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    56harrisond reacted to Jarrod_Uncut in Odd Level Of Demand   
    Sometimes it’s hard to gauge just by what a client is doing. They may be traveling for work or with a spouse. Also, often times when people are doing such trips, they may not have money to spend later. I know one such client, went to Europe and all but tried to give me $30 less on our last session. I wasn’t mad at him because it was probably a short sighted mistake but: it just goes to show. I also know another client who travels to Europe, and he’s not doing “bad” by any means, but if I ask for more than our usually donation, he may be hesitant. He’s also super frugal and barely spends on anything not necessary: 
    Also: guys on Grindr is just going to be a poor perception on many levels. People love to portray a persona on social media, including Grindr. I knew one such guy who would flaunt his “exquisite” lavish lifestyle of jewelry and “dates” which were nothing more than pushovers who took him out to fancy restaurants. However, my suspicion was he didn’t know how to cook, and was “bill poor”: giving the image but not really able to do what I do.
    Lot of these “grand” mother fuckers out here won’t even pack up and go on a vacation on their own like I do. Yet they flaunt designer bags and shit to look important. That $600/$1,000 they spend on a bag: I can take that and fund a trip somewhere that’s going to broaden my horizons, meet wonderful clients, and have extra to take care of fundamental things in my life. 
    I mainly think the level of demand depends on a lot of things. There’s surplus of guys in cities where there previously weren’t. I also feel in some ways the “novelty” has been lost. You see so many profiles talking about how they “aren’t generous” and aren’t looking to pay.
    I made one (potential) client change his profile on Adam. I told him, I don’t feel comfortable meeting him, based on his profile referencing how not to contact him if you’re “looking for money” and that he’ll report to “friends who are in the FBI”. 
    I’m like, I don’t care what the issue is: any clients who openly disparage someone who’s offering a service regardless of the level: I don’t want to meet. How I can trust someone who says, “get a job you worthless pieces of shit” as a client I want to meet? He changed his profile but has still yet to follow thru on the booking. I’m not holding my breath…
  2. Like
    56harrisond reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Getting shredded to 15-18% body fat?   
    Sorta, kinda, but not really.  All that glitters is not gold.
    Many trainers get those bodies through SARMS or straight juice.  That's not only cheating, but totally fucks up your endocrine system in the longrun, as well as sexual performance, acne, anger and hair loss.  It's a shit deal for the gains.
    Trainers who train properly and treat their bodies like temples have my respect.  You can easily tell by watching how they lift and how they train others to lift.  Olympic lifts are only a small portion of making gains.  I would never work a trainer who wasn't also proficient in kettlebells, TRX, compound movement and HIIT.
    It's one thing to look fit, but it's another thing to actually be fit.  I want to always BE fit.
  3. Like
    56harrisond reacted to pubic_assistance in Do guys flirt or cruise on the Gym Floor (not in the locker room or sauna) anymore?   
    Don't always assume that outwardly sporty demeanor means that no one sucks dick.
    I made that mistake all through high school and college. I had the false impression that masculine/ sporty guys are straight and the effeminate guys in musical-theatre, were gay. ( Like an idiot I thought I was some weird exception to the rule since I was neither gay nor straight ).
    Years later one of my teammates comes out to me as gay. I ask how long he felt that way and said "since high school" ..and then goes on to tell me about how he had sex with half the wrestling team !! All those guys who I would have sworn were 100% straight.
    Gaydar doesn't always work unless you're accustomed to picking from the "mostly straight" jocks.😉
  4. Like
    56harrisond got a reaction from Terpmaniac in Monkey Pox & Massages   
    I prefer a tongue on my taint, but a knuckle is fine 😉
  5. Agree
    56harrisond reacted to pubic_assistance in Do guys flirt or cruise on the Gym Floor (not in the locker room or sauna) anymore?   
    You're proving my point.
    Your fear is paralyzing you.
    Even in today's politically correct world, flirting isn't going to get you banned from your gym.
    "Fear of being labeled gay" ?
    I'm not even gay and being labeled gay doesn't bother me in the least. Who cares what other people label you ? It's 2022. You be you.
    You don't WANT to fraternize at the gym ? Don't.
