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Everything posted by BSR

  1. IMO, Paul Newman hit peak sexiness in his early 50s. The combination of silver hair with those killer blue eyes, plus a body most 25-year-olds would envy, just slayed me.
  2. I just hope you get a diagnosis soon. No matter what your problem turns out to be, not knowing is even worse. At least once you know, even if it's bad news, you can take the bull by the horns & deal with it. Best wishes for what lies ahead.
  3. I remember another psychic story. A while back I went to Coney Island with a friend. At the time, she was head over heels for some Egyptian guy & talked about him every waking moment. When we saw a gypsy fortune teller, of course my friend had to get a reading because she wanted to know what her future was with the Egyptian. I just rolled my eyes because I assumed all psychics were scamsters (this was before my visit with Raymond). I figured psychics either told you stuff so vague that it could apply to anything or they told you what you wanted to hear so you would keep coming back. Well, my friend gave it away from the start when she asked what about the Egyptian. The gypsy woman told her straight up, "You will not marry him." When she asked why not, the gypsy couldn't say. My friend was so upset that she didn't ask about anything else. Well, whaddya know, the Egyptian turned out to have not just 1 but 3 wives, and he was trying to get my friend to marry him to get a green card.
  4. My psychic "power" isn't as strong as yours. At every single wedding I've ever attended, the thought "these two will be together forever" sometimes hits me, sometimes not. In all the cases where the thought occurs to me, the couple is still married. When it hasn't, they're all divorced. You might argue that this is just my judgment based on my knowledge of the bride & groom, but it happens even when I'm the +1 & don't know the couple at all.
  5. It's not up for sale, but Putin's house in Sochi, Russia, certainly is an interesting work of architecture.
  6. I have, and it was an interesting experience. Before I even sat down or uttered a word, Raymond (the psychic's name) said, "Canada." I sat down & asked him what he meant. He said he didn't know, just that the moment he saw me, he got a strong sense of Canada. Now, since I'm Filipino & wasn't wearing anything with a maple leaf or a Canadian sports team, nothing about my appearance would clue him in to Canada. But the previous weekend, I had been in Toronto for my beloved grandmother's funeral. She took care of my brother & me a lot the 2 years we lived in Toronto because both parents worked more than full-time. OK, I was intrigued. He went on to say that he sensed a very strong presence, someone from Canada, was with me that day. He couldn't pin it down more specifically, just that that person's spirit was with me and would always be with me. He went on to say that he saw the trip to a wedding in Baltimore I had planned for the upcoming weekend. Mind you, this was with no clues or prompts on my part. He saw my conflict with Michael & knew I was rather anxious about it. He also saw money problems (I was low on flow at the time) but assured me I'd be fine financially. My conflict was with Mike (OK, he was a teeny bit off because nobody called him Michael), one of the other groomsmen in the wedding party, with whom I just didn't get along. In fact, our once tight-knit tennis foursome (we had been on skiing weekends together, summer share down in Rhode Island, a trip to the Virgin Islands, and a bachelor party in Vegas) had pretty much disbanded because another guy & I just couldn't take Mike any longer. He also said that I would meet the great love of my life when I'm 58 & would live to 92. Let's see if he got those two things right. My friend from work had gone with me & gotten a reading from another psychic that was a total waste of time & money. After we compared notes at dinner, she went to see Raymond the very next day because she desperately wanted him to see a future with a guy she was obsessing over at the time. He got a few things right, but saw no future with the guy. Indeed, she had a very brief relationship with the object of her affections, but it ended quickly & badly. So, anybody else seen a psychic? Did they actually see some things that turned out to be true? Or was it a total waste of time & money??
  7. I I'm so sorry about what poor Bubba's dealing with. I wish him, and his human, all the best.
  8. I I'm so sorry about what poor Bubba's dealing with. I wish him, and his human, all the best.
  9. LOL, not quite. The reason my grandmother could eat ice cream every single day without gaining weight was that she didn't eat that much else. When my aunt spoke with grandma's primary care physician, he was actually glad that she was eating ice cream because otherwise she was at risk of being underweight. It should be noted that ice cream in the Philippines has a lower butterfat content and a lot less sugar than American ice cream, so it's actually not that bad for you.
  10. When my grandmother went to live with my aunt, my aunt became rather zealous about monitoring my grandmother's eating habits, like allowing her ice cream (her fave food) only rarely, severely limiting salt intake, etc. An in-law who was a doctor advised my aunt to let my grandmother to enjoy life a bit, that a little more ice cream & salt wasn't going to hurt, and at least she would enjoy life more, but my aunt would have none of it. In her mid 80s my grandmother moved back to the Philippines because she needed more care than my aunt could provide. Grandma now lived "on her own," i.e., with a live-in caretaker & a housekeeper/cook but no daughter around to restrict what she ate. Well, she started eating ice cream every single day (yet managed not to gain weight) and ate plenty of salty foods, much to my aunt's chagrin. Grandma lived to 98.
