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Posts posted by TorontoDrew

  1. I found an article on Reddit but nothing on here. The last two days I've had three very attractive Asian men contact me on Grindr.  One was nice but after three something smells.  Apparently it starts off with looking for a relationship and ends with Crypto investments.  All started talking about money pretty quickly.  Any one else experiencing this?


  2. HR booking all the board rooms and boxes of tissue showing up everywhere is another sign.

    I've been in IT for 30 years now and have been fortunate to avoid the layoffs as I have some niche skills.  

    My advice. For right now is to think really hard about any offers you get if you still have a job.  You may be better off staying where you are.  That being said if I was a Twitter employee I'd take the new job even if I survived the mass layoff.

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