    But to say that it doesn't happen because it's against the rules is ridiculous. You can't ban fraternizing between men.
  6. Like
    56harrisond reacted to FrancisCA in Douching   
    Here is an infographic on 2 types of douching and that ive been using for years
  7. Like
    56harrisond reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Getting shredded to 15-18% body fat?   
    First, a shredded body is not 15-18% bf. It's really sub 10. That's when everything pops. 
    Shredded also means low water weight. 
    Bottom line, a great body is made in the kitchen. If you're not willing to go that far, I'd recommend intermittent fasting. The 16:8 method personally works well for me.
    Cardio 5x a week. Lighter weights, max reps. HIIT training. 
  8. Like
    56harrisond reacted to + muscleboyinsd in Getting shredded to 15-18% body fat?   
    Exercising consistently is important.  Set up 3 to 4 weight workouts that you can complete in 45 minutes.  Start with 15 minutes of cardio to get your metabolism and heart rate up.  Then hit the weights for 45 -- 4-5 exercises, with 4-5 sets of 12 for each exercise.  The 12 rep-count is on the high side, but it will teach your muscles endurance and strength.  Certain exercises will lend themselves to doing "arms separately" -- Ex. Curls.  Doing the arms separately lets you stretch out the set and get your heart rate up higher.  Stick with the same workout for a good amount of time (i.e. at least 4 weeks).  Don't "change it up" all the time.  Doing the same workout will help you have a feel for where you are at.  Whereas if you keep changing it, you will have no idea what progress you are making.
    Consistency in meals is also important (though possibly boring).  If you are eating consistently and working out consistently, then you can watch what happens to your body (shape, weight, fat levels, etc.) and make small changes to experiment and see what happens.
    Also, if you can stomach it, try doing fasted workouts first thing in the morning.  It takes some getting used to, but it will get your metabolism up first thing in the morning -- which will allow you to burn fat passively following the workout throughout the day.  And working out before you eat will teach your body to start burning fat for energy.
    If you really want to get into it, buy a heart rate monitor -- I like the Polar H10 chest strap.  But if that's inconvenient, you can try something like a Polar Verity Sense -- which is an armband.  The heart rate monitor will let you see how many minutes you spend in different heart rate zones.  If you can push yourself to stay in Orange zone (and eventually Red), you will really be burning a lot of calories!  And the heart rate recordings of your workouts motivate you to try to work harder when you look back at them.
    [Sorry for the long-winded reply.  I love working out and have been doing it for over 20 years now.]
  9. Like
    56harrisond reacted to Jarrod_Uncut in Off the clock time. How best to handle?   
    And this…
    And this…
    I used to be hesitant of doing off clock time in my younger days. But now I have more than a few who I actually spend time with, as friends even. If and when the fun part comes off, then we go ahead and settle up. I spent my birthday night with a couple of client “buddies” and even 1 of his friends. 
    My thing: It can be hard connecting with friends in the “community” when you live a transient, even alternative lifestyle. Clients seem to be more open and understanding to that. I am so tired and fatigued of the gay scene, especially in non-transient Midwest towns. It’s almost impenetrable to get into any circle and even when you meet some cool people: they are cool for a night or 2, and then just go back to their usual clique and routine. Ghosting, not returning messages. Think you found a good friend, and turns out to just be another scene queen.
    However, on a realistic level it’s important to recognize that “majority” of clients out there are doing so because a need to be discreet or because I’ve sometimes found some to be too “sex focused” to where it can make the interaction a bit too 1 track purposed. I appreciate and acknowledge the attraction and flirting, but if it becomes to where “off the clock” time requires some form of sex, thats where things can get a bit weird. 
    Overall, many of my clients I can consider as my friend. It’s a bit harder to do that with straight married guys, but there is some gay partnered guys I’ve found to be pretty cool with connecting for off clock fun. But like someone said, there’s no guarantees and be sure to voice any concerns so that nobody feels played in the end. 
  10. Agree
    56harrisond reacted to pubic_assistance in Opinion please   
    This is an example of my point.
    Some of you guys talk about money for service in a way that makes it clear you aren't aware there is a human being involved in this transaction.
