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Everything posted by BSR

  1. In response to the coronavirus, MGM Resorts has shut down its seven Las Vegas buffets. So far, Caesars plans to keep its buffets open, as does the Wynn.
  2. Thanks for the link; it provides a lot of very interesting information. Coronavirus definitely affects the elderly disproportionately. The death rate of those 80+ is 14.8% whereas the death rate for those 10-39 is just 0.2%. It also has a disproportionate death rate for those with other preexisting health issues. People with heart disease die of coronavirus at a 10.5% rate whereas those with no preexisting conditions at just 0.9%. Also interesting that to date no children under 10 have died of coronavirus whereas many children die of the flu each year, although contamination of the flu is far more widespread than coronavirus is so far.
  3. @Cooper, @latbear4blk & @g56whiz, thank you all for your responses. I took the plunge for a free month. I'm glad I did because Netflix offers so many other great shows I want to watch. Of course, I started off by binge-watching Toy Boy, which I am not glad I did. As expected, the acting & script were pretty lousy. Some of the supporting cast was OK, but the three leads - the framed stripper, his lawyer, and his sugarmama - were really weak, IMO. I stuck it out mostly to find out what happened. When all was revealed, oh please, who wrote that sh*t?? Unfortunately, it fell short of guilty pleasure because I liked only one of the strippers. Germán is so gorgeous that I would gladly watch 13 episodes of him reading from the phone book, as long as he's wearing a thong. How frustrating that he was such a peripheral character. The other 4 were fit young lads but just not my type at all. I did like the subplot with the gay stripper Jairo, however. I don't know if the show had an anti-prostitution slant. In the first few episodes, the protagonist Hugo vehemently insists that he's not a prostitute, but that attitude is common among dancers. Note that Oscar & Germán quite openly work as "chicos de compañía" to supplement their income, as does Jairo until he meets & falls for Andrea. While Marbella's year-round population is fairly small (140K), a lot of residents have serious money, and the hordes of tourists bring in a whole lot more. The existence of a stripclub like Inferno was one of the easier-to-swallow elements of the series. I wish they had shown off the beauty of Marbella even more than they did. I did like the choreographed stripper numbers, well-executed cheesey goodness. A second season looks unlikely for now since its ratings were pretty low, starting at 1.85 million but quickly dropping to ~1 million or less. An average rating of 2 million used to be the baseline for renewal, but Netflix & Amazon Prime have since changed the economics for television series. If there is a second season, I'm such an idiot that I'll probably watch, crossing my fingers that Germán has a much bigger role the next go-round.
  4. Doesn't that assume that all people infected have been tested? If you're young & healthy, you might have had it & recovered without ever getting tested.
  5. Thanks for that tweet thread. Her analysis sounds spot-on. Even in the most conservative scenario, our healthcare system will be overwhelmed in just 2-3 months.
  6. The Coachella Music Festival is being postponed to the weekends of October 9 & 16. All the same artists are scheduled to perform. If the coronavirus is contained and panic subsides, Coachella can still happen, just 6 months later. As for the Indian Wells tennis tournament getting rescheduled, I have my doubts since every week of the tennis calendar is already filled. There is chatter of moving Indian Wells to the week of Shanghai (also a Masters 1000 tournament with the same number of ranking points & almost as much prize money), which assumes that China will not have coronavirus under control but the US will. Or if it's under control in both countries, IW is assuming that Shanghai will just forfeit its spot. That sounds like a lot to assume, and you know what happens when you assume.
  7. I never got into Doubtle Stuffs, too sweet. But this could be a big-time guilty pleasure in the very near future ...
  8. Not that I really need an excuse ... Masturbation boosts your immune system, helping you fight off infection and illness
  9. In light of my previous comment about cottage cheese, you can imagine how I feel about it in lasagna. But even ricotta (which I don't mind as much) doesn't belong in lasagna, IMO. I much prefer a bechamel layer. Crapfest! Now I have a ferocious lasagna craving. Not exactly diet food ?
  10. Cruise lines operate with staggering fixed costs and thin profit margins. Most lines just break even with the passenger fare & rely on additional spending (drinks, shore excursions, spa, etc.) to make a profit. I shiver to think of the losses that mass cancellations will cause.
  11. Whenever you sneeze in public, shout, "I don't have Coronavirus! I swear!!" with the guiltiest look you can summon. Then watch the crowds part like Moses & the Red Sea.
  12. A question for all Toy Boy fans, is it worth watching? I read on imdb.com it's so bad that it's good, that is, the plot & acting are pretty bad, yet it's a great guilty pleasure. I'm sure all the eye candy helps. I'm thinking of signing up for a free month of Netflix just to binge-watch the show. The catch is if you do a free month, you aren't eligible for another freebie for a long time. So if Toy Boy isn't guilty-pleasure good, I'll just save my free month for another time. Thanks in advance for all opinions. PS: does Netflix offer the show in original Spanish? Dubbing drives me bonkers.
  13. OMG, that is the cutest little creature I have ever seen! I saw a feature about miniature ponies trained as guide animals. Miniature ponies can do everything a seeing-eye dog can do. They're about the size of a Lab or golden retriever, two of the most common breeds for guide dogs. Miniature ponies are house-trained and don't need horseshoes, regular sneakers will do. The big advantage of miniature ponies is that they live for ~25 years whereas Labs or goldens only 10 or so. Since the time & cost of training a guide animal is substantial, the longevity of miniature ponies is a huge plus.
  14. "No time to explain ... just hop on"
  15. A pearl of wisdom from porn goddess Jenna Jameson: "I'm busy canning and fermenting food not because of the coronavirus, but because these damn Bernie zombies just might take over the US."
  16. I got a bit nervous when I heard that local Chinatown businesses are suffering because of fear of coronavirus, even though there hasn't been a single case in Nevada. So I went to Costco to load up. It looked like a regular Friday afternoon, superbusy as always, but no panic-buying. I have enough in my pantry & freezer to last me ~1 month. While I don't expect things will deteriorate to the point where the supermarkets are empty, I do feel more comfortable knowing I have food to last me a while. Hmm, I should have stocked up on Twinkies. They keep for like forever, and in case doomsday hits, I'm guessing Twinkies are prime bargaining material.
  17. Canadian sexting Hello would you like dick pics No thank you OK sorry for offering Thanks for asking first No problem
  18. BSR

