1 minute ago, 7829V said:

    If we are out at a restaurant and you can’t leave your damn phone alone!

    I don't think that's petty.  Far from it, I think the phone-fixated person is quite rude.  If he warns me ahead of time that his boss or a client might call and he has to take the call, a scenario like that, of course I'll understand.  But if his phone is so much more interesting than I am, I'll do him a favor and never bore him again.

  7. 3 hours ago, Unicorn said:

    Again, I'm not sure monkeypox has really been studied that much, but if it's spread the way smallpox was, aerosol transmission from someone with lesions was thought to be a common mode of spread. They may be closing places like Thermas down if spread continues, but, until then, I think it's unwise to be going places without sufficient light for one to be able to tell if someone else has lesions--even if you're not intimate with him. 

    You could bring a really powerful flashlight with you to Thermas, but that might kill the mood.


  8. On 4/10/2022 at 9:14 PM, EVdude said:

    Just binged Elite Season 5… still better than porn. 

    I didn't like Season 4 that much, probably because they introduced some new characters I didn't like (mostly Mencía).  But I got over it by Season 5, thanks to the smokin' hot Carvalhos (Iván and his dad).  That gay sex scene in Episode 5 -- holy sh*t!!  I was still fanning myself the next day.  Season 6 can't come soon enough.  Élite is the best guilty pleasure on Netflix!

  9. An old coworker like to tell Maine jokes, about her none-too-bright fellow Mainers.

    A Mainer planning a trip to the beach asks his friend how to impress the ladies.  The friend tells him to take a potato and stuff it into his Speedo.  So at the beach, the Mainer puts the potato in his Speedo and strolls down the beach.  Instead of ooh's and ah's, all the women on the beach just pointed and laughed.  The Mainer is very upset and screams at his friend that his idea didn't work.  The friend snaps back, "You're supposed to stuff the potato down the front of your Speedo!"

  10. On 5/27/2021 at 1:46 PM, nycman said:

    Just watched it.

    Visually beautiful. Storyline is a bit plodding and messy.

    In other words, it’s a good example of Mexican Cinema.

    I enjoyed it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. 

    Perhaps Mexican cinema is an acquired taste.  I agree that it was visually beautiful.  The acting was top-notch, especially Ignacio and Amada.  But it just dragged waaaaaaaaaay too much for me.  Amada was so miserable in her marriage that it became almost too painful to watch.  Overall, it was interesting and different, but I can't say I enjoyed it.

  11. 18 minutes ago, sam.fitzpatrick said:

    If the ATP isn't including points for Wimbledon, does that mean Wimbledon will no longer use the rankings to (a) admit players into the tourney or (b) for seeding?

    2022 player entry is still done by rankings, except that Russians and Belarusians are locked out.  Now that Wimbledon lost its ranking points, they can do seedings based on whatever they want, but no announcement yet.  The old grass formula for men used to be a player's point total + 100% of points on grass from the previous year + 50% of grass points from 2 years ago.  That grass-weighted total adjusted seedings for the top 32 players but was not calculated for players outside the top 32.  For example, #40 on the ATP ranking couldn't get bumped up to #32 (and therefore get the last seed) thanks to strong grass results.  Anyway, because there was no 2020 tournament, they had to ditch the grass-adjusted formula in 2021 and just base seedings straight-up on rankings.

    On the men's side, 4 Russians and 1 Belarusian are locked out.  The women's side is worse: 11 Russians and Belarusians (WTA website erased their nationality, so I can only count the total, not how many from each country) are denied entry.

  12. 1 hour ago, Charlie said:

    I have been out of the sporting news loop for a couple of weeks. Has there been any talk of individual players boycotting Wimbledon on principle, especially since no ranking points will be on the line for them? What would really affect the AELTC financially is an absence of notable players to draw spectators to the event. Have any commercial sponsors pulled out?

    Any meaningful player boycott would have to be lead by the superstars.  As a die-hard fanboy, I follow all things Novak but haven't heard even a hint about him withdrawing from Wimbledon.  No buzz from any of the other big names either.  So far, all the top guys are still playing.  

    News of the loss of ranking points just came out yesterday, maybe too early still to assess sponsorship impact.  My guess is that Wimbledon is so big and so prestigious that sponsors will stay put.  That would not have been the case with Queens and Eastbourne, whose sponsors would have ditched like they were running out of a burning building.  As controversial as the ATP's double standard is, as a pragmatic matter I have to agree with their decision to save those 2 smaller tournaments.

    I thought only about last year's 4 semifinalists because they will lose the most points, but 2021 quarterfinalist Marton Fucsovics is probably hurt most by the no-points decision.  On his Instagram account, he claimed that his ranking will drop from #60 to #130 -- ouch!  #60 means direct entry into Slams and most ATP tournaments.  #130 means you have to play qualies everywhere, even the 250s.  Poor Marton, I will selflessly offer him a massage to make him feel better.


  13. 6 hours ago, mike carey said:

    My only exposure has been to the US version and I enjoyed it. I agree that a new idea would be better. QAF was yet another example of the US entertainment industry's belief that foreign film and television doesn't work in the US. This may be true, but it may be a self-fulfilling prophecy. So remaking someone else's narrative or an old one is what the US industry often does. There can still be good reasons for doing it. For example the political and cultural environment in which the gay community lives has changed, as have the prominence of 'other' strands of the LGBTIQ+ experience. If the propose of the remake is to include these things in the new version that's reasonable, if it's just to do it again it's not.

    What can loosely be called 'remakes' of Romeo and Juliet have been going for a little while now, usually under a different name and nobody complains about that. There has been a debate in these forums about a cinematic remake of one of them that has attracted more heat than its earlier version would have for appropriating the original story. Of course QAF is not a single story the way R&J is, so its new version relies on name recognition not a compelling story.

    The most obvious Romeo & Juliet remake is West Side Story, which copies the plot of R&J almost line for line.  But the plot is almost beside the point because West Side Story's great contribution to the arts was its dazzling and original music and dance.  Was there anything dazzling and original about the American remake of Queer as Folk?  If there was, I must have missed it.  Will there be even the faintest spark of originality in the latest remake?  Pffft ...

  14. 8 hours ago, azdr0710 said:


    A friend of mine took a drawing class in college (early 1980s).  She was psyched one day when the nude model, instead of the flabby middle-aged man they had previously, was a fellow student with a trim physique and a sizable package.  Nonetheless, she focused on her work and did the best she could.  As she looked around to see how her drawing compared to other students', she noticed that the professor (very openly gay, a rarity at the time) had used his entire 20" x 30" tablet sheet to draw only the model's cock.

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