  11. Agree
    56harrisond reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Sugar & its effect on health   
    Any trainer or doc worth their salt will tell you that a great/healthy body is not just made in the gym, but really in the kitchen.
    Self-control is not something most people have in spades.
  12. Haha
    56harrisond got a reaction from Tactile Daddy in Monkey Pox & Massages   
    I prefer a tongue on my taint, but a knuckle is fine 😉
  13. Love
    56harrisond got a reaction from deepplease in Monkey Pox & Massages   
    I prefer a tongue on my taint, but a knuckle is fine 😉
  14. Haha
    56harrisond got a reaction from + LS299B in Monkey Pox & Massages   
    I prefer a tongue on my taint, but a knuckle is fine 😉
  15. Haha
    56harrisond got a reaction from TorontoDrew in Monkey Pox & Massages   
    I prefer a tongue on my taint, but a knuckle is fine 😉
  16. Haha
    56harrisond got a reaction from ketut in Monkey Pox & Massages   
    I prefer a tongue on my taint, but a knuckle is fine 😉
  17. Love
    56harrisond got a reaction from tennisjock in Monkey Pox & Massages   
    I prefer a tongue on my taint, but a knuckle is fine 😉
  18. Like
    56harrisond reacted to boredboy96 in Escort I hired is a Lawyer   
    OP here. I canceled before our meeting saying that another firm decided to take the case the night before. I only spoke to the secretary and she seemed to want to be anywhere but work anyway so it worked out. 
    He does not have an ad, it is just word of mouth from existing clientele. 
    Also, I do know of two other lawyers who are escorts. One quit law and does videos, the other has a solo practice I think. 
  19. Like
    56harrisond reacted to Jarrod_Uncut in I am frustrated on so many levels. Pigheaded Men   
    Matter of fact: I will go ahead and do exactly that. Let me post some texts. Because apparently, I’m the one with the attitude. So let’s just see (I’m the person either in blue or green on all messages).

    ⬆️  This person didn’t return the reply despite him sounding like he’d be serious after I answered a few questions earlier. Like really? You tell me this now: and he says out of price range, but I’d be spending at least $150 myself to accommodate the session because it’s 2 hours away and he wants me to host. Obviously is clueless. 

    ⬆️ Contact me over an hour later only to tell me, “thanks for trying?” He contacted me for a session and I asked for what I needed to accommodate. Why bother getting in touch if you not willing to confirm or be prepared to do what’s necessary? Interrupting my morning with no intent. Goodbye  🚮

    ⬆️ It’s a Saturday night at 12:30 a.m. Who said I’m even working? And then when I reply back later that afternoon, no response.


    ⬆️ Would require driving an hour to his hotel, in the middle of Illinois, which I didn’t have the info for. Why would I do that without a deposit? And he has a couple of bad reports too, which is why I was even more pressed to ask for a deposit. 

    ⬆️ Just more back and forth stuff. Didn’t end up meeting because he didn’t confirm and follow up as directed. Wasted his and my time bullshitting.
  20. Applause
    56harrisond reacted to samhexum in Escort I hired is a Lawyer   
    No jokes about the quality of his briefs?
  21. Agree
    56harrisond reacted to dbar123 in I am frustrated on so many levels. Pigheaded Men   
    This cuts both ways. I’ve had plenty of providers who pull similar shit. Like not showing up or being totally late, coming unprepared, wanting to leave early, constantly checking their phone etc.
    I had one escort who wouldn’t ejaculate because he was saving it for another client later in the evening. A bit of a buzz kill.
    And don’t get me started on the number of guys who I’ve seen that couldn’t sustain an erection.
    My last big pet peeve- seeing an escort incall and finding out that their place is a disgusting shithole
  22. Like
    56harrisond reacted to Jarrod_Uncut in I am frustrated on so many levels. Pigheaded Men   
    Yeah, it’s me again. I know it’s getting old. But, I just don’t know what more do I need to say or do, to get people to do things sensibly. What kind of era are we living in right now? I don’t understand any of these clients these days.
