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Everything posted by BSR

  1. According to his father, Novak will most likely skip the Australian Open. I've never liked Novak's dad, seems like a bit of a nutjob. I never quite know what to make of the dad's public statements, but there you have it.
  2. OK, I get your point. Believe me, I'd love to see Josh Cavallo Instagramming and tweeting pictures of himself all around Qatar waving a Pride flag or wearing a big bold Pride t-shirt. Since I imagine the Qatari government wouldn't like that much, I'd fear for his safety. Hopefully, the supposed social justice warriors in FIFA, the ones so quick to penalize the Mexican national team because their fans shouted homophobic taunts, would support Cavallo's efforts and take whatever measures necessary to ensure Cavallo's safety.
  3. I'm sorry, did I deny you medical care unless you stopped using all caps? Because that would indeed be totalitarian. What I did was give a suggestion. You are free to ignore my suggestion, with no repercussions whatsoever. Not exactly Stalin's Soviet Union. Drama Queen much? If you add up all the people who suffer heart attacks, cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and its many complications, 13 types of obesity-related cancers, you end up with millions of people who caused their own health problems, and these millions are clogging up and burdening our our health care system. You think that vaccine refusers are "different" and should be treated differently. To me, both groups brought their health problems on themselves. If you're going to deny vaccine refusers hospital care, then you have to deny the obese as well. But no matter what I say, what arguments I make, you will insist the unvaccinated are "different." We'll just have to agree to disagree (again, that was a suggestion, ignore it if you like). The costs of a stay in ICU can be stratospheric. If insurance companies jack up rates or even cancel policies for vaccine refusers, that's a logical business decision, just like a rate increase for smokers or the obese. I just don't want government mandating rate increases or policy cancellations, because that is tyranny. If hospitals are indeed overloaded, have run out of beds, and have literally no choice but to turn some patients away, I guess I would be OK with triaging hospital care based on vaccination status. I am left wondering how often that actually happens, as opposed to hysteria drummed up by would-be authoritarians, because it sounds like you & @Unicorn are using denial of care as a cudgel to punish the unvaxxed, not as a terrible decision necessary in a critical emergency situation.
  4. First of all, when using all caps, less is more. "No other self-inflicting health condition has this impact"? You really need to read more about the American epidemic of obesity and its massive impact on public health: heart attack, cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, mental health disorders, 13 types of cancer, etc. As much as @Unicorn and I disagree on other issues, we do agree that even the "unworthy" and "self-inflicted" have a right to medical care. From his post above, it's clear that while unicorn would be privately disgusted by a drunk driver who suffered serious injury, he would never refuse that drunk driver the medical care he needs. I assume he extends that same principle to vaxx refusers. You believe that the end justifies the means, that society must employ any and all authoritarian measures necessary to achieve 100% vaccination. I believe that totalitarianism can only create far greater problems than it purportedly solves.
  5. The difference is every spectator in the stadium could see that the legendary Owens was black. On the soccer field, Josh Cavallo looks like any other player.
  6. But the issue of debate was not risk to others; the issue was triaging medical care based on vaccine status. You've repeated countless times your argument about risk to others. We are all quite familiar with it. You want to use every means available to coerce vaccine refusers to submit to the vaccine, an end I sympathize with even though I find the means unacceptable. I am simply arguing that whatever principles you apply to the triaging of medical care must be done across the board. If an unvaccinated person is denied hospital care for Covid, as @Monarchy79 proposes, then all "self-inflicted" health problems (and the list is so very long) must also be denied hospital care. You can't single out just the Covid issue.
  7. A woman passenger allegedly breastfed a cat on board a Delta flight from Atlanta Is this for real?? "Woman breastfeeds cat" would be bizarre enough, "on a plane" jacks it up a couple of orders of magnitude. Can you imagine being the poor flight attendant who had to deal with this woman? Or the person in the seat next to her? Wow, just when you thought you'd heard it all.
