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Everything posted by BSR

  1. BSR


    Thanks for linking the article. I read in another thread about the "groundbreaking" porn flick, but since I never saw "Boys in the Sand" nor knew its historical context, I had no idea why it had a special place in gay porn.
  2. Both the coin purse and the manpurse are Louis Vuitton. That makes it gay to the fourth power. Yeah, I'm basically a one-man walking Pride float.
  3. Spanish is my second language. Once in a literature class, we were discussing the violence of the 1968 Mexico City riots. The Spanish word for riot is "motín" but I got mixed up & said "mote" (which means nickname). I noticed the professor giving me a weird look, but like an idiot, I just kept prattling on and on about "violent nicknames."
  4. I remember European travel before the Euro. You had to exchange money in each different country you visited and had to budget a lot more carefully because if you exchanged too many francs, for example, you then had to exchange the francs for pesetas (or marks or whatever), thus getting nailed twice with exchange fees. Before my time, but my uncle used to talk about the days when only luxury cars had air conditioning. The father of one his friends bought a Cadillac that had air conditioning, and they were the envy of the whole neighborhood.
  5. D, definitely, I go nuckin' futs over a hairy ass. B can be a pleasant surprise. If I see a guy has a smooth ass, only to see fur surrounding his hole when I part the cheeks, it's a very pleasant surprise.
  6. I think it's because the US has the lowest denomination bill of all developed countries. Canada has a dollar coin but no dollar bill; the EU mints euro coins but no bill. If a quarter drops out of your pocket, no big, but if you lose a euro, you're actually kinda bummed.
  7. Hmm, if you're traveling, I don't think a manpurse is all that gay, more practical than anything else. But if you carry one around everywhere every day like I do, yeah, supergay. My cousin was thinking of splurging on a Louis Vuitton bag (he had won big at the poker tables while visiting Vegas). I warned him that sporting a Louis Vuitton manpurse is thisclose to wearing a Rainbow Pride t-shirt. He was recently divorced & back on the market. He's the gay-friendliest straight guy you'll ever meet but ultimately decided against the LV bag because he didn't want future prospects to get the wrong idea.
  8. Yeah, I think coin purses are kinda gay. Manly men just let change fall out of their pockets. Mind you, I have a coin purse that I carry around in my manpurse. That's like gay squared.
  9. I saw the first season of "The Blacklist." Wow, it was awesome, one of the best shows I've ever seen. I stopped watching it only because I stopped watching English-language TV. Maybe one of these days I'll binge-watch all the other seasons. I'm glad the show is still going strong. And yeah, James Spader found the role of his career. I can't imagine any other actor playing Red.
  10. I don't know if it'll change @Paul Graham's opinion of him, but he didn't come up with that quote. It's an oft-repeated proverb in Spanish. Mind you, he still chose to post it on his Twitter, so you can judge him for that.
  11. I wouldn't call ABBA a girly thing. I know plenty of straight guys who love ABBA in a guilty pleasure sort of way. Bellinis, yeah, definitely. Does Campari & soda qualify as girly enough? It's my go-to summer drink, but I only see ladies ordering it. Ballet & figure skating are my two big ones. After seeing Dance Theatre of Harlem perform Balanchine's "Four Temperaments" over 30 years ago, I became a total ballet addict. Figure skating, when done right, is like ballet on ice.
  12. How da heck does one become the "official" mistress of the king? Is any certification or licensing involved??
  13. When I lived in Boston, a cute guy with a Boston accent made me just melt. Something about that accent was just so masculine, authentic, and sexy. Now almost nobody in Boston proper speaks with a Boston accent because those who spoke with one all moved out to the suburbs. As much as I hope it endures, something tells me that the Bahstuhn accent will eventually fade away.
  14. A friend who is a (super)extrovert prefers to travel alone because she meets more people that way. When she's traveled with a companion, she naturally tends to spend most of the time with that person and consequently gets to know far fewer fellow travelers & locals.
  15. He's adorable in this video. It was fun to hear him gossip about his scene partners. I had no idea that Colby Kellar was a Trumper.
  16. Despite not making that much in my 20s, I managed to take 8 trips to Europe, a trip to Australia & AZ, and live in Spain for a year. I traveled on a shoestring, even slept rough a few nights, but at least I had the experiences. I wouldn't trade those experiences for the world.
  17. Either crazy or very very rich.
  18. Does he bring his own set of velvet ropes to each session?
  19. I was thinking the same thing. Don't most gay married couples wear wedding rings, at least in big cities?
  20. When I lived in NYC, a common way of describing someone who thinks s/he's so above everything or everybody else was "his sh*t don't smell." I never really heard it elsewhere. You mean it wasn't just sarcasm? There's an honest-to-gawd way of getting your sh*t not to smell??
  21. Hold the phone! I came up with my other two ... Blond 80s porn-diety Lance (sorry, I couldn't link a pic, but hopefully some here remember him) Derek from Corbin Fisher
  22. Wow, Jack Wrangler, a blast from the past, LOL. Man oh man, he damn near made my head explode. He & Jeff Stryker are my two nominees so far; haven't come up with #3 & #4 yet.
  23. He lists only English in his spoken languages, yet it sounds like English might be his 2nd language. I wonder if it's just a poor translation. That said, if he does speak another language, one wonders why he doesn't list it.
  24. BSR

    Chase Hunter

    Pics #1 & 20 look like pics from his porn days, perhaps just to remind us who he is. If the other pics are indeed accurate, I'd say he looks hella more than decent.
  25. The area's big tennis tournament, the Indian Wells Masters 1000, was canceled back in mid-December. If you're a tennis fan, this tournament is a really Big Deal.
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