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Everything posted by Phil_musc

  1. With 2 pictures of the same guy in one post, I felt like I got to know him more in depth. Thank you for the experience. If more were to appear, I would not be disappointed.
  2. Thanks for posting this. I needed a distraction from the news. I also want to get one.
  3. Ok, but once again I need to be brought up to speed on the lingo. What is "P.P.I.E.W.?"
  4. I'd even be willing to overlook all those tattoos if opportunity reared its lovely head. . . .
  5. Yeah yeah yeah - sign me up for one of these! So sensual.
  6. I found this one for you: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e60ed62c4981&pkey=134250381 I especially appreciated that the dialogue was translated into English so that I could follow the plot line and learn some new French phrases to use next time I'm in Montreal.
  7. Yeah, that's a really nothing massage. And yet. . . (thanks for posting it. It's one I think Ill return to for repeat viewing)
  8. Nice pics. I'd guess he's older than his advertised age, not that that would matter to me. I like his look.
  9. Nah, actually I was thinking that's one helluva glory hole in that fence.
  10. I'm just taking a wild guess, but I think it's Jake Genesis. Oh sorry, Boomer, I hadn't seen your answer.
  11. Ok, sign me up for his class. I'll take a spin around those goal posts.
  12. Thanks for the additional Ian Parks pics. I'm a fan also.
  13. Yes yes yes!! And don't stop with just those thighs wrapping around me! Put those arms to use too, please!
  14. Wow! $29.75 for one month?! Seems a little price-y to me.
  15. I agree with scrtlovr on this one - the best part was the running loop of the Chopin Ballade that was the background music. The whole "scenario" was a complete buzzkill for me.
  16. These are not the words that I want to hear, but sadly, I am afraid that you are correct.
  17. Ok, so I've done leg extensions at the gym until infinity and my quads still never looked like this guy's. Sooooo very jealous.
  18. Okay - this guy should have his own thread: "Dimples and Nipples." 2 thumbs enthusiastically up! Also a nominee for the weekly FMRG award.
  19. Isn't this the famous Xerxes of years gone by? Whatever became of him. He was such a beautiful man with a great set of cakes.
  20. Here again, a simple "thumbs up" seems so inadequate. . .
  21. Does he remind anyone else of that show with the brothers who work on rehabbing homes?
  22. Is this a promotional shot for a new series that offers a somewhat different take on The Handmaid's Tail?
  23. Well you know, Rudy, it's just part of the Circle of Life.
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