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  1. Lol Dios, I can feel your hatred towards me, all that hatred you try to hide in beautiful words that you don't even believe. I don't have to apologize because I never did anything to you, and I know the only thing you want to do is hurt me because it's more than obvious. But I don't care, it's not worth it. I just don't plan on ever seeing you again. But seriously, friend, thank God I haven't missed work. Every day I do three or four massages. Do you think your negative comments about me hurt me? Well, I'll tell you yes so that you can be happy. God bless you Papi ."
  2. ❤️🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻❤️
  3. I already said what I had to say, yes, you made me think about the table in my descriptive message I will say that when I am away from my residence, I will do the massage in bed because I will not travel with the table, there it is already in the preference of the person who goes or not, but say everything you want, I already said what I had to say, people like you exist and always will exist, and I am more prepared to deal with this type of actions, have a very nice big man day
  4. ❤️🫶🏻Of course, say everything you want about me, have a great day
  5. Of course yes, feel free to do what makes you happiest, I already said what I had to say, have a great day and God bless you 🫶🏻❤️🫶🏻❤️
  6. calidad se contradice por completo con mi experiencia. Los 35 minutos de servicio que proporcionó fueron deficientes y poco profesionales. Su incapacidad para cumplir con las expectativas básicas se refleja mal en su competencia y compromiso. Su intento de desviar la atención acusándome de discriminación es completamente infundado y un intento transparente de desviarse de su bajo rendimiento. Nunca te he comentado ni juzgado en función de tu estatus legal, dominio del idioma o antecedentes. Mis críticas se basan estrictamente en la calidad del servicio que usted proporcionó, que era muy deficiente. La falsa afirmación de que espero o exijo servicios ilegales no solo es ofensiva, sino también difamatoria. Tales acusaciones son un intento desesperado de manchar mi carácter y distraerme de tus fallos. Mis expectativas estaban completamente dentro de los límites de los estándares de servicio legales y profesionales, que usted no cumplió. Sus excusas con respecto a la ausencia del equipo necesario, como una mesa de masaje, y la calidad de los materiales utilizados no son convincentes. El profesionalismo exige que esté preparado y equipado adecuadamente para proporcionar los servicios que anuncia, independientemente de los desafíos logísticos. En particular, no ha cuestionado el hecho de que su servicio fuera mediocre. Nunca volveré a usar sus servicios y recomendaré que otros tomen sus decisiones basándose en sus mentiras continuas y su bajo rendimiento. Reflexiona sobre tu conducta y la calidad del servicio que prestas. Difamar a los clientes y fabricar mentiras no compensará sus deficiencias. 🫶🏻❤️Of course yes, feel free to do what makes you happiest, I already said what I had to say, have a great day and God bless you🫶🏻❤️
  7. Friend, I want to make one point clear to you. I am legal in the United States, I have permanent residence, and I have never had a legal problem with the American justice system. This is something I would like you to know about me. I also file taxes because I have another job, and I have never asked for help from the government because I don't want to be a burden on this nation. I love this country of freedom very much, even though you feel that others who do not speak your language do not deserve it. I have read all your criticisms of other masseuses, and it is evident what you are really looking for. By not pleasing yourself, you act in this way trying to hurt me. I have always been respectful and am with all clients. My positive reviews are not false; many people like my service and leave happy. Above all, I am a humble and respectful person. I do not care if the client is from a different culture, I do not care about your color, or if you are overweight. I have never discriminated against anyone, nor do I plan to do so. This is a free country, and I am stating what I feel is the truth. You are a racist who only emphasizes that I do not speak English and even suggest that I am illegal in the country and doing something illegal. Are you supposedly doing something illegal? And you? You requested my service expecting something more that is illegal? This is going to be the last message I write to you because I will not waste any more energy. I will tell you something, sorry. It was not my intention for my existence to make you so angry to the point of acting the way you do. Sorry, I just hope never to see each other again so that you don't go through such an unpleasant situation like the one you went through with me. Many times I don't travel with a table because the investment of going to each city, even if you don't mind, is very expensive. Carrying a table on the airline would increase costs, but I always explain this to the client, and they have the option of not going to avoid unpleasant moments. The oil I use is original massage oil. Can you suggest another one? But nothing, thank God, I have always had a job, and these comments, which are obviously for other intentions, have not hurt me in my work. God bless you.
  8. And quite the opposite, I have dealt with the criticism here with a lot of respect because I offended no one. I have responded to every destructive message about myself with respect. Really, when many clients told me about what was said about me here, it made me laugh, but when I read it with my own eyes, I could only feel sorry—sorry for the people who take their time trying to do wrong. But quite the opposite, sir, I have assumed all the criticism by telling the truth and defending myself, but always with respect. 🫶🏻 I apologize for the inconvenience it causes you. ❤️🫶🏻
  9. Perfect, you always have the option of not seeing me. I won't bother you; quite the opposite, I'm actually glad I don't know people like that. That is my friend because the evil that exists here is very understandable. And one more thing, defense is allowed. Do you call me an angry person for defending myself? Defending myself from defamation and bad intentions is more than evident that what they want to do here is affect my work. No friend, thank you for not knowing me, thank you very much 🙏.
  10. Oh, I'm not justifying why I charge what I charge. If I didn't charge what I currently do, I would prefer not to provide this type of service and work an eight-hour job, because if I didn't charge 200, it wouldn't be worth making the sacrifices that I often make. Or would you prefer that I charge less and still give you my effort and work? Mmm, I think so, but what a bummer. To be able to do this, I have to continue charging what I do to see some profit, my friend.
  11. Really, negative reviews are not something that matters much to me. I am simply responding to what I think is an attempt to discredit me. Once again, I want to let you know that I traveled to obtain a better income, and as I mentioned in other comments, if one day we meet in the same city, you have the option of not coming to me. This beautiful country that I love is a free country, so you can do what you truly feel you want to do, and you will always find better options than coming to me.
  12. Ok Yes, but it is what I offer, there is always the option of not coming with me to avoid awkward moments.
  13. "Well, there is always the option of not choosing me, and that would be better for everyone. Do you know why I offer a massage even though English is not my mother tongue? Because I fight for my life and I don't let the language barrier limit me."
  14. "Do you think I charge a lot? No, my friend. Expensive is what I spend on a plane ticket or a night in a hotel. Sometimes I have paid up to $220 a night, not counting the Uber, and that's when I'm away from my home community. Anyway, in these days that we are living in the United States, $200 goes quickly into a market purchase, especially when traveling to different cities, which often involves very high expenses. I sometimes wonder what profit I am actually earning. No, my friend, $200 is not expensive when I invest much more to provide a service. But everyone must still find their price range."
  15. I blocked a client when I tried my best and provided exceptional service. However, once I finished the massage and fulfilled everything I had promised, the client still demanded more which I refused to provide. It became clear to me that the client had ulterior motives, which is why I blocked you. I always understood your intentions, and knew that once I refused, you would retaliate to harm my work. I made it clear from the beginning that I offer massages with a happy ending only—I do not engage in kissing or oral sex. After reviewing all the comments you've left for other masseuses, I now understand your criticisms. The problem isn't with the masseuses; it lies with clients like you who seek to take advantage. If they refuse to comply with your demands, you attempt to humiliate them, regardless of the effort and sacrifices they make. However, I know that doesn't matter to you, which is why you're here on this site trying to degrade them." "Another thing that catches my attention is how you focus on the fact that I don't speak English well. If you are so racist, why do you seek out Latinos to satisfy yourself?"
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