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Everything posted by BSR

  1. I finished "The Barrier," a series about a dystopian Spain in the year 2045. After a nuclear WW3 and a terrible plague (series was written & shot pre-Covid), Madrid is divided into a wealthy section, where people live in security and abundance, and a poor section, where people suffer from food shortages, squalor, and martial law. The barrier is the Berlin Wall-style fence that divides rich from poor. It started a bit slow but picked up about halfway, and the last 2 episodes were action-packed awesome. It runs for only 1 season, 13 episodes. It's on Netflix & definitely worth a binge.
  2. I have such a crush on Bruno that I couldn't figure out why Pol was so hooked on Rai. But like you said, the heart wants what the heart wants. Or as they say in Spain, sobre el gusto no hay nada escrito. Word-for-word translates to "about taste there's nothing written," but a better translation would be "there's no accounting for taste." When oh when will Netflix show the second season of Merli Sapere Aude??
  3. Congratulations to Kalush Orchestra! They won Eurovision 2022! Ukraine was the sentimental favorite for obvious reasons, but I do like the song.
  4. "McMillan & Wife" was one of the NBC Mysteries that cycled with "McCloud." Unfortunately, I could never watch because they were on past my bedtime. I was crushed because I really wanted to see Dennis Weaver. But like you, I hadn't quite figured out why I liked him at the time.
  5. It'll be like Nadia Comaneci's first ever 10.00 in the sport of gymnastics. The judges had to post it as "1.00" because the sign wasn't formatted to allow for 4 digits.
  6. BSR

    Go Bag Items

    Cash: Plenty of it. In a natural disaster, businesses might not be able to take credit cards. Plus you might meet a really hunky FEMA worker looking to moonlight. Water bottle w/biofilter: potable water can be scarce during/after a natural disaster. Gun & ammo: Crazy sh*t happens during a natural disaster. Ya never know.
  7. BSR

    RIP Naomi Judd

    I was a huge Judds fan and am so sorry to hear about Naomi. Wow, she lived a roller coaster of a life, some great highs but a lot of crushing lows: hepatitis, diagnosed terminal, crippling bouts of depression, and finally suicide. R.I.P.
  8. *gulp* $588-882?! Is that just for the ticket, or is that some special "deluxe package" that includes a 1-hour escorting session with the cast member of your choice??
  9. "A dangerous covid19 winter" ... hmm, where have I heard that before? Oh right, that's what Biden said about this past winter: Biden warns of winter of 'severe illness and death' for unvaccinated due to Omicron
  10. "Anima Ardens" is a dance work in which 11 male dancers perform nude. A movie "Bare" was made about the auditions, rehearsals, and performance. Why isn't "Bare" on Netflix?! The video below is a short clip:
  11. Thanks for posting. I really like the song on its own merits, unrelated to the war in Ukraine. I'm glad they posted English subtitles because I find it hard to connect with a song without understanding the lyrics. Best of luck to these guys.
  12. I just finished watching Seasons 4 & 5 of "Money Heist." Wow, I think it's the best series I've ever seen: a super-sophisticated plot, great twists, compelling characters, edge-of-your-seat suspense. "Velvet" is still my sentimental favorite, but "Money Heist" is in a league of its own. I've heard that the MH producer wants to do a prequel with Berlin as the protagonist. If so, I can't wait because Berlin is my favorite character.
  13. The air inside a plane's cabin is circulated every 3 minutes and filtered through surgical-grade HEPA filters. Yes, people are packed in, but the circulation from ceiling to floor makes airplane cabin air cleaner than inside homes or even operating rooms. I don't know the specifics of subway air, but my guess is the filtering is far below surgical grade and the air circulates, dunno, once every mayoral term?
  14. Any ATP boycott would have to be led by the Big 3, or in this case just Novak & Rafa because Roger is sidelined. Just my sense as a die-hard Novak fan, the Serb desperately wants to play in as many Slams as possible, especially since (as of now) he still cannot enter the US or Australia. I highly doubt he's willing to skip Wimbledon this year. And if Novak's playing, wild horses couldn't drag Rafa away. Lower-ranked players are hugely loyal to the Big 3. As recently retired Tommy Robredo said, when he started on the tour, 1st round prize money at the Slams was $6000, now it's $60,000 (USO even higher, $75K). Roger, Rafa, and Novak campaigned to reduce prize money in latter rounds (in other words, their prize money) to pay far more in early rounds. Today, a guy ranked #95 can make a decent living because even a 1st round loss in all 4 Slams pays enough to cover expenses for the whole year, including a traveling coach and physio. Pre-Big 3, a full-time traveling coach and physio were a "luxury" only top 10 players could afford. While individual players can vote however they want, you can't underestimate their loyalty to the Big 3. So my guess is no player boycott of Wimbledon this year. However, if Wimbledon and the other UK grass tournaments are stripped of ranking points, I'm sure plenty of players will skip them. If you've never done well at Wimbledon (a lot of players struggle with the movement on grass), it might not be worth the expense & travel. Better to use the brief grass season to rest up or heal up for the long and physically grueling hardcourt stretch.
  15. So true, especially since Novak is a pathetic #97 in the points race. The world #1 has won a pitiful 250 points so far in 2022, behind the likes of players like Richard Gasquet, Stefan Kozlov, and Vasek Pospisil (I love Reeshahr and Vasek, by the way, just trying to provide some context). But if the ATP does decide to strip 2022 Wimbledon of ranking points, I'm guessing they will keep the 2021 points in the players' points totals because nobody has the chance to defend the previous year's points, just like the ATP did with Covid-canceled tournaments. If that's the case, then Novak is sitting pretty, with 2000 points guaranteed.
  16. The straight back. A lot of people slouch or hunch, or at least sit/stand in a way that follows the the spine's curvature. Trained dancers have straight backs, like a steel rod.
  17. BSR