    411 Millr NYC

    I'm guessing that he doesn't specialize in the boyfriend experience.
  19. I once ate cottage cheese as a child. I have yet to fully recover from the trauma.
  20. So what if the article was from Business Insider? Did you bother to read the Natkonal Review piece? Or did you lack curiosity?
  21. The Seeking ad sounds like the guy wrote it for shits & giggles while drunk/high. As for your lyin' Paraguayan, glad to hear that he acknowledged how poorly he treated you, honestly, more for his sake than yours.
  22. You should ask yourself the same question. If you have any curiosity, try reading from sources other than leftist pom-pom girls. For example: The American Dream Abides Those who argue that social mobility in America is declining often base their findings on faulty premises. For example, a blanket comparison between generations ignores some relevant factors, such as the much higher divorce rate, the explosion of single motherhood, smaller average family size. Yes, our nation faces barriers to social mobility. One of the most troublesome is the exorbitant cost of college and the consequent burden of student debt. Of course, we need to address such issues. But statements like "Or in another country that actually has social mobility" are really an absurd exaggeration.
  23. *InbestSallyFieldvoice* You like me! You really like me!!
  24. Feel free to present evidence that most money is inherited, that most of the upper class was raised upper class, and that very few Americans move up from the class in which they were born.
  25. I agree with everything you said. Prop 13 causes plenty of other problems, like inadequate local funding for schools because of "artificially" low property taxes. Unfortunately, the beneficiaries of Prop 13 would rip their own gonads out before allowing Prop 13 to be overturned.
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