    Its the same thing I’ve rehearsed 150,00,000 times. People don’t book in advance, they don’t give me any sort of notice that a session is going to be taking place. I can literally sit around all day and all night with no appointments planned, and the minute I decide to do something like: EAT, or see a friend, someone wants to reach out to me to meet. Then we I try to plan it for any further than NOW, it’s always, “oh I can’t. I leave tomorrow.” Or some other lame overused response. Well then you should of not waited until the last minute. Do these people think we live to squeeze in their bad planning 🤷🏾‍♂️ 
    I am so angry right now that I have only had 1 client last week: yet several texts up and down on my phone, and all the rest didn’t follow thru.  It’s very irritating and annoying. Now I have to argue and run people down for payment because I have proof on several messages, clients NAMING times for a booking, and then falling through on it (similar to how Elon Musk fell thru on Twitter..and notice how they aren’t backing down). 
    It’s like every week I have to add another and another note to my profile: this week is, I AM NOT HOSTING SAME DAY APPOINTMENTS. People has no consideration or respect for my time or place if they think they can just call out the blue, and ask to come over when just moments ago, I didn’t even know they existed. 
    Or, the clients who do contact once…vanish, and then come around again months later like it never happened. Then suddenly out the blue with extreme eager to meet right?? Like this one guy I told him off:

    Do they seriously think I’m not going to notice their text from last year showing where they explicitly ignored a detailed message about specific details/questions? Like what the fuck?  
    Where are clients learning this behavior from? I want to know that, today. Who? Who the fuck is teaching them that you set up stuff with professionals like this? Is this Midwest ignorance or is this all of America? I’m just so ready to leave my region and just go to a completely different state already. I’ve never dealt with so many stupid fucking people in such a span of time. I’ve noticed some areas seem a bit better than others, but I notice this across the board in many areas. Even some of the travelers do the same thing. They come to town, no plans or previous outreach and just expect me to be available.
    I digress…it’s really sad. Then they don’t read ads so despite all the work I put in there, it don’t matter. Maybe I’m going to change my working name to: BESUREYOUHAVEREADMYADBEFOREYOUCONTACTMESOIDONTHAVETOSPENDTIMEONEXPLAININGEXACTLYWHATIEXPECTFROMYOU. Then I can advertise that I’m Russian or Ukrainian, that’s why my name is so long  🤦🏽‍♂️ 
    Then when I talk to my outside friends about it, they’re no support. All they do is bad mouth the business (ironic huh, but no that’s not what I’m doing. I’m bad mouthing the lack of common sense, not the business) and give me no alternative except the usual. Yet, when it comes time for me to spend my money with them, they don’t stop and think about how I made it in the first place 🤔 
  23. Agree
    56harrisond reacted to Luv2play in Monkeypox a new worry for gay and bi men   
    Depressing reading. 
  24. Agree
    56harrisond reacted to + Lucky in Monkeypox a new worry for gay and bi men   
    I've been reading about what happens to guys who think that they are infected and seek help. The answer is nothing much!
    For example: https://www.ebar.com/story.php?ch=news&sc=news&id=317808
  25. Like
    56harrisond reacted to Jarrod_Uncut in When people with limited time windows, should book ahead…   
    Who told you that? For me it has nothing to do with money, but more about the fact I don’t have the luxury to sit around and be ready for appointments that I never know is going to happen.
    Just think about it: if you called a family member that You’ve not seen in months or years and just said, “hey Bob, I want to come over now/in an hour. U avail?”
    That would come off very weird and disrespectful. But that’s how MSMs looking to pay for it, pretend it’s okay. It’s not. The guy who contacted me Friday asking this, hasn’t contacted me since 2021: over a year ago. Then had the audacity to ask me to meet in the afternoon, after he didn’t show up to the last appointment.
    Also: I have to once again make it clear, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with same day appointments. I have been taking same day appointments for years, and continue to do so now. It’s not same day appointments that are the issue, it’s those with LIMITED time windows, where they probably SHOULDN’T request same day appointments. Notice the title and the reference I’m making. 
    Want a same day appointment? Great! I’m down. But this is when I’m available to do it, if someone wants the booking, same day: they need to be willing to accommodate the time I can do it. Problem is, most don’t or are unable to. Then it just leaves me like 🤷🏾‍♂️ well, if I knew you couldn’t meet any later than X time today, I would have planned accordingly. But since you just threw this request in my lap, that’s not enough time for me.
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