    Retired Escort

    I am so sorry about your parent and best friend. A parent's death can hit people very hard. Add to that the death of your best friend, which is rough no matter the circumstances. As if that weren't enough, losing him (her?) to suicide, I can't even imagine. I can understand the desire to revive a connection with a great escort, especially one who touched you in ways beyond the physical/sexual. But unless he made it clear to you that he was still planning to see a few select clients, I wouldn't reach out to him, just as I wouldn't reach out to an escort whose ad says "not available," even if I were a regular, even if I had a great chemistry with the guy, only if the escort specifically told me to go ahead and call him despite the "not available" tag. Gotta respect an escort's space. That said, I hope you can find a way to get through the grief. You can google the subject & figure out what works best for you. One suggestion I can't imagine any of the search results include would be to have some fun looking for a new escort "find." Plenty of fish in the sea, as is so often said on this forum. Hopefully you have the time & budget plus live in or near a city with plenty of selection. Lots of escorts pride themselves on their ability to connect with clients beyond the physical/sexual. Il faut créer des liens, as a very wise little prince once said. Connections with your family and friends will help, of course, but a great new escort could too. Just my opinion.
  18. Rafa joins in on criticizing Wimbledon's ban on Russian & Belarusian players, "I think it’s very unfair (on) my Russian tennis mates, my colleagues. It’s not their fault what’s happening in this moment with the war." Still no word from Roger, who is sidelined until October. Who knows if Roger will weigh in, whether publicly or behind the scenes. One thing I do know is that even if every player in the top 100 voiced their disagreement with the ban, Wimbledon would still stick to their guns. But if Roger decides to join his fellow Big 3 in opposition, that will likely get the ATP to strip Wimbledon of ranking points because the 3 ATGs still hold great sway over the ATP Tour. The players are meeting in Madrid this week to decide.
  19. Thank you, yuppers, that's the sexy devil's name. I can't remember if it was a rent.men or Seeking ad, but he was here in Las Vegas & I remember I wouldn't even let myself look at it because I am so. damn. weak. He didn't look as good as he did in his SC days but still more than sexy enough to shut down my big head & make my little head take over. I was relieved when the ad disappeared. Yeah, I know I swore not to look at it again, but remember what I said about being weak?
  20. Is this a photo of that Sean Cody star busted for extortion? I forget his stage name, just remember he was hot as hell.
  21. I get annoyed when they lump all the "with Covid" deaths in with the "because of Covid" deaths. If hospitals need to track "with Covid" for whatever reason, so be it, but why make that data public? I wish they published only "because of Covid" deaths because as a matter of public health that's the number that concerns us laypeople.
  22. I just finished binging Season 1 of "Sapere Aude." I got sucked in by the opening shot of Carlos Cuevas's ass but ended up getting hooked on the series for its own merits. "Sapere Aude" turned out to be one of the better shows I've seen on Netflix. It's killing me that Netflix doesn't carry Season 2.
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