  8. If we are going to go down the slippery slope of blaming hospital patients for their maladies, let's go whole hog. Some health issues are truly beyond one's control, but most have a root cause in the patient's behavior and lifestyle: smoking, obesity, etc. Sure, getting a jab is a lot easier than losing weight, but obesity is still within one's control. If you are going to triage hospital care based on patient behavior, you have to factor in all the patient's behavior and decisions, not just Covid vaccination. I don't have a problem with insurance companies jacking up rates or even denying coverage altogether to vaxx refusers. I just don't understand why it has to be government mandated. Let insurance companies decide for themselves how to best conduct their business as opposed to the government micromanaging.
  9. Covid is not an automatic death sentence. With treatment, many with severe cases do survive. By denying the unvaccinated access to hospital care, you are the one who chooses that they die.
  10. You are wielding the power of government as a means of coercion, then when someone challenges you, you call them entitled and self-absorbed. Leftists get so nasty whenever they don't get their way.
  11. You claim you never proposed letting people die, yet you want to bar the unvaccinated from Covid-related hospital care. If a person with Covid needs to go to the hospital, their case is very serious and without hospital care they will likely die. So yes, you did propose letting people die, no matter how much you try to deny it. "Anyone who doesn't do what I want must die!" Leftists have such beautiful powers of persuasion.
  12. Everything Stalin did was for "the greater good." Everything Mao did was for "the greater good." When Pol Pot killed alnost a quarter of Cambodia's population, he did so for "the greater good." Needless to say, leftists lose me when they propose letting people die for "the greater good."
  13. "Anyone who does not do what we want must die!" No, not authoritarian at all.
  14. I don't know enough about Josh Cavallo or even World Cup soccer to opine on whether or not he should boycott, but it feels like the horse already left the barn. FIFA sanctioned the Mexican national team by barring fans from attending 2 home games because the fans used a homophobic slur to taunt the opposing team. At the same time, soccer's international governing body gives the 2022 World Cup to Qatar, a country which makes being gay a crime. So apparently FIFA thinks it's horribly wrong to call LGBTs mean names, but throwing an LGBT person in prison for the simple "crime" of being gay is totally OK.
  15. The post was the punchline. I got the joke just fine without a smiley.
  16. Oops, sorry about the typo in my previous post. I meant Tesla Model 3, not X. The 3 w/self-driving is $55-69K depending on drivetrain & options. The Model X starts at almost $100K.
  17. "foolish, sad comment"? Maybe it was just a joke. At least that's the way I took it. A base model Tesla 3 with self-steering but no other options is $55,000, top of the line & loaded is $69,000. No, not a Bentayga, or even a Mercedes S Class, but not a Toyota Corolla either.
  18. $1 in 1986 is worth $2.52 today. I assume the quantity and quality of items sold for $1 has diminished significantly in the past 35 years.
  19. LOL, I asked @MikeBiDude why he likes his Tesla so much because I've seen a big increase in their numbers on my local streets. 5 years ago, spotting a Tesla was like seeing a Rolls-Royce. Today, I see them all the time. Obviously people like them. I was just curious about why exactly.
  20. Even with my decades-rusty French, I remember this fascinating quirk of French grammar. When the direct object of a past-tense verb is feminine (in this case the murder victim was a woman), you add an "e" to the end of the verb.
  21. Thanks for remembering Las Fallas, a truly underrated tourist event. The elaborate sculptures (some 4 stories high, and they get bigger every year) are made of wood and papier-mâché, so they burn quite spectacularly. They also have a magnificent fireworks display, which was more impressive than any I've ever seen in the US. Las Fallas is definitely worth the trip.
  22. BSR

    Tanner Hyde

    Thanks for the info on Tanner Hyde. When a previous poster canceled on this provider for being 21 minutes late, I thought that was unreasonable. As another poster pointed out, sometimes it takes a bottom longer than expected to get ready. Or maybe it was just a case of a young guy being clueless on the importance of punctuality. Whatever the case, I would have cut Tanner some slack. I see your case as quite different. Oft-times, things beyond one's control come up. If an escort cancels on me, I don't need nor want the details as to why. But I do expect him to contact me as soon as he knows. Tanner is young but not that young. He really should know better.
  23. I don't care for Raisin Bran because I dont like raisins, but I'd eat in a pinch. Froot Loops, on the other hand, are so painfully sweet they make me dizzy (and I'm not a diabetic).
  24. Grigor is probably Novak's best non-Serbian friend on tour. I don't know what exactly is wrong with Grigor except that a few folks over on Men's Tennis Forum say that he's still suffering long-term effects from Covid. I know his results have been pretty mediocre since that Adria Tour, but then again, Grigor's had ups & downs his whole career.
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