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Everything posted by Phil_musc

  1. But really, everybody looks good in that shade of yellow.
  2. Once I got past the Dancing in the Dark parts, it was okay, but it ended kinda abruptly. There must be more, although given all the electrical difficulties, perhaps something caught on fire and they had to stop filming.
  3. Thanks, Boomer. I was wondering who he was also.
  4. Oh my, I had seen that picture numerous times before along with one where nothing below the waist is concealed by the shirt and I had never had the realization that it was Dallas Steele. Something must be wrong with my eyes or else I was distracted. Thanks for the info.
  5. This is the dictionary definition of Silver Fox and DILF. Definitive. I remember this guy as one half of the Chip and Rocco team. Whatever happened to them?
  6. Where are you? I'm in Philadelphia and it's supposed to be hot and muggy on Monday here. A little splashing around in a pool with some hotties might be just the thing!
  7. Why not place an announcement for the next upcoming orgy swim party here in this very thread? I'm sure several of us would like to come over and mix and mingle with all your hot new friends. We could help with the champagne. Heck, I was a life guard in my youth and I still have my whistle. I could come as a volunteer - just to help out as a public service.
  8. (Sigh) Don't overthink it and enjoy it while you can. These opportunities don't come along very often.
  9. This sounds like a project to undertake during covid times. I think I'd rather go through my closet and get rid of stuff I'll probably never wear again.
  10. Yes! Yes! Please publish soon! During quarantine I've read all my professional journals - all the way back to 1984 - and I am nigh unto desperate for new scholarly writings again. Don't keep me hangin' on! One nice touch I've only recently noticed is how often the initial "customer enters and talks with the masseurs at the reception desk" scene includes a nice crotch shot of the client. I also noticed that. I thought it just lended an aura of authenticity to the video (I mean the reception desk conversation, not the crotch shot, which clearly has its own merits), almost like a disclaimer about the video having been made for educational purposes. PS I would love to read a translation of the dialogue in those scenes (and also of the occasional dialogue in the massage scenes). Oh gosh, is this a job for a young Woodie Allen? Let's add in a dubbing track!
  11. $250 for an incall massage is just too much, even with those incredible blue eyes of his that just pop off the page and into my subconscious. Nevertheless, maybe I'm just feeling generous but isn't it possible that the percentage figures for his straightness/gayness are an effort at humor? In spite of myself, I find that I am charmed. (Also his Rentmen ad lists bisexual as his orientation.)
  12. Oh come on. It isn't that bad - the prostate biopsy, I mean. My first one was unpleasant - the stick was a little bit like a mosquito bite. More of an annoyance than anything else. That said, by the time we were on the eighth sampling, I was feeling pretty tender. By the twelfth sample, I was ready to shoot my doctor - who I really liked. The second biopsy about a year or so ago was much easier - technology had improved markedly. I don't recall feeling anything.
  13. With all due respect, I would say he's a nice looking specimen. Age is irrelevant in the face (and body) of such hotness. I'd be happy to work on his chair. I don't see a bulge in the thigh - I think that's just how he is sitting. Maybe someone can find another picture of him. I am hoping.
  14. Thanks for clarifying me again, Gman! Yeah, sometimes autocorrect just doesn't.
  15. Thanks, Gar1eth. You understood my post exactly. The two guys who have written glowingly about the provider in question are both under 30 according to their respective profiles. It's possible the provider is a great guy with everyone. But until another older gentlemen weighs in, I'd reserve judgment and not go in expecting the same service with a smile. But geez, the provider inquisition does push a lot of my buttons. I'd consider taking a spin (except for covid)
  16. That's probably true. But I do admire those Ikea chairs.
  17. I imagine this is how Liza Minelli must have looked in rehearsals for the chair number in Cabaret. Taking director's notes to get everything just perfect.
  18. Agreed - the prep and the no food part. On the other hand, waking afterwards with the drugs still working is kinda nice.
  19. Sorry you took it that way. What I meant was that I wouldn't take the experience of a 28 year old as an indicator of what to expect. Nothing more than the classic YMMV.
  20. Maybe I'm having a bad day today, but I was really put off by the client's beard in the boyfriend.tv clip.
  21. Landa Goshen! Upper Iowa gets me thinkin' about those good ol' days of extreme Wrasslin' down by the swimmin' hole where the loser gets f-cked. But really, we were just ahead of our time back then, 'cause in those matches there were no losers. Thanks for these great posts!
  22. Maybe the lack of privacy is a part of the fantasy for some. Like the threat of getting "caught." A hint of exhibitionism? But yes, the masseur is definitely hot.
  23. My uro who I think is really cute does a pretty good digital rectal exam (always too short in my opinion), but maybe I should ask about the cystoscopy thing. Your recording, Rudynate, has got me questioning.
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