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  1. Haha
    MikeThomas got a reaction from BuzzLiteQueer in 411 on MatStevens (West Hollywood)   
    Please get him for free and let us know about your experience.
  2. Like
    MikeThomas got a reaction from + azdr0710 in 411 Parker Penn NYC   
    That RM photo is gone and there are now 6 photos instead of 5.
  3. Eye Roll
    MikeThomas reacted to socurious in MichaelV - NYC   
    He isn't that hot to be honest. But to each its own.
  4. Like
    MikeThomas reacted to MaxMuscle9x6 in MichaelV - NYC   
    I’ve met Michael several times.  He is absolutely real, and in my opinion, very handsome.  He has always been polite, considerate and knows when to throw that all out the door when naked.  Fun and adventurous he has never failed on any of the occasions we met.   
  5. Agree
    MikeThomas reacted to Tom Harding in Info on Lewis/UncutJock RM   
    This was your original statement. You are in the wrong. Learn from this.
    (1) Making a broad statement. Off of zero to little interaction on a forum to damage the character of a provider isn’t ok.
    (2) You showed us all how you did not communicate effectively to the provider. He turned you down and your feelings were hurt. 
    (3) You’re now telling others to move on. It’s clear via your messages, you did not move on when Lewis told you NO. You had to text him a day later to call him “dismissive”. A day after commenting on this forum and calling him conceited??? Your interactions do not make sense. 
    No this isn’t a Del Taco. This isn’t a restaurant. This isn’t a typical  “customer service industry”. 
    Therefore you need to learn how to better communicate with providers. You are the person looking for a service. Communicate effectively what you are seeking and maybe your outcomes will be better. 
    Looking at peoples emoji reactions I’m not alone In this thinking!
  6. Agree
    MikeThomas reacted to Dr.Daddy in Info on Lewis/UncutJock RM   
    This is silly. No one is looking for customer service training. This doesn’t make him conceited. Instead, this is a broad overstated conclusion based on a limited interaction where you didn’t like being told no. I wouldn’t weaponize this against the provider. 
  7. Like
    MikeThomas reacted to Tom Harding in Info on Lewis/UncutJock RM   
    Again would love other people’s input. I believe Lewis dodge a bullet with you.
    You are comparing apples and oranges with careers.
    I am not Lewis. I wish I had his physical attributes. This was a thread I created. I received  a notification someone wrote on it. You. I responded to your accusations. I read a lot and do not engage much. I will not accept a person trying to damage someone’s character from one small interaction with such a broad statement. Someone a lot of us here have met and know to be a very nice young man!
  8. Like
    MikeThomas reacted to Tom Harding in Info on Lewis/UncutJock RM   
    First off you said “We’ve been chatting on RM”
    You haven’t been. According to his response you only requested his private pictures. Therefore, you start off with a lie. That’s already concerning.
    He then asks you “what’s up?” and you asks to take his pictures. That’s all. I’m sure Lewis is asked all the time to have his pictures taken. Why do you think he asked for your professional link?
    You did not say - I would like to take your pictures, I’m only an amateur. But, if that doesn’t interest you Lewis, I would love to set up an appointment to meet for a massage or …
    His response was direct to what you asked. “Sorry not interested” and even said “Thanks though” 
    Providers are contacted by multiple people daily. Lewis himself is in school and has a full time job. This isn’t a sales career for him to pitch himself to you. The same with many other providers. So yes providers are busy and do not have the time. 
    You then antagonize him 24hrs later. By asking him “How many people fucked you over to be so dismissive” 
    To be honest, his response afterward was still polite. Why did you need to contact a day later. Especially after commenting on this forum that is was conceited?

    I’m sorry but you are way off. Take accountability. Lewis is not in the wrong here. You need to know how to communicate to providers.
    Would LOVE other people’s opinions on this!
  9. Applause
    MikeThomas got a reaction from Tom Harding in Info on Lewis/UncutJock RM   
    He comes highly recommended by an acquaintance. 
  10. Like
    MikeThomas reacted to caramelsub in Brian Austin   
    He is actually a regular of mine. He identifies as straight, and is gay for pay, so that’s why he doesn’t kiss. If you are local I would highly recommend him. He has an amazing body and very handsome face.
  11. Eye Roll
    MikeThomas got a reaction from builder boy in Brian Austin   
    … and no kissing
  12. Like
    MikeThomas reacted to Capitano in You Favorite Masseurs in Chicago   
    I remember contacting him a while ago.  His rates were insane, so I gave up.  Guys who think of themselves as models often want to charge escort prices for massages that aren't even that sensual.
  13. Like
    MikeThomas reacted to + aeikaryoko in You Favorite Masseurs in Chicago   
    My recommendation goes to Trevor:
  14. Like
    MikeThomas reacted to pubic_assistance in Decriminalized / brothels   
    I've been to Spas in Thailand (that double as brothels) that let you meet all their staff before you choose your "masseur".  I have to say it is very nice to have choices but part of me felt gross as I had obviously rejected so many cute young guys who smiled at me in hopes that I might be their next customer. Not so sure I would do that again, although they are probably numb to any feelings of humiliation after a few days of this custom.
  15. Like
    MikeThomas got a reaction from TorontoDrew in 411 on Loboa in Milwaukee   
    In any event, my regular 5 star guy is back from vacation, so will be meeting with him later this week.  So it all worked out.
  16. Like
    MikeThomas reacted to NJmusclelover in Any update on Alam Wernik in Las Vegas?   
    Texted yesterday to set something up he couldn’t even bother to text a sentence his only reply was “400” I’m not going to bother with someone who can’t Bother to even have a sentence of conversation 
  17. Like
    MikeThomas got a reaction from john1973 in 411 on these Chicago guys   
    Thanks for letting us know!
  18. Applause
    MikeThomas reacted to + Kman in 411 on Loboa in Milwaukee   
    An excellent hire from Milwaukee. I don’t think his pictures do him justice.  
    Like his ad states he is an excellent kisser no doubt.   He did exactly what I wanted…I am pretty vanilla so not a huge shock.  More importantly, I think, he stayed engaged and made me feel like he wanted me there.  
    Also, I think he has changed his name, I want to say it was Lust god or some variation of that.
  19. Like
    MikeThomas got a reaction from + azdr0710 in 411 on these Chicago guys   
    Thanks for letting us know!
  20. Applause
    MikeThomas reacted to Dr.Daddy in Hottest Massage Video Ever?   
    Cross posting, great find from @Firestarter!
    check out this rent masseur advertisement video (https://rentmasseur.com/Tantricfire) who takes squid games to a new level:
  21. Applause
    MikeThomas got a reaction from John Vespa in Mike Mamba - Chicago   
    His rent.men ad…
  22. Like
    MikeThomas reacted to river in Igor_Masseur in NYC   
    In his photos, IMO, he's pretty ripped with 6-packs abs. Currently, no sign of those abs. He's not fat. Just hasn't lost his Covid 15 ibs?
    Btw, he's a great provider. Just not for me because I like very in-shape providers.
  23. Applause
    MikeThomas reacted to PittGuy in Pissing   
    That’s a lot of foreskin…😜
  24. Haha
    MikeThomas got a reaction from + azdr0710 in Versjockchicago   
    There is a photo from his Twitter account of him wearing a tank top on a plane in a middle seat in economy.  That’s just not right.
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