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Posts posted by TorontoDrew

  1. 9 hours ago, ThroatCummer said:

    You know how really major news organizations will publish stories that were literally verified by like 23 separate people? It’s the same here: 

    I echo all the comments above, and provided some pictures and a link to my own client RM profile before meeting up and it just strengthened our connection. I have talked about it with him in person and it’s mostly for his own personal safety and to establish a mutual level of trust, not to actually reject someone. It’s really is that important to him for various reasons, including the fact he holds down a full time job of over a decade that could be in jeopardy if his private life ever got out in a more public way.

    On another note, as of the last time we talked he doesn’t have a single “horror” story about a client. If you read these forums enough, you see all the time where providers have stories about sessions or meetups that went really wrong  Trev’s screen process and the way he builds trust has apparent served him well because he truly doesn’t have a really bad story. So something is definitely working on both sides. 

    For what it’s worth he is the genuine type of “people pleaser” that can find attractiveness in anyone he meets, and dear god that quality makes you feel like a million bucks. So put forward the time and effort into meeting up with him, you won’t be sorry. He literally guarantees it. 

    Well said.  He makes this older man feel sexually desirable.  He's got a gift.

  2. Just now, big-n-tall said:

    I think it's on purpose. I noticed odd things happening or not happening like they did previously with rent dot men shortly after they launched the new app site. I honestly think they are disabling features to force people to use the newer site.

    I don't think they're that smart.  I've been in IT for 30 years and have seen some bad rollout.  Thos one ranks among the worst.  It appears that they aren't testing anything internally and relying on user complaints to see when something is broken.  

  3. I've had a number of problems with it.  The new version signs me out and won't accept user ID and password.  Have to sign into old version.  

    I've seen performance problems like you mentioned.  There are about 180 ads in Toronto.  Sometimes it only loads a small number.  Wait a while, search again and it works.

    When I'm paying for an app I expect it to work.  I can't imagine how frustrating it is for you.

  4. On 10/17/2022 at 9:47 PM, Unicorn said:

    Last week, I scheduled my flu shot and omicron booster at Rite Aid. When I arrived for my appointment, I was told "So, you're here for the Omicron booster only!". I told the pharmacist that I was really interested in the flu shot and had scheduled both, but she said "Your insurance company said you have to go to your doctor's office for the flu shot." Well, my main worry right now is influenza, not omicron, but I accepted that omicron shot, and thought I'd call the doctor's office today, once the soreness of the other booster died down. I called my doctor's office, and was amazed to hear they haven't received any doses of flu shots!

    Well, I remember when I was working, it was slightly frustrating for me to see my patients get their flu shots at the pharmacy, because it wasn't captured in our computer software, so it looked as though my patients weren't getting immunized when they were. Some of my medical assistants would document the outside flu shots, but some didn't unless the patients came in with a "receipt" for the flu shot, which none did. So I'd like my doctor's office to take credit, but if they don't get the flu shot within the next week, I'll just go back to Rite Aid and pay cash. I've never had my flu shot past mid-October before, and I don't want to wait until November this year, especially when the CDC is predicting a bad flu season this year. 

    I've heard Canadians are having trouble finding flu shots. Anyone else having difficulty getting a flu shot this Fall?

    My pharmacist told me that they a big supply.  I'm getting it on Sunday.  I live in Toronto so it may be harder to get in small towns.  I haven't heard of it being an issue though.

  5. When my mother passed 15 years ago we did the full funeral.  Overpriced casket, visitation at the funeral home and a church service with a lunch afterwards.  We did it because that's what people did at the time where she lived. She died relatively young and that's what her friends and extended family needed for closure.

    When my mother in law passed last year we did a simple cremation and a celebration of life for a fraction of the cost.

    I don't know how any funeral home, let alone a family owned one, can survive any more.

  6. 2 hours ago, ThroatCummer said:

    So, can we still keep talking about Trev? Because the dude has set the bar so fucking high, it's almost crazy.

    To your point @Medman, I choose to believe the same. I think he's just one of those genuine guys who loves to please others and he gets off on making someone else feel good. It's really that simple. Sure, money is involved, but you can't fake the passion he has. It's just not possible in my book. If it's not semi-real, he is the best actor in the world and puts everyone in Hollywood to shame. 

    I saw him a couple weeks ago and he's definitely taking time off and laying low for a bit, but he enjoys making connections so much that he isn't done by any means. If you do the math and divide out his rate by the length of time he makes you feel amazing afterwards, he is probably the best investment I have ever made. We did two overnights separated by two months, and I went back to work and brought my A game for two weeks feeling so good. Divided all out, it came out to like $8 bucks an hour.  

    What I really want to know from @TorontoDrew @Enchanted @Cliff @Medman and others who have been with him -- who else on RM currently is like that? Let's throw geography out the window for a moment. Who else is on his level? 

    Yea, I know there's a few threads on here who all blow smoke up Trev's ass, and it's probably exhausting for others to read since he isn't really bookable at the moment. But that doesn't diminish his impact and what an incredible hire/guy he is. The moment he's back on RM, we'll all be talking about it. :) 

    In 30 years of this hobby I haven't experienced the passion I feel with Trev.  I walk on air for days afterwards.  No one else, including lovers, have made me feel as sexually attractive as Trev.  That's quite something for someone who's 59.

    In terms of pure sexual energy and a great time I'd have to suggest Nexxon.https://rent.men/NEXXON

    I had an amazing experience with him.


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