  11. I used to love microwave popcorn because I love popcorn & loved the convenience. Then yikes! It turns out to be carcinogenic?! WTF? Why does the FDA still allow it to be sold??
  12. I googled historical events in France 1958. The most significant is that year was the dawn of the French Fifth Republic, the republic that still stands today. But most likely, the year has a personal significance to him. As you're licking his "1958" tattoo, you should make it a point to ask him.
  13. A beautiful eulogy, Peter. Thank you for giving some insight into the person we have lost. Daddy will be missed. R.I.P.
  14. Wow, Nathan Chen killed it in his long program, nailing 5 quads & skating flawlessly. Yuzuru had a disappointing skate & ended up falling to third. I've only watched Nathan's skate so far, dunno if I can bring myself to watch Yuzu's. I'll def catch up with the others in the top six, if I can find them on YouTube.
  15. Besides Fattest Asses on Tour, I also follow: Thickest legs thread Sexy arms, yummy chests & lickworthy abs Male player bulges Hot+good looking lower ranked players Best legs on the ATP But I'm a serious tennis fan ... honest!
  16. @JoeMendoza, I'm glad you started this thread because it nudged me to watch Nathan Chen & Yuzuru Hanyu on YouTube (I hope the short programs of more skaters get uploaded eventually). I wouldn't have watched otherwise since I didn't even know the world championships were going on this week. Yuzuru picked a pop song instead of a classical piece because he wanted to give his fans something to get them moving & have some fun. Unfortunately, the choreography was so uninspired that it had the opposite effect. I loved Nathan's music & choreo, just a shame he fell on the quad lutz. Still, Nathan is within spitting distance (just over 8 points) of Yuzuru, so anything can happen in the long program. PS: the more things change, the more they stay the same. Nathan still has the best hair of all the skaters & 2nd place ain't even close.
  17. So what do you watch? Or what will you watch after canceling Amazon Prime?
  18. Add me to the Madrid column. Barcelona is nice enough, but I can't say I love it. Madrid, on the other hand, I love Love LOVE! And like you, I don't like Gaudí architecture. I saw a rendering of what Sagrada Familia will look like when finished. Eek! I thought it looked hideous! Venice is magic. I can walk around for hours/days and just soak it all in. But best to avoid it on the weekends because the number of tourists doubles and the crowds get to be too much.
  19. I had the world's biggest crush on Javier Fernandez & followed figure skating quite closely while he was competing. But since he retired, I lost interest. Gotta say, watching his long program at the Pyeongchang Olympics was the most nerve-wracking 4 minutes of my life. I honestly thought I was gonna have a heart attack ?
  20. Only one other forum: menstennisforum.com It's good for getting the opinions of other tennis geeks plus I learn a lot of tennis news that I wouldn't pick up anywhere else. The bad side is the unbelievable nastiness between the rival "gangs" -- the Federer, Nadal, and Djokovic fan bases are like nations at war. I mean, I live & die by Novak's wins & losses, but even I can't get worked up like these people do.
  21. LOL, I haven't been to the shoe museum, but the next time I'm in Manila, it's on my must-do list. By the way, the butterfly dress (what Imelda is wearing in one of the photos) is traditional Filipino garb. My aunt recently attended a wedding where the bride & groom requested all guests to wear traditional attire, but my aunt swears she will never be caught dead in a butterfly dress. She had to ask special permission from the couple to wear a regular gown. I accused her of being afraid of unleashing her inner Imelda. She laughed & admitted that the former first lady was probably the root cause of her distaste for the style.
  22. Thanks for posting the video; it's a very funny episode. I started watching "Taxi" because I had such a crush on a young Tony Danza, but luckily for me, it was a good sit-com on its own merits, hotty factor aside. That episode must have been ~40 years ago, pretty edgy humor for the time.
  23. With regard to fakes, I'd much rather that board members overdo it, "it" being the warnings, the proof of fake pictures, the bad reviews. Since some clients follow the goings-on of this forum just occasionally, multiple warnings will hopefully reach more people. It's like erring on the side of caution.
  24. I saw an interesting feature about the most overrated & most underrated tourist attraction in each state. For example, Nevada's most overrated was the Las Vegas Strip & most underrated was Red Rock Canyon. I agree about the Strip, but my underrated pick would be the Valley of Fire - huge red rock formations in a valley of white silica sand. For my old home state of Massachusetts, most overrated was Plymouth Rock - 100% agree! I was expecting something substantial, maybe not the size of Gilbraltar but at least a good-sized boulder. Nope, they might as well call it Plymouth Pebble. The most underrated is the Berkshires, the mountains in western Mass. The Berkshires are nice, but my pick would be the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. I thought it would be interesting if forum members posted their picks for their own state or city. Final thought: most overrated for New York was the Statue of Liberty. Again, totally agree! Don't ever climb the damn thing. The stairs are very long, steep & narrow, and when you finally get to the crown, the windows are dingy as hell & don't even face Manhattan. Their underrated pick was Niagara Falls. I'd nominate the Gaiety Theater, but it closed years ago.
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