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Everything posted by ManattanDude

  1. Bumping. Anyone with recent experience? I tried him just after COVID Pandemic. Good looking, nice equipment…but well on the way to chunky. Never repeated. Worth a second try (I prefer top/verse types)?
  2. Hm, face seems familiar? A rename, reboot, re-launch?
  3. To @BaronArtz: is provide top, btm, vers, etc? I’m thinking of hiring him? What actor might provider resemble? 🙏
  4. Btw…if you want ultra deep pressure…try Dominant_Touch. (L.A.). When I had a massage with him, I needed to ask him to ease back a few times.
  5. To @Mhs Seems from the private pics that provider leans btm. That accurate? Thanks.
  6. Query: might there be two masseurs who share the single ad. My session, which I’ve reported on above, was in a nondescript studio apt in Chelsea, with very little furniture, in what seemed like a rented-out room.
  7. New name: https://rentmasseur.com/Nymasseur I hope this guy has a real job that pays the mortgage…’cuz he is extraordinarily unresponsive to inquiries. Any seasoned member with recent experience? 🙏
  8. To @DunwoodyGuy sounds like the session was satisfactory! Care to share more details, including time spent and cost? PM is okay as well, and I’m sure other members are curious as well. 🙏
  9. Bump, provider soon to be back in NYC…tempting!
  10. To @Jockbottom: worth the visit for therapeutic? sensual? At these prices?
  11. Apologies to @DWnyc and @BonVivant, but my budget for the “hobby”’to which this site relates…is not unlimited. Caveat emptor is as valid as ever
  12. To @mystery_man, that may indeed be the case. Try to connect again in a few weeks…when the new class of Spring 2024 masseurs hit the market [humor intended].
  13. To @Wanderoz “Not on something”…not exactly a compelling endorsement. Would be curious to hear meaningful commentary on NYAA. Thanks.
  14. Hm…no support for AllAmerican? I’m not looking to date. Personality is icing on the cake…but the cake had better be tasty too.
  15. But why…is Nathan more btm? Thnx,
  16. Fellas, help me out here. If one had to choose, on what grounds would one make the choice? https://rentmen.eu/NycAllAmerican https://rentmen.eu/NathanNYC
  17. To @tsgarp Refer you to existing thread. Questions answered there.
  18. Where/what is the “Spa 27 file”?
  19. Yes, see link, cut. https://rentmasseur.com/Scottchas
  20. Asking a member if they could find out if Provider has any official massage training. Provider replied to me the he offers “professional” massages services…however, the RMass pics suggest experience at the Deli counter. 🙏
  21. @Jim_n_NYC would we trust immediately trust a member with one post?
  22. Hm…wonder if provider monitors this board. Are moderators able to check?
  23. Search is your friend. Enough info on this provider in other threads to help you decide. Short answer is…yes, worthwhile.
  24. @musclestuduws A bummer, yes. And did I mention the non-stop pings emanating from Fabio’s nearby cell-phone. However, session not as bad as with the UTTERLY TALENTLESS: Marks_Masseur on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com and relaxing_touch on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com Seems that many good-looking guys have realized that m2m massage is EASY, TAX-FREE money with no repercussions for poor service…assisted in part by RMass’s largely fake reviews and policies that discourage adverse reviews. Thank you again to fellow members for their honest input